Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Positives for today:

1) Woke to a lovely kiss from my Prince Charming
2) Housework done already
3) Exercise (1 hour 30 mins) done already
4) Got a lovely dinner prepared and ready to go in oven already (steak and kidney casserole)
5) Free now to cook a lovely birthday cake, for a lovely lady
6) Got the best family (real and minimins) that anyone could ask for
7) Excited not cooked a big cake for over 2 years now :eek:

Have a great day all :hug99: xxxxx
Afternoon Lily xxx

Love today's positives, made me really think. I too, have more than I actually write down, just don't think of them until I read someone elses.

Have fun baking and decorating the cake!

The Betty Boop cake is fab x
Yesterdays's menu:

Fresh fruit salad
Fat free Yoghurt
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Water 1 pint

Chinese take away, bit of everything 13 syns
Water 1 pint
Jelly 0.5 syns

FF Yoghurt
Fruit all day

Did 3 hours exercise and drank 3 pints of water

Syns for today = 15 syns
Syns for the week (Day 3) = 40/105
Today's menu 13th January 2012:

Oats so simple (Hexb)
Milk (Part Hexa)
Kiwi x 2
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mixed salad
Fruit salad
Water 1 pint

Steak and Kidney Casserole 2 syns
Veg- Sprouts, cabbage, mashed celeriac and swede
Roast Potatoes
Jelly 0.5 syns
Fruit salad


Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Milky Coffee (Part Hexa)
Mini Ryvita 4 syns

Exercise 1 hour 30 mins and 2 pints of water

Syns for today = 8.5 syns
Total for the week (Day 4) = 48.5/105 syns
Thanks for the lovely comments ladies, I am sure the cake will be lovely...catch you later :hug99: xxx
Just stumbled across your diary - wow what an inspiration - im sat here thinking can i do this again once my baby is here and then found this so much positive attitude - im defo follow from now on out
Hope your cake making goes well

l xx
Hi Lily x

Hope the cake making's going well. I got home tonight and made a 1/2 syn roulade!!! Before seeing your thread. Not quite the same but weird as I don't do that often!!!

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At last I've caught up!!!

The first pic that I get when I come back is of your ar*e :eek:

Then I read about you and Mal doing a bit of body magic and it's funny cos I was just telling Crumble about too much information being a bad thing ;)

Mark's cooking sounds like mine. I get bored and wonder off and then come back when I smell burning :D

That photo of you is awful. I know that sounds rude but you look older then than you do now and you look ill.

You are a lovely lady, baking a cake for someone elses mum at such short notice :)
Hey everyone, just finished the cake, what a nightmare...the lady is gluten and wheat intolerant, had to make a special cake (no one told me that till after I had baked the first one :mad:), so I had to get all the ingredients and then wash every single utensil I was using (her intolerance is really really bad, even the slightest cross contamination will put her in hospital), we weren't allowed to have any other food near or by it and we also had to check every single ingredient for gluten, even had to phone some companies to check :eek:, never came out lovely, am really pleased with the outcome, but forgot to take a pic was so tired...we couldn't use normal icing, as it has gluten in, so we used betty crocker butter icing and again couldn't use just any topping etc, and her daughter who wanted the cake made, had spent a fortune and literally run out of money, so we settled on Thorntons Classics Collection chocolates, they are gluten free and she loves them so we set them all round the cake and then patterned them on the corners too, and it looked bloody marvellous...we then got some black icing tubes (Super Cook make them also gluten free and wrote on the side of the board....hard to explain but it turned out lovely, will get Kelly to take a photo later ...dead chuffed and dead knackered now :giggle:...hope you all had a great day, will try and catch up tomorrow...nighty night all...sweet dreams :zz: xxxx
I bet it looks fab!

Morning Lily x

Well done for getting it done with all those obstacles in your way!!!

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Can't wait to see a piccie of the cake, it sounds fab!

My hubby is Coeliac, so I fully appreciate all you did:)
can't wait to see the cake Lily :D well done :D what a pain not being told all that first. I missed the photo of you **rse not quite sure how. I remember you saying about it but not putting a piccie up. I seem to miss too much when I read fast then I read and forget stuff too must be age :8855: :confused: I hope you are having a fab weekend lovely lady. Carla and I went for a long walk :eek: a brisk one at that, get me :wee: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx