*Shrinklies**The Everything August Challenge*

thanks ss. Does anyone know what the symptoms for swine flu are please as im worried. Prob nothing but im def not feeling 100% at all x
1) We are only on CD for a short time so stick to the plan and we'll get to our goals a lot quicker and cheaper :)
2) Start taking care of yourself, pamper yourself and love who you are now.
3) Lose weight and feel sexy for our husbands/boyfriends. (and for ourselves :) )
4) Stay 100% and get to goal, feel n look better in your jeans.
5) When at goal will begin to look forward to hols and special occassions
7) Feeling in control
8) Wearing what we want
9) Loving ourselves inside and out
Thats a good list really helping me out! Also you don't fail until you stop trying....I don't know they symptoms of swine flu, ring your gp's office and ask they'll know. Hope I don't get it but since oh works at the hospital I prob will, I get the winter vomiting bug every year yukkk. I really need to clean the house today it's pretty bad. My friend is cutting my hair tonight and it'll be nice to catch up, she did ss for 2 weeks and gave up compleatly so it'll be a bit hard to talk about weight loss I dont want to make her feel bad. I'm so lazy I only got up an hour ago lol need to eat now ttul!!
Daisy, sorry we crossed post so i've only just seen your post. I know loads with swine flu but no idea what the symptoms are. I was only just asking my other half as he's sick. I'd ring the helpline or nhs direct..... tell them your symtoms and they'l tell you over the phone if it's likely to be swine flu. You'll need to be quanentined (can't spell) for 5 days before you can get tested. Hope you're okay hun. You poor Shrinklie xxx

........note to slef:

stay focused
don't pick
drink water
have early night
need to stay motivated
think about my goals

God why am i finding cd so hard at the moment!!!!!!! I'm still on track so far today......but i fear i'll be glued to this all night to stop the food demons getting closer. x
Light bulb just flicked on for me as to why I'm so stuck at the moment. It's because I've acheived so much of what I wanted when i first started cd. It's quite amazing to read through my lists of goals and events and thoughts and see how much i'm passed that now. So I have a new list of goals to aim for and a very long list of events from September.

My new goals are :
To be in the 8's (stones)
To be a small size 10 or even a real size 8
To get to goal asap
To start 1200 & 1500

Feeling better after knocking it all out on my diary and getting things straight in my head. Nothing tastes as good as slim feels xxx (yeah not sure about that :) )
Sunshine you've done it so their prob part of your mind saying i'm done now let me eat whatever I want!!! whats whats been happening to me except i'm not done and it's not as simple as that ever. I'm totally depressed today i'm watching charmed and the house is such a mess grr but at least i'm following the diet. Feel scared to eat so much but then again I just tell myself to enjoy what I can have and the weight will come off eventually. I was reading a magazine and they had some ppl who had lost the same amount of weight I want to loose also the same height and I just went wow i'm only 15lbs off that i'd be crazy to go off track now. I used to be 14 stone and have lost 3 (took me 3yrs lol) but still i've kept it off and this is the last mile but why is it so hard? grrr
It's tough isn't it but hey we can do this. I know, i'm being so lazy today. Not feeling the best but so need to be doing housework and instead i'm waffling on here loads and watching crap tv! I've just been so busy i want to chill out. It just means I'll have to do it all later xxx

There must be something in the iar as so many peeps are felling down. Could be the awful weather, it's grey and hasn;t stopped raining all day x
Afternoon Shrinks,

How we doing? I'm home early - had to rescue my car from the garage after failing its MOT :(. Never mind, it's fixed now though.

Was just reading my horoscope there and thought I'd copy it for us all as I think we can all relate to it!

People are forever making pronouncements. They say things like, 'Right, that's it. From now on I am not going to do this any more, I am going to do that instead.' They say it, they mean it and yet... Well, we are all creatures of habit. We can make as many new beginnings as we like - but, unless we sustain our commitment, we soon slip back into the old routine. Disappointments and difficulties make us particularly prone to losing the focus. You have to decide now, whether you want the comfort of familiarity or the thrill of success.

Don't know about all of you, but I want the thrill of success!
'You have to decide now, whether you want the comfort of familiarity or the thrill of success.'

