Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

I was only kidding hun :D Loved the back pedaling though :)

You wasn't kidding :giggle: and I wasn't back pedaling :giggle:, I'm just too lazy to list everyone that I want there ...not cos I don't love ya all :D;););):D

damn- sorry- i thought i was your adopted niece *blush*

well then- happy new year mum :p

and no good lucks to you either- you don't need it. but sending lots of positive energies and happy thoughts so you don't have any struggles in the year to come :)

and i am sosososososo looking forward to meeting you- seriously. if i am meant to be working that day- i am totally taking the day off! this is no.1 priority :D heehee

You my lovely can be my adopted whatever you want to be :hug99:...I am sooooo looking forward to meeting you all, you're all just amazing and thanks for the positive thoughts hunm we are going to do it this year I can feel it :bighug: xxx

You're welcome to join us too-the more the merrier x I'm doing the half marathon for Macmillan so it's all in a good cause xx

It would be lovely to have a minimins convention at the marathon meet :hug99: xxxxx
Morning Lily x

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:wavey: morning twin :D hope you got a good nights sleep. Weather here is dire. Horrible horrible day glad kids don't go back until tomorrow :D grumpy pair have gone to work so its all very nice here today :D have a good day huni xxxxxx

Hey sweetie,
Had a carp nights sleep, had a small peel on my foot last night and it was very sore and hot, but not as bad as normal so that's a positive.
Weather is absolutely awful, my garden looks like WW3 has happened, everything is blown everywhere. Glad they got it right though cos they said it would clear up and be sunny by early afternoon and hey presto here's the sun :giggle: :hug99:
Glad your miseries have gone back, now just got to find a job for Mal and I'll be really happy, can't have him at home anymore ...retiring shouldn't be allowed for men xxx:8855: xxx

Morning Lily x

Afternoon lovely, hope you're having a lovely positve day, despite the weather xxx:hug99:xxx

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Morning Lily

just a quick flying visit
so many diaries so little time ;)

Hey sweetie, tell me about it and I am one of these people that has to know everything that's gone on...I think that's got a name hasn't it ? ah yeah it's called being nosey hahaha :8855:
Hope you're having a lovely positive day hun :hug99: xxx
My positives for today:

1) After a carp night sleep cos my psoriasis flared up last night I am happy that it was just a minor one and is calming down already
2) Woke late and missed breakfast, but had some of the Authentic Moroccan Soup I made last night, for lunch today, it was absolutely delicious and just right for today's weather.
3) Jumped on the scales and was expecting a big gain after everything I have shoved down my gob this week and it says only plus 2.5lb I am astounded :eek: and very happy although I will wait for the official wi tonight to confirm it
4) Officially started out 6st loss countdown thread today, won't say good luck as I don't think we need it but will say well done in advance and so excited about this one as when I complete this I will have less than 2st to go to target :woohoo:

Have a lovely positive day everyone :bighug: xxxxx
I did a very drastic thing this week, didn't want to say anything (superstitious) as I thought if I did it might jinx it but I took a chance and it's paid off (well we'll see if it really does but fingers crossed for now it's got the desired result).
Me and Mal and all my kids gave up smoking on 19th March 2010 (me after 45 years nearly and was on 50+ ciggies day at the end), the only ones still not smoking are me and Kelly daughter no:1.
Mal, Kirsty and Mark have all tried time and again and I know how hard it is but I also know the damage they do (the last 8 years I smoked I had bronchitis from October to April/May the following year, every year) and so I want them all to give up, and also because to be honest I really can't stand the smell, it's the most revolting thing I have ever smelt in my life and I totally apologise to anyone that I inflicted that smell upon in the past. There are other reasons why I want them to give up, like my granddaughter is an acute asthmatic, she is constantly in hospital on the high dependency unit because of it, but these episodes seem to have dwindled a lot since her mum and I gave up (it has been proven that even when you smoke outside the house and away from everyone, the second you come back and are in the same room as them again after having a smoke you will emit carbom monoxide fumes for a further 20-30 minutes after), so even though they don't smoke in the house or around my granddaughter, the very fact that they are then in the same room as her within a few minutes means they may just have smoked around her in the first place.
But the main reason I want Mal especially to give up is the awful hacking cough and how he struggles to breath with even a small amount of exertion. This is constant, morning,noon and through the night and he keeps promising to try and give up and then either doesn't bother, or gives up and then buys ciggies or bacca and hides them from me thinking I won't smell it on him, or just doesn't bother to even try. Well I got really fed up with the lack of trying, Mal can be like that with everything if left to get away with it, so I told him last week for as long as he doesn't try then i am not going to try and lose weight, I will eat what I want and won't give a damn cos if he can kill himself smoking I can do the same eating...I really believe he didn't think I would do it, so this week I did, it was the most disgusting thing i have ever done, it's made me feel really sick and bloated, but it has finally worked, phew, he smoked his last ciggie today and says he will try if I go back to my weight loss plan...:woohoo: not sure I could have stuck it out any longer so I am even more happy now and I really can't wait to get back on plan and lose the excess weight gained and loads more, I just hope I don't have to resort to such drastic tactics again, but I was at my wits end and just did the 1st thing that came into my head :eek: :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
so glad your gamble paid off lovely. here's hoping Mal will be able to kick the habit now :) xx

hey hun' I know Mal so it wasn't really a gamble :p, the only gamble was how long he would take to give in :D. I hope he stays off them, the coughing is so bad it's scary now xxx:hug99: xxx
You're welcome to join us too-the more the merrier x I'm doing the half marathon for Macmillan so it's all in a good cause xx

