Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Today's positives Wednesday 18th January 2012:

1) Up bright and early and raring to go
2) Off to do my exercise straight after this, have decided to start the day as I mean to go on.
3) Have a lovely day with hubby planned and think I'll set up a romantic evening just for us 2 as Kirsty and Mark are out for the evening :love:
4) I have the most fantastic family in the world ( my real family and my wonderful mini family too)
5) I am very excited about getting back on the wagon and getting this weight sorted, not felt this determined for a long time.
6) I am really happy that my positively lovely twin has decided to rejoin us, now my positives seem real again :hug99: xxxx

Have a lovely positive day everyone, catch you later xxxxxxx
Morning lovely Lily

Not a crumb :eek: :eek: :( I will assume correctly that you were just considering my figure :8855: thank you :8855:

so hows my friend this morning? How can I leave here when I have so many fantastic friends and who the hell would I nag all day if I didn't come on here :D


Lovely lily what can I say that hasn't been said x x just know you are one of the reasons I haven't left minimins after my big gain after Xmas . I would of done before but with your help I stayed and faced up to my fears and here I am taking it hour by hour day by day and am here for you too every step of the way x x x

so lovely Katierose when are you going to start a diary so that I can nag you?:D :D what about starting one and doing the positives each day it helps so much sweetie
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Morning lovely Lily

Not a crumb :eek: :eek: :( I will assume correctly that you were just considering my figure :8855: thank you :8855:

Absolutely 100% correct hunni :giggle: and you are most :welcome: :hug99: xxx

so hows my friend this morning? How can I leave here when I have so many fantastic friends and who the hell would I nag all day if I didn't come on here :D


I am wonderful thank you lovely, just done another hour and 45 mins exercise, and will do more when my neighbours son pops inb later.....I love you being on here and I am so happy you're back :hug99: but you could also nag me by text, phone, FB the possibilities are endless my lovely twin:8855: :hug99: xxx

so lovely Katierose when are you going to start a diary so that I can nag you?:D :D what about starting one and doing the positives each day it helps so much sweetie

Katie has a diary hun, here's the link :

Awwww I love those positives

Here's to a fantastic 100% day :D

Thank you hun, not got time to have a read of everyone's diaries, as I want to finish off my vacuuming and tidy before my hairdresser arrives, forgot that I had an appt today, that 5 weeks went so fast lol, but I will be free this afternoon until about 4 when Terry (neighbours son )comes through for exercise, then out for a walk with Mal and then our lovely meal so not going to be around a lot today...oh well will do what I can lol :bighug: xxxx

Thank you hun, not got time to have a read of everyone's diaries, as I want to finish off my vacuuming and tidy before my hairdresser arrives, forgot that I had an appt today, that 5 weeks went so fast lol, but I will be free this afternoon until about 4 when Terry (neighbours son )comes through for exercise, then out for a walk with Mal and then our lovely meal so not going to be around a lot today...oh well will do what I can lol :bighug: xxxx

:eek: Sounds like a busy day, hope you have a lovely night tonight :bighug:
Menu for Tuesday 17th January 2012


Mixed fruit salad
Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Minestrone Soup
Water 1 pint

2 x poached eggs
2 x bacon
2 x Morrisons 60% fat free sausages 1 syn
100g Homefries 2 syns
Baked Beans
Mixed Salad
Jelly 0.5 syns
Bread x 2 Hexb
Low fat spread 2 syns
Water 1 pint

Fruit throughout the day
Milky Coffee Hexa

Did 2 hours 15 mins of exercise and drunk 2 pints of water

Syns for the day = 7.5
Syns for the week (day 1) = 7.5/105


for Wednesday 18th January 2012


2 x Kiwi
Oats so simple Hexb
1 tsp Golden Syrup 1 syn
Milk 175ml Part Hexa
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mid morning:
1 x Hi Fi Bar Part3 syns
Green Tea with Raspberry and Blackberry

Minestrone Soup
Water 1 pint

Mid afternoon:
Hi fi bar 3 syns
Water 1 pint

Creamy Coriander and minted chicken
Roast Potatoes 150g
Roast butternut squash
Jelly 0.5 syns
Mixed fruit
Water 1 pint

Fruit throughout the day
Yoghurt 0.5 syn
Milky Coffee 200ml Part Hexa
Pasta Quiche (made with Sainsbury's pineapple cottage cheese) 1.5 syns