That is the most brilliant line oh my god Thez......I love it! You're sounding great xxx
I need to rant and need some help

Hi Shrinklies,
Sorry havennt been here for a couple of days but been back to work and im on a late shift :sigh:
Where do i start???? I have has the day from hell and i am sooooo angry:mad: Had a massive argument with a fellow manager who went running to the director. Now i am the sort of person that stands her ground yet what did i do..... I sobbed uncontrolably:cry::cry::cry:
I was a wreck, completely lost it what an idiot:(
We were then falsed to go and have an extended lunch in a pub and talk things over. I was really proud of myself because i stuck to water and didnt eat at all:):) i was sooo close but didnt do it.

Anyway we talked it through, i come home feeling drained, emotional, sick, headache and hungry. I start to empty my kids lunch box so i can make their lunch for tomorrow and i see a bag of open crisps 1/3 full, so what do i do.... i eat it :mad::cry::(
I am sooooo disappointed with myself. I didnt cave in at all at lunch time yet i cave in to a pkt of bloody crisps!!!!
Now i am starving really need food and cant stop crying.
Not sure if i can do this anymore. I hate being fat but i am so miserable at the moment :(
Sorry to moan guys, could really do with some friends as my husband is away as well
Dione -don't feel :break_diet:we're all here for you - I expect if I'd had a day like yours (did have a similar one yesterday - so glad CDC upped cals) - I'd have done exactly the same.... Are you SS? Perhaps you'd be better suited to a different level - 810 or 1000?? The weight loss would still happen honey and we'd all be here to support you x x x
Thanks Mini,
Yes i am on SS.I have thought about doing 810 but i am so scared i wont lose the weight i need to in the time i need to :( God i need to slap myself accross the face. Cany stop crying x
Honey - don't cry - we're here for you... The first 3 weeks of SS for me were terrible - and now if I do have a very small meal I can get straight back to it.... Honestly it does get easier and it is not forever x x x You've had such a rotten day no wonder you're emotional x x x
Oh gosh, Dione, I can so relate to how you're feeling - in fact, I'm sure many of us here can.

I've just come back from my counselling session and it just reinforces how strong my emotional link to food is. You've just described the classic too - feeling bad, eat, feeling better (for 2 minutes!), then feeling bad again. I had a blip like this yesterday and I think the great thing is that you're aware of why you ate. The trick (well, certainly for me!) is to think about how I can deal with those types of situations that would usually drive me to comfort eat in another way. I haven't got the answers yet (and I promise to put them on a postcard when I do!) but I think we're a step or two along the road just by recognising that we're doing it.

For me, I think it's about acknowledging the feelings and not suppressing them by eating. Once I do that, I'll be able to work out how to deal with them - I hope!

Don't dwell on the cloudy bit of what's happened today, hun, but do think about why you chose the food as the way to cope and what other ways you could have considered. I'm beginning to realise that I'm so hard on myself that things I didn't consider coping strategies are just that and dealing with conflict situations doesn't always mean having an all out battle with someone!

Anyway, I ramble. (What's new, I hear you cry!) Keep smiling, Dione, and keep leaning on the Shrinklies - that's what we're all here for xxx
I might put that in my sig........ its brilliant. I read it to oh who looked at me like i had 3 heads lol xxx

So glad you liked it Sunshine! It made complete sense to me, so maybe I have 3 heads too! lol x
Thelma & Mini thank you so much for listening.
I flt physically drained, headache, which caused me to feel hungry and i suppose i thought food would make me feel better but it didn;t :(
Guess im stilllearning about myself. Oh well its pointless beating myself up as its not going to change everything. I need to find the old happy me again as the depressing me is making me ill :(
Honey - it takes time - emotions are a powerful thing.... I think as a society we all turn to food for comfort - when things are going bad, friends suggest chocolate and wine - when they're good - its chocolate and wine - like me I used to reward myself with food and am slowly........ very slowly trying to get out of the habit! We're all here for support honey - you're not alone x x x
do you know what and believe me i am laughing now. I did the stupid thing of then getting on the scales tonight and ive lost a pitiful1lb......1lb???? i could have done that on WW. My WI is on Thurs and i feel really disheartened as i was really hoping for the 4lb mark lol what am i likexx
Dione you are soooooooo like me - that's what I thought the weeks I only lost 2lb - I was losing that on rosemary conley - but tbh the inches didn't come off as fast as they have on CD.... so remember if the scales don't move the inches def do!!! Step away from the scales until WI... x x x