*Shrinklies**The Everything August Challenge*

hubbys been thumping from our bedroom above.... but i dont care..... im sooo happy, dont know why... but i am
Yeah we do have 2 conversations happening which is confusing at this mad hour o the night. I have to be in the land of nod very soon.
todays been fab.... Im on a high... and i dont know why.
Hey that rhymes. lol
I agree with your oh... When i saw your pic the other day i did think a short choppy shoulder length cut would really suit you. I think you should go for a dramatic change.... new bod...new haircut
Re the hair conversation, i actually have a thick fringe but it's been so long since I've had it cut that it's too long to wear properly. It looked pretty modern before. I was growing my hair for my sisters wedding butthinking about a short do now , thaks
Youll have to post you new hair cut pic 2morrow.
Night night my lovely. Sweet dreams. xxxxxxxx
I'll blame you if it goes wrong. hehehehe

So what an earth has heppened to you? My CDC mentioned some people get bursts of energy and are up late cleaning their homes etc. Do you wanna come over and sort mine out?
Okay you are drunk or this is your hubby mucking about. we said we weren't going to tell anyone about our new found love!!!! come on own up....who is this?