Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Well worth it and will be all gone very soon :)

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i've said to a few people- as long as you enjoyed yourself, that's all that matters. the gain is kinda worth it then.

for me personally, because i dont like xmas, and i dont do anything big for new year, i wasnt wanting a gain- i didnt want to do anything worthy of one, if that makes sense.

but you'll soon get that off, for sure! as long as you're still in the "teens" and even if you werent, you soon would be. watch for a nice big loss next week- especially with the amount of body magic you're doing!!!

talking of BM- im uber motivated after watching the biggest loser. ok, i cant lose a stone in a week, but i can do a lot of body magic to lose the pounds :) i still want to get my 10 stone award by my bday- i want that £100 off my dad!!! heehee
You're a brave lady to have done what you did this week. I'm very pleased to hear that Mal has decided to quit smoking..

5 lbs gain is nothing if that's the price of him quitting to smoke. And I know you will work it off in a week! X

Well worth it and will be all gone very soon :)

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i've said to a few people- as long as you enjoyed yourself, that's all that matters. the gain is kinda worth it then.

for me personally, because i dont like xmas, and i dont do anything big for new year, i wasnt wanting a gain- i didnt want to do anything worthy of one, if that makes sense.

but you'll soon get that off, for sure! as long as you're still in the "teens" and even if you werent, you soon would be. watch for a nice big loss next week- especially with the amount of body magic you're doing!!!

talking of BM- im uber motivated after watching the biggest loser. ok, i cant lose a stone in a week, but i can do a lot of body magic to lose the pounds :) i still want to get my 10 stone award by my bday- i want that £100 off my dad!!! heehee

Thanks ladies, unfortunately I hated every second of it, it made me feel so ill like I was before I started to lose the weight, I had a gassy and very upset tummy, felt sick, had a headache and was generally feeling unwell and I felt more than anything so darn fat....I was praying that he would believe me and he did fortunately, very drastic I know but well worth it if it means he stays off them and with me for a few more years, I will not sit back and watch him kill himself anymore and thankfully he won't with me either....a few months ago I put on 5lb due to upping my steroids and got that off fairly quickly so I knew I could do it but my point was to make him realise how serious I you may well have gathered now I will go to any lengths for people I love, but thank god I didn't have to do it for any longer cos I think I may well have caved in.
As for motivation, I have never felt as motivated in my life as I do right now and I will complete all challenges + the extra 5lb and that my friends is a promise !!! xxxxxxxx
Today's menu:

Got up really late so missed it :eek:
Coffee 1.5syns
Water 1 pint

Authentic Moroccan Soup
Water 1 pint

2 x 60% Morrisons fat free Sausages 1 syn
2 x Rashers Bacon all fat removed
2 x Poached Eggs
100g Homefries 2 syns
Tomatoes (tinned and fresh)
Baked Beans
2 x Bread from 400g loaf (Hexb)
Light spread 2 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

2 x Yoghurts 1 syn
Milky Coffee (Hexa)
Water 1 pint

3 hours exercise and 3 pints of water

Total for today = 9 syns

Total for week = 9/105
Hi Lily,

You sound like your a 1000% back on plan!! You will soon loose the little gain! :)

I might come and join the 6 stone thread if that ok? That is what I have set myself as a target for this year!

Sounds a lot but I lost 3 stone in less than 6 months, so I am up for the challenge!!

Would I be ok to join? I do t want to hate crash?! :-/ xxxxx

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whooo whooo Lily is back :D and reckon it'll be a big loss this week Lily :D

sorry to see your foot was bad again. I read it yesterday but I have an awful habit of reading stuff then when I comment I go blank and forget what I was going to say, must make me look so uncaring sometimes. I am scatty :8855: but you knew that didn't you huni?