Syns for today = 11
Syns for the week (day 2) = 18.5/105

11.15am, 1 hour 45 mins of exercise done so far with 2 pints of water
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Morning ladies (ooh just got in lol) Thank you and yep today I like my positives too cos I really feel them rather than just think them.
Have a lovely day :bighug: xx
Creamy Coriander and Minted Chicken

Free on EE & Red
9.5 syns on Green

Fry Light
2 onions peeled, halved and thinly sliced
2 cloves
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
2 cardamon pods
2cm piece of root ginger, peeled and grated
1 cinammon stick
1 bay leaf
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp of chilli powder
700g skinless chicken breast diced
4 tomaotoes roughly chopped
200ml chicken stock
large handful of fresh coriander, chopped
small handful fresh mint, chopped
100g Fat free fromage frais.

Spray a non stick wok or pan with fry light and stir fry the onions, cloves, garlic and cardammon pods for 2 -3 minutes.
Add the ginger, cinammon stick, bay leaf, ground coriander, turmeric, cumin and chilli powder and cook for a further 3-4 minutes.
Add the chicken cubes and season to taste, stir fry for a further 8-10 minutes.
Stir in the tomatoes and stock and simmer for 5-7 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
Remove from the heat and stir in the coriander,mint and fromage frais...serve immediately.

Serve with fresh salad or veg

For those of you that might like it, here is the recipe for the Creamy Coriander and Minted I said will let you know what I think of it later xxxxx
Hi everyone, just a quickie cos off to spend a lovely evening with Mal, but had to say...if you want something new to try, you have to give that Creamy Coriander and Minted Chicken a go, it's to die for, especially if you like a curry...I don't normally bother buying things like the cinammon sticks and cloves but we have a new shop that sells them a lot cheaper than any of the big supermarkets and so I splashed out ...I love herbs and spices anyways and have 3 spice racks now and still not enough space to fit them all on lol...anyways as I was saying, I can highly recommend daughter has so far had it with Roast veg and rice and today Mal and I had it with Roast potatoes and veg...I am stuffed and it's free too and the taste omg ..anyway I am off ...catch you all later :bighug: xxxx
Lily I haven't got time to read it all so if anythings dramatic has happened can someone let me know.

Glad your C has got your mind back in the game. It's hard after Christmas but it will be summer before we know it and we don't want to feel all hot and sweaty and uncomfortable.
muuuuuuum *smooches*

sorry for not being around- i'm a bad SW daughter :( I've just not been around as much :(

I gots the lurgy too *coughcough* <---see? :(

Sorry to hear about your gain- but so glad you're sounding more focussed :) I'm filling out s.a.s logs this week, to see if that helps- it has today- a lot! I did a lot of body magic too :) and more of the same tomorrow- just hope that i'm feeling better...

anyhoo- didnt wanna read and run- cus that's not nice :(

Love you muuuuuuuuum <3
Lily I haven't got time to read it all so if anythings dramatic has happened can someone let me know.

Glad your C has got your mind back in the game. It's hard after Christmas but it will be summer before we know it and we don't want to feel all hot and sweaty and uncomfortable.

Hmmm're talking about me now hun, paint drying would be more dramamtic right now :giggle:
Summer ahhh roll on the sun, I hate the cold and wet :p:p xxx

Suppers sound yum. Have everything apart from coriander and mint so will get some and try it at the weekend x

Roziee it was everything my daughter said it was and some, she has had it 3 times this week and I can fully understand why lol xxx

muuuuuuum *smooches*

sorry for not being around- i'm a bad SW daughter :( I've just not been around as much :(

I gots the lurgy too *coughcough* <---see? :(

Sorry to hear about your gain- but so glad you're sounding more focussed :) I'm filling out s.a.s logs this week, to see if that helps- it has today- a lot! I did a lot of body magic too :) and more of the same tomorrow- just hope that i'm feeling better...

anyhoo- didnt wanna read and run- cus that's not nice :(

Love you muuuuuuuuum <3

Hey sweetie, that's ok you have your life to live if ya pop in now and again and say hello that's brilliant :hug99:

Hope the dreaded lurgy goes soon :bighug:, Mal has just broken out in a stinking cold, bet your life I get it now :sigh:

I am really fine with the gain, I needed it to make me stop faffing about, I too am filling in SAS forms and just about everything else to make sure I stay on plan this week...I am determined that 4.5lb is going this week and the whole 9.5lb gain since xmas will be gone by the end of the month if I have my way :bighug:
You take care now, my little chickadee make your minimins mummy very proud :D:D:D xxxx