Thanks. I don't have to run do I :eek:

Afternoon Lily

It's windy here and is getting worse. I don't know how much longer the fence will stay up cos it's swaying. It's next doors so until they fix my dogs will be in their garden :)

Good luck to Mal. And even more good luck to you cos he'll be a right moody sod :rolleyes:
Thanks. I don't have to run do I :eek:

Afternoon Lily

It's windy here and is getting worse. I don't know how much longer the fence will stay up cos it's swaying. It's next doors so until they fix my dogs will be in their garden :)

Good luck to Mal. And even more good luck to you cos he'll be a right moody sod :rolleyes:

Is it only in London that it all seems to have died down a lot then, windy but nowhere near as bad as this morning :eek:, good hope your dogs do their do daas in their garden, lots, might make them think about fixing it, unless of course their garden is like some I could mention where you wouldn't notice any difference :giggle:
Thanks hun, but as I said to Mal when he said the same thing, will I actually notice any difference :8855: :8855: xxxx:hug99:xxxx
Haven't got time to finish catching up on everyone's diary, got to go get ready for wi, so will catch you all laters :bighug: xxxxxxx
Hey lily. Just read about the eating/smoking stand off.

Well done you!!!!

I've never smoked but mum and most of family were. Thankfully it put me right off!!!!

Hope weigh in went ok for you this eve. I'm dreading tomorrow.
Happy New Year Lily:) Good luck to hubby!! Love your positive/wish list:)
I'm going to come and have a look at the 6stone challenge is there room for one more? It sounds just what i need to keep me on track.xx
Hope weigh in was good to you Lily :) xxx
Well done Lily and not too much damage to yourself either :)

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Thanks Lisa xxx
wow re Mal :eek: fantastic I have everything crossed it works for him. Lily sounds stupid but get him to listen to the chillpod once or twice a day as I truely think it will help him to make this permanent :D

good luck at WI xxxxxxxxx

I will try and get him to listen but he's not so open minded about these things as we are, if not I'll just have to shoot him, his choice :giggle: ...(I am only joking :D...or am I:rolleyes:)
Thanks hun will tell you all about WI in a mo...collectively lol xxx

good luck for wi.

and i have my fingers crossed for Mal :fingerscrossed:

I remember my parents giving up smoking i was about 15 they were really grumpy:eek:

hope its not to bad for you both xxxx

Mal has tried to give up smoking loads of times and now it has gotten to the "he really needs to give up" stage before he contracts emphysema, if he hasn't already.
As for his grumpiness I doubt I'd notice a difference and I will continue to do what I do now when he's grumpy and that's ignore him or laugh at him xxxx

Hey lily. Just read about the eating/smoking stand off.

Well done you!!!!

I've never smoked but mum and most of family were. Thankfully it put me right off!!!!

Hope weigh in went ok for you this eve. I'm dreading tomorrow.

Good for you for never smoking hun, wish I'd never started, but really proud of myself for giving them up and dieting all at the same time.
I'm sure you'll be just fine at wi hun xxx

Happy New Year Lily:) Good luck to hubby!! Love your positive/wish list:)
I'm going to come and have a look at the 6stone challenge is there room for one more? It sounds just what i need to keep me on track.xx

Thanks hun, Happy new year to you too :new_year: I was thinking of other positives that I wanted to add to my 2012 list today, but I can't remember what they are :8855:
Definitely room for another member of the 6st challenge for sure xxx:hug99: xxx

Hope weigh in was good to you Lily :) xxx

Hey Tanya wi was as good as I could have hoped for in the circumstances, I am actually quite relieved it wasn't more it sure deserved to be lol, but it got my point across...thankfully and I will lose what I gained quite quickly I am sure, I came straight in from wi and have done 90 mins of exercise, just had some food giving it an hour or so and then I am off to do some more xxx

Anyway, my scales said this morning I had gained 2.5lbs, but this was before I ate or drank anything or got dressed and as we all know you weigh heavier at night than in the morning so my gain was in fact 5lb, I know some of you will be saying :eek: but I am really happy with that, it was worth it and I know I will get that off within the next 2 weeks no problem. It does mean that's it's another 5 lbs added to some of my challenges, but that's what challenges are there for and I won't let it beat me .
There have been times in the past when I have gained undeservedly and I have been upset, but I knew this was coming was expecting more and am glad it was less than I expected.
The positives are I am still under 20st, I am still just under 12st less than I was and for that I am really really happy next week I predict I will lose that 5lb and if I have my way another lb at least on top xxxxxxxxx
You're a brave lady to have done what you did this week. I'm very pleased to hear that Mal has decided to quit smoking..

5 lbs gain is nothing if that's the price of him quitting to smoke. And I know you will work it off in a week! X