Play the chillpod as hes asleep in theory he'll still hear it :8855:

Gary doesn't believe in the chillpods, he looks at me as if I am stupid ie how can you lose weight you just ate a cadburys hero.... I mean open your eyes Gary you plank I ate ONE hero not the box :rolleyes: :8855: he can't see it :rolleyes: but hey hes male :giggle:
Jackie NOBODY thinks your not caring xxx

Morning Lily :)

Have a great day x

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Gary doesn't believe in the chillpods, he looks at me as if I am stupid ie how can you lose weight you just ate a cadburys hero.... I mean open your eyes Gary you plank I ate ONE hero not the box :rolleyes: :8855: he can't see it :rolleyes: but hey hes male :giggle:

Men Meh!! :rolleyes:

Afternoon Lily

sorry to hear the foot is sore again
but whoo hoo to the motivation Lily

Hi Lily,

You sound like your a 1000% back on plan!! You will soon loose the little gain! :)

I might come and join the 6 stone thread if that ok? That is what I have set myself as a target for this year!

Sounds a lot but I lost 3 stone in less than 6 months, so I am up for the challenge!!

Would I be ok to join? I do t want to hate crash?! :-/ xxxxx

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Hey Cinta, you are right I am sooo back on plan, I lost a bit of my mojo at the end of last year (when Kirsty and Mark called off the wedding I lost my incentive) and faffed about a bit, but I have a new incentive, the meet at silverstone is my 1st one, my 1st holiday in august since 1996 and the 6st Christmas/new year target, they have really given me a reason to fight this weight and I will do it and some!!
Oh and of course you can join Cinta, you don't even have to ask honey xxx:hug99:xxx

whooo whooo Lily is back :D and reckon it'll be a big loss this week Lily :D

Yep I am back and I will lose it all and another pound on top just to show it I am not buckling.
sorry to see your foot was bad again. I read it yesterday but I have an awful habit of reading stuff then when I comment I go blank and forget what I was going to say, must make me look so uncaring sometimes. I am scatty :8855: but you knew that didn't you huni?
No hun I would never think you were uncaring cos I know for sure you're not, but like me my lovely twin you are as scatty as a box of crackers at times and I do believe, cos of course we are twins, that like me, that's because you have so many fingers in so many pies as it were that you go into overload, again like me, now there's a surprise :giggle:, but thank you for your love and concern hun, yep had the worst peel in ages last night, very sore today, but got it wrapped all ready and am off to do my 1st hour exercise shortly xxx
Play the chillpod as hes asleep in theory he'll still hear it :8855:
Gary doesn't believe in the chillpods, he looks at me as if I am stupid ie how can you lose weight you just ate a cadburys hero.... I mean open your eyes Gary you plank I ate ONE hero not the box :rolleyes: :8855: he can't see it :rolleyes: but hey hes male :giggle:
I have just spoken to him about the chillpod and I am absolutely astounded, he just said and I quote " I want to try and go it alone right now, but if I find I am struggling at all I will definitely give the chillpod a go" :eek: ok where's Malcolm and who is this imposter in his place???? :giggle:
Hope you're having a lovely positive day, my lovely twin :bighug: xxxxxxx

Jackie NOBODY thinks your not caring xxx

Here here xxx

Morning Lily :)

Have a great day x

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Ummm afternoon Lisa, hope you're having a lovely positive day too hun :bighug: xxxxx
Men Meh!! :rolleyes:

Afternoon Lily

sorry to hear the foot is sore again
but whoo hoo to the motivation Lily


Afternoon Kally, damn foots a nuisance lol but it's not going to stop me or beat me, I will beat it xx
Hope you're having a lovely positive day hun :bighug: xxxx
Hi there! I'm very new around these parts but I picked up your thread first and I have to say you, lady, are an inspiration. I have a large goal too (at about 7st more to go) and seeing someone like yourself who has lost so much and still keeps on going... it's incredible.

Huge Congratulations on your loss so far, and may 2012 bring you even more success!

Hi there! I'm very new around these parts but I picked up your thread first and I have to say you, lady, are an inspiration. I have a large goal too (at about 7st more to go) and seeing someone like yourself who has lost so much and still keeps on going... it's incredible.

Huge Congratulations on your loss so far, and may 2012 bring you even more success!


