Should I be annoyed? + some pics.

my very thin friend once said to me. "I dont like telling people they look like they have lost weight because I feel like I was saying they were fat before!"
You have done so well hon...... and congrats on your sons christening..
I think you look like a new, confident different person.. how noone commented is just beyond me..
You look great hon........ and losing 4 stone is a wonderful achievement be proud of yourself as you deserve so much !!!
lotsa love & hugs xx
Oh my goodness, what a difference!! You can especially see it in your face and you have a super waist now too!!

I have the same problem, I've lost over 3 stone now and only 2 people have noticed (well, commented any road!) and it IS disheartening, especially when you're so proud of what you've achieved and you want others to share that achievement and be pleased for you!

All I can say is a good friend of mine said the same as others here, people don't like commenting as they feel they're saying you were big before - but, the way I look at it, I KNOW I was big before!! I hope people say something to you soon, I'd have been disappointed too that no one said anything but I honestly bet they thought it, you look beautiful in those pics!
sod them hun! you look incredible!!!!!!!
wow, well done you look great (loving the hair, looking at changing mine to dark and it looks fab!)

In april a friend I hadn't seen since before cd come round and was like bloody hell Em, you've lost loads of weight

then was in telling hubby OMG have I offended her:rolleyes: like me it's nice! think it spurs you on

well done again