Shrimp's journey!...and this time it's going to be a success

Thank you Carrie. How are you feeling? X
I'm definitely on the mend, back still niggles, and face hurts if I don't hero on top of the pain relief. Hoping antibiotics will work soon. Xxx
Today's stats...
2 x packs
1 x bar

ran 5.5 miles and have dove 18k steps so far
weight today came in at 10st 6lb 6oz...I have broken into the lower 10's

feeling proud
BRILLIANT!!!!!! Thrilled for you Shrimp. I've had a rubbish day steps wise. Didn't realise my fitbit needed charging until 3.30pm!
I hate it when that happens! I came back from my run and felt brilliant. Could of carried on but I was expected home and they panic if I am late back.
Well done Shrimp, that's an excellent day.

10.6 sounds so good, can't wait to be there. That's the weight where I start to feel comfortable with myself x
Thank you Susie I just feel right in the zone and focused. I feel that I am in control and know what I want. I can't remember when I felt this determined before. But it's a good feeling and I want it to last to either my holiday or goal which ever comes first
Just noticed you're almost at goal now. Shouldn't be that long especially if you continue with days like today x
Just noticed you're almost at goal now. Shouldn't be that long especially if you continue with days like today x
Just 8lb to go but it will be the hardest...never got to 9.13 last year. The closest was 10.1.

fingers crossed I get there this time
I'm sure you will. You just seem so determined. :superwoman:
You'll get there Shrimp. I know you will!
Jumped on the scales this morning and I am

10st 5lb 4oz

fingers crossed .... My goal is getting closer
9's 9's 9's

today I have had 2 x shakes and 1 x bar...and about five little bits of pop corn. No running tonight and only 8k steps. But I plan to run tomorrow evening! Can I get any lower than 10st 5lb by Saturday
Its possible Shrimp. 5oz is well achievable so fingers crossed you do it!! x