Hi Ria, :welcome: to my diary and thank you so much for your lovely kind words xx
Ria I have (thankfully) finally woken up after years of faffing about and made up my mind to get rid of all this blubber (unfortunately that is what it is and as soon as I accepted these things and didn't get upset by them the easier I found it to lose the weight), it's been too much of a burden for too long, so now it has to go, god knows (literally) where the determination came from but I am so glad it did, but I do have to say that coming onto minimins and staying to my fabulous group have certainly made my journey a lot easier.
So my lovely, we have a 6st Christmas/ New Year challenge on the go, I would be honoured if you came and joined us, it's not set in stone it's just a goal to aim towards and we have added a few challenges within the challenge to help us move along, this weeks challenge is to eat 5 superfree every day and do 30 mins of exercise, of any kind that builds up a sweat, whether that be dance, cardio, wii or any other form that gets you moving and that you enjoy and I underline enjoy as that is what has kept me going.
Here is the link if you'd like to, as I said it's up to you but you'd be more than welcome xxx:bighug: xxx
Ria I have (thankfully) finally woken up after years of faffing about and made up my mind to get rid of all this blubber (unfortunately that is what it is and as soon as I accepted these things and didn't get upset by them the easier I found it to lose the weight), it's been too much of a burden for too long, so now it has to go, god knows (literally) where the determination came from but I am so glad it did, but I do have to say that coming onto minimins and staying to my fabulous group have certainly made my journey a lot easier.

I know the feeling! The last year for me (even on slimming world) has been a complete waste. Ended up putting ON a stone! :break_diet:
Hopefully coming here and keeping myself motivated with stories like your own will help me along the way this year.
:mad: <-- not mad. it's my game face :p

So my lovely, we have a 6st Christmas/ New Year challenge on the go, I would be honoured if you came and joined us[/url]

Sounds ideal! I'll hop over and start making a nuisance of myself :rolleyes:

Thanks again, and I'll probably be stalking your diary for a while to come! :p
I swear I posted a reply here... and yet it's gone... *suspicious face*

Anyway, I'll try again lol. Thanks for the invite - I'll be sure to hop on over and come make a nuisance of myself :p
I swear I posted a reply here... and yet it's gone... *suspicious face*

Anyway, I'll try again lol. Thanks for the invite - I'll be sure to hop on over and come make a nuisance of myself :p

You're welcome to come be a nuisance anytime you like hun :giggle: xxx
oops was so busy and happy reading everybody's diaries and doing my exercise and of course eating :giggle:, I forgot to add my positives for today :giggle: so here goes:

1) Had a lovely long lay in today, cannot remember the last time I got up just and I mean just before 11 :D:
2) Was supposed to get a blood test done but I can have it anytime I like and I enjoyed my lie in so hey ho lol
3) It's cold , dark, wet and windy outside but in my house it's bright, light, sunny and warm yayyy
4) Having my fave dinner tonight, Mal has relented and agreed, so Spag Bol here I come lol
5) Feel full of the joys of spring, foot is a little sore after the peel, but my determination to not let it get me down has over ridden the soreness and I have already done 40 mins exercise so far
6) It's day 2 of the 6st Christmas/New Year challenge and I feel sooo motivated and I swear I feel like I've lost that 5lb already

So have a lovely positive day everyone xxxxxxxxxxxx
Great positives. I LOVE spag bol too but rarely have it as I'm not the chef :) I don't do to bad so can't complain!

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*SugarPlum* said:
Hi Lily,

You sound like your a 1000% back on plan!! You will soon loose the little gain! :)

I might come and join the 6 stone thread if that ok? That is what I have set myself as a target for this year!

Sounds a lot but I lost 3 stone in less than 6 months, so I am up for the challenge!!

Would I be ok to join? I do t want to hate crash?! :-/ xxxxx

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You could never impose x

Lily I love spaghetti Bol.. Could eat it everyday!
I'm wondering if I will be able to squeeze into size 14 jeans for our "meet"

2 months ish to drop 2 dress sizes? is that a bit much?? :\