Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hi Lily,

I wouldnt worry to much about thinking the children could be removed. Children are only removed in this country for very very serious levels of abuse. Social services work with families as much as possible to keep the children in the family. IMHO kids are removed far too late in this country and things have to be very dire before kids are removed. When my kids were found they had been alone so long one of them was barely alive. Dont feel you cannot say what you see. What professionals make of what you see is over to them and thier job. If neighbours hadnt have turned a blind eye my children wouldnt have suffered as much as they did.

Saying that I have been on the end of a child protection investigation myself but social workers see the truth. We had a problem with a neighbour and her wheelie bins being left on our garden all week. We had to contact the council and she told me she would get me back. The next day social services called me to say there had been an allegation that she had seen me hitting my daughter!!! They had to come out and do a visit but can you imagine how frighteneing that was for my daughter who had been removed from her birth family and had nearly died at the hands of her birth mother. They had to interview her and that child went through hell in the week leading up as she was so frightened she wouldnt be believed and taken away.It all ended ok but it wasnt the nicest of experiences.

We are still having problems with them. We put a mirror up with three drill holes needed in the wall it was 25 past 7 and after less than one minute of drilling she came round and told us we have to stop immediately. I told her we had less than 2 minutes of drilling and would not stop and she flouced off and said, I know how to get you back! I wont be intimidated though, i've nothing to hide.
So you are not alone Lily, many of us have neighbour difficulties xx
Well done on the loss Lily :)

Personally I'd just smack the silly b*tch :D
Hi Lily,

I wouldnt worry to much about thinking the children could be removed. Children are only removed in this country for very very serious levels of abuse. Social services work with families as much as possible to keep the children in the family. IMHO kids are removed far too late in this country and things have to be very dire before kids are removed. When my kids were found they had been alone so long one of them was barely alive. Dont feel you cannot say what you see. What professionals make of what you see is over to them and thier job. If neighbours hadnt have turned a blind eye my children wouldnt have suffered as much as they did.

Saying that I have been on the end of a child protection investigation myself but social workers see the truth. We had a problem with a neighbour and her wheelie bins being left on our garden all week. We had to contact the council and she told me she would get me back. The next day social services called me to say there had been an allegation that she had seen me hitting my daughter!!! They had to come out and do a visit but can you imagine how frighteneing that was for my daughter who had been removed from her birth family and had nearly died at the hands of her birth mother. They had to interview her and that child went through hell in the week leading up as she was so frightened she wouldnt be believed and taken away.It all ended ok but it wasnt the nicest of experiences.

We are still having problems with them. We put a mirror up with three drill holes needed in the wall it was 25 past 7 and after less than one minute of drilling she came round and told us we have to stop immediately. I told her we had less than 2 minutes of drilling and would not stop and she flouced off and said, I know how to get you back! I wont be intimidated though, i've nothing to hide.
So you are not alone Lily, many of us have neighbour difficulties xx

Thanks for the info Lucia, I did think this morning might take a bit more than what i see and hear before they took the kids, but to be fair I am sick of sitting back and having her preach about what a great mother she is cos she took them to the fair or bought them this or that gift, but forgets that saturday sunday and often at least 1 night in the week she doesn't even have them there they go to family memebers not even their dads and when they are there she screams so loud and so agressively that I am shocked at how vehement she can be.
What the person said to me this morning just made me sit and think about what I have put up with for 3 years (she was fine before her long term boyfriend dumped her but since then she's on a self destruct mission and willing to take anyone along with her as she sees fit, it seems) and watched those kids from the time they were tiny going through with what she does and I am now thinking enough...I have tried talking to her and have got a lot of lip service sorry's but nothing ever changes so enough is enough.
I am a nice person but don't rub me up the wrong way, takes a lot to push me over the edge and she has finally done it xxxx

Well done on the loss Lily :)

Personally I'd just smack the silly b*tch :D

Thank you hun xx
Oh you don't know how much I really want to, but I am a canny person Tilly, I never ever do what people expect of me cos they will be prepared for it, and I think she will be prepared so I'll take another route, I am going to keep a file and video if I can for as long as I feel necessary and then the right official will get it all xxx
Well done on the loss Lily :)

Personally I'd just smack the silly b*tch :D

:giggle: a gal after my own heart hahaha!!

Morning Lily


hope you managed to get some sleep last night hunny
and I think your right to keep a diary of event's in this case
you shouldn't have to sit back and ignore her behaviour and in
this day and age when people are queuing for housing I actually think that people who cause disruption to other neighbours like that should be struck off the housing list and only be housed in hostels
Morning sweetie, the funny thing if you can call it funny, is that when she first moved in with her boyfriend she was as quiet as a church mouse, never heard her, told us that she had been evicted from her last house cos of the noise...thought it was strange cos we'd heard sod all for 2 years, then the boyfriend left her and omg over night she has turned into a F***ing devil, I have been on few benders in my life and got drunk and beyond drunk, but I have a never seen anyone as drunk as she gets 3 maybe 4 times a week, definitely on self destruct, not that I care but I don't like seeing her kids going through what they do, the eldest is 15 year old boy but has some learning difficulties and has the mentality of a 10 year old and the little girl is 8 and so sweet, what worries me most is that they'll grow up just like her. Mind you seeing her parents you can tell why she is the way she is, my grandkids went to the 8 year olds birthday party a few years back, opposite Waitrose in South Harrow and the grandparents thought it was the done thing to get ratar*ed at her 5th Birthday party, so all the adults were off their heads, I left with my grandkids after an hour, pretty can people do that, turn a kids party into a drinking party for the adults, that makes me so bloody angry.
Anyways I will get off my soapbox and go sort out my positives for today :giggle:, hope all goes well for you today sweetie xxxxx
Ok so positives for today:

1) I had a good sleep, woke with a headache but have shaken that off and am now nearly raring to go :giggle:
2) I love my minimin friends to bits, you're all just so special (and before anyone says it, I don't mean in the window licking way either :8855: :8855:)
3) My lovely daughter just rang and has offered to go finish my shopping for me, so I can concentrate on what needs to be done here...god I love my kids xx
4) I feel so happy and really excited, can't wait for Christmas just 3 days to go :woohoo:
5) I have a nutcase of a husband who my daughter tells me has spent over £500 on me for Christmas :eek: and when I tackled him and asked him why, he said cos you're worth every penny and more, which made me :cry: and is again now as I am typing it, god I love that man ...don't know what I did to deserve my lot but hope I'm still doing it :giggle:

Happy Thursday everyone, hope you all have a lovely lovely day :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Tilly, I am still nearly raring to go but have to add one more positive to todays list.
My lovely lovely daughter just rang me up and said sorry mum couldn't get everything you needed but got most of it, just 4 things I still need to get, then asked me how much she owed me, her hubby was sposed to get paid last Friday but they only paid him today :argh:, so I leant her the money to finish off her shopping. So he got paid today and that's why she ahs popped out to do mine, so i told her how much it was and told her to take the money I owed her for today's shopping off that (It was £400 that she borrowed) and todays shopping came to close on £60, with that she said nah it's ok...I said what do you mean, she said i'll pay for your shopping, you're always helping me out and Si got a good bonus so it's my little extra treat to you and dad :eek: I was totally gobsmacked, so didn't have to get the shopping and don't have to pay for it either :woohoo:, darn it should have made the list bigger :giggle:

Tilly, I can't wait for Christmas, I just spoke to my step granddaughter that's coming over later today and there's me being all excited and she's was just so matter of fact :8855: ...she's 6 going on 40 lol
And after I put the phone down I was thinking exactly that, I will take pics of whatever he bought, now this year we have done each other a christmas stocking as we don't open main pressies till after dinner ...don't think I'll be showing you what's in that one ;), but I am so excited about the main pressies might just have to have dinner at 6am :giggle: although my girls usually give me a large glass of something Christmas day (they know it doesn't take much to get me off my trolley) and then stand there saying, Mum can we open the pressies now we know we haven't had dinner but can we?? and my usual answer is do whatever you like *hic* *hic* :8855: :8855:
Have a lovely day hun , I really should get dressed and tidy up shouldn't I? :giggle: xxxxxxxxx
Hey everyone, I need to sleep so I will be off now for tonight as I need matchsticks to stay awake lol....been out getting last few bits for xmas plus visiting since 7.45am and have just literally walked in the door and it's 16.45pm...I have walked and walked and my legs are aching like mad but I feel exhilarated ....saw my brother tonight for the first time in about 6 months and he said hi Skinny and I replied hello Fatso :giggle: I really think for the first time in my life that I can remember since we were kids I am smaller than him...:woohoo: and just to rub it in I told him so :8855: had to be done lol
Was nice paying him a visit got 6 very expensive bottles of wine ...lovely jubbly that'll see us through Xmas :8855: *hic*
We also booked a table for 14 of us and we are going out for a meal to a lovely local restaurant and then back to Kelly's to celebrate New Years, I don't actually remember the last time I went out on New Years Eve and then partied after, with the few friends that we've invited back after for drinks, shoulod be a lovely evening am really looking forwards to it.
Hope you've all had a lovely day.
Catch you soon my lovely friends :bighug: xxxxxx
Positives for today,

1)Up early out, by 7.30 in Morrisons got the last few bits and home before 9am.
2) Finished Christmas visits by 16.30pm can now relax about that.
3) House is spotlessly clean
4) Mark has cooked a lovely stew type dinner with his own version of Pigs in Blankets and Roast Potatoes, smells delicious and the sauce (all SW friendly) he has made is to die for.
5) Kirsty and Mark out tonight so Me, Mal, Kelsi and Kia are having a fun night together with lots of lovely snacks and drinkies and games...can't wait

We are all very excited about it being just a day or so before Santa makes his call to us...I'm pretty certain we've been good this year xxxxx
awww Lily have a fabby evening with your lovely family. New Years Eve sounds good. We never go anywhere New Years Eve but wondering about going up to see MIL this year so that she is not alone :D we will see.

Really loving all the positives :D :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Was having a fun evening and was just about to doze off to sleep, when the barsteward next door decides to have another party. quarter past midnight on goes the loud music, screaming shouting ...I am at my wits end...woke my grandkids and they are still up, tried ringing the enviromental health that are supposed to be on call till 1am on a friday and let it ring till nearly 12.45 and no answer.
It's now 2.10 in the morning and the music is deafening, grandkids are still awake and I am close to tears, and no one will do anything.Police won't do a thing and can't get the enviromental health...I swear if it goes on much longer I am getting close to losing it competely.
I am eating sh*t because I am angry and tired too.
The way i feel now if I heard someone murdering her I'd ignore them, and that's not me at all...I am at my wits end, close on 3 years of this...I dread every weekend and I am now beginning to dread Christmas and even just weekdays.
I can fully understand why a neighbour would murder or hurt another neighbour...I am so tired and stressed I feel I could right now.
Still I suppose there are positives in everything and mine in this situation is that I haven't gone and beat the living daylights out of her or worse and I'm not at this moment in time going to be spending Christmas in prison :wave_cry:
Lily42uk said:
Was having a fun evening and was just about to doze off to sleep, when the barsteward next door decides to have another party. quarter past midnight on goes the loud music, screaming shouting ...I am at my wits end...woke my grandkids and they are still up, tried ringing the enviromental health that are supposed to be on call till 1am on a friday and let it ring till nearly 12.45 and no answer.
It's now 2.10 in the morning and the music is deafening, grandkids are still awake and I am close to tears, and no one will do anything.Police won't do a thing and can't get the enviromental health...I swear if it goes on much longer I am getting close to losing it competely.
I am eating sh*t because I am angry and tired too.
The way i feel now if I heard someone murdering her I'd ignore them, and that's not me at all...I am at my wits end, close on 3 years of this...I dread every weekend and I am now beginning to dread Christmas and even just weekdays.
I can fully understand why a neighbour would murder or hurt another neighbour...I am so tired and stressed I feel I could right now.
Still I suppose there are positives in everything and mine in this situation is that I haven't gone and beat the living daylights out of her or worse and I'm not at this moment in time going to be spending Christmas in prison :wave_cry:

Omg huge hugs xxxxxxxxx
She sounds a lot like my neighbours. It's not all the time but when they have parties, it's fairly quiet til about 2am when they turn the music up full blast. They're always arguing and slamming doors which can be a bit of a shock in the middle of the night when your woken by screaming and doors slamming. The positive for me is having two teenagers who I encourage to be noisy :D

In case I don't get chance to pop back later, have a lovely Christmas :xmascheers:

Morning everyone, well just after I wrote that last night, the party was over with her screaming at everyone to f*ck off out of her house and never come back, I have to say I echo that sentiment.
I am knackered got a mountain of things to do and prepare and right now can't be asked, Grandkids...Kelsi has gone to have her nails done with Kirsty, she will sleep well tonight as she has had about the same amount of sleep as me (4 hours), and Kia is still asleep for 5 more minutes cos she gets ill with no sleep and she was still awake at gone 3am bless her.
All I can say is thank god I am off to Kelly's tomorrow and wont be back till Tuesday and then off to kelly's again next Saturday and not back till Monday...I know I'll get some rest there only because her noisy neighbours go home to Portugal every Christmas and New Year yayyyy

Anyways my lovely lovely friends...I hope you all have the best Christmas ever and I will try and pop in tomorrow if I get 5 mins but I doubt it, so see you in a few days.....

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, HOPE IT'S A REALLY GOOD ONE :hug99: :Christmas02r: :109: :4616: :47: :xmastree: :smiley1842: :xmascheers:
