Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Menu Thursday 15th March 2012 (different to what I had planned but hey I'm not arguing lol)


Vanilla Mullerlight Yoghurt
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mid morning:

Water 1 pint
Plums x2


75g Nimble bread 7.5syns
Scrambled Eggs
Baked Beans
Water 1 pint

Mid Afternoon:

Satsumas x 2
Water 1 pint


Roast Lamb
Roast Potatoes
Gravy 2 syns


Peanut Hi Fi Bar Hexb
Tea 1 syn
Milky Options Hexa + 2 syns
Fruit throughout the day
Any other extras I will add later

Drank a further
2 pints of water while exercising
Syns for today = 13
OOHH Lily, your poor feet, they do sound sore :( but congrats on the positive way you approached your exercise :woohoo:

Have a lovely meal tonight and will catch up tomorrow :)
Menu certainly looks lush Lily

And well done to you
I don't think I would have attempted JD3 with poorly feet they just sound so sore :bighug:
OOHH Lily, your poor feet, they do sound sore :( but congrats on the positive way you approached your exercise :woohoo:

Have a lovely meal tonight and will catch up tomorrow :)

Thanks sweetie, they are a little sore, nowhere near as bad as usual, so looks like my meds are working as best as they can ....which is good. I am determined not to let anything stop me, Kelly and I want this really badly and we are really encouraging each other and I can't let myself go back down that road, I may not have been able to stand but believe me I did workout lol...and a few days from now I will be up on my feet again using them as I should do lol :hug99: xxxx
Menu certainly looks lush Lily

And well done to you
I don't think I would have attempted JD3 with poorly feet they just sound so sore :bighug:

Hey sweetie, you know what I am so full tonight I could burst and not only was it scrumptious but it only cost me 2 syns so I am well happy lol
As I said they are sore but I am sick of being fat and I have faffed about and made so many excuses....NO MORE.....last time I was stagnant like this it lasted 2 years, this time it's been about 3 months of putting on and taking off the same weight, I will lose the 10lb excess that I am carrying from Christmas and then start heading down again....I want to be no more than 16st by end of August so got about 3.5st to lose...if I don't make it so be it but I am going to try, that means I need to lose about 2lb a week, I know I said I was going to try for 1lb and no more but I still think 2lb is doable without too much effort at my size, so that's my aim but whatever I do will be good as long as it's down lol :hug99: xxxx

Hehe I can just imagine you waving your arms away whilst sitting down and resting :giggle: x

:8855: believe me it was a lot more than just waving my arms around :eek: and I certainly wasn't resting even if I was sitting :character00116: :character00115:...was all good and doing more of the same tomorrow too :hug99: xxxxxxxxxx
I just had to tell you if you haven't already tried it, I had the most scrumptious and huge dessert tonight, it should have been 2syns for the whole thing but I couldn't eat the mini meringues I was too stuffed so my granddaughters grabbed them lol
We had Strawberries, Banana, and Raspberries with Cream...the cream was syn ? I'll tell you and it is to die for even Mal said he won't eat real cream anymore he prefers this ...

1 tub of Total % Greek Yoghurt
1-2 tsp vanilla flavouring (make sure it is flavouring or essence and not extract as extract has syns)
1 tbsp lemon juice
Sweetener to your own personal taste

Put them all in a bowl and using a whisk blend together until thick and creamy...this tastes like cream without the syns :drool: xxxxx
ANorgwe successful Sw abd exercise day for you by the sounds of things. well done. I'm having a bad patch ATM but it'll pass. :)

That actually reads Another successful Sw and. Oops I think I need some sleep. :) Nighty night. :)

It certainly was a good day, I am really happy that I actually gave away the meringues cos they and marshmallows are my big downfall....I don't and can't often resist them, but tonight I had no worries about handing them over lol

You'll be fine hunni you can do this, it's hard when you give yourself time off, I should know, to get back on that wagon, but you can do it.
So sweet dreams lovely and speak tomorrow hopefully :hug99: xxxxx

Just like to say- still waiting for a certain person to add me on msn!

So rude!

*dramatic flounce*
I got so carried away with my own fabulous day I forgot about Kirsty and her interview.
Kirsty is a Nursery Nurse, trained for 4 years before taking a position where she is now and has been there for almost 18 months, but the nursery isn't to her liking, they get no support and the management are well out of order, :i.e. gave them forms to fill in asking about the management team amongst other things and swore that any criticism would not be seen by the said management team. Well lo and behold a week after all the forms were handed in, a load of the girls were called into the office and asked by the management team to explain there comments and criticisms, Kirsty had the good sense to ask me to fill in her form so that they didn't recognise her writing, while no names were on the forms they recognised the girls handwriting. Kirsty is fed up with the shoddy way the nursery is being run and like the other 47 girls in the last 17 months, she has decided enough is enough so put her CV into a few Nursery's she liked the sound of. One of which she spoke to the manager and asked if there were vacancies about 4 months ago, she was told no but they would hold onto her CV incase anything came up.
Well last week she got a phone call asking her if she was still interested and if so would she be able to come for an interview, which she did today.
She assumed it was for a Nursery Nurse Level 3, so off she went to the interview to find out it's for the position of the assistant manager, Kirsty said no point having the interview as I thought it was for Nursery Nurse position, told them she was a Supervisor in the Nursery she works at now but they demoted her after 3 months as they said she couldn't do the job, but as she said she was promoted but then just left to fend for herself with no help and no assistance, went to see the manager to ask for help with a problem with staff arguments and got told sort it out yourself, so when she told the manager today in the interview that, they decided to test her to see if she had what it took to be a manager, she passed with flying colours.....they said she has all the skills to be a good manager or in this case assistant manager and they would be there to help and support her and give her as much training as needed, she has to go back on Monday after her shift at her current Nursery to have a trial and see how she gets on :fingerscrossed: I know she can do this, she knows she can too, I just hope they see her potential and as I said to her they must think she can if they want her to come for a trial surely ?
It would mean a good rise in her wages and would make so much difference to her and Mark being able to afford to get married and find a place of their own xxxx

Just like to say- still waiting for a certain person to add me on msn!

So rude!

*dramatic flounce*

*ahem* a certain person sent a request the very night another certain person sent me their email addy *dramatic flounce* back at ya :giggle: xxxx
Tanya it is telling me that we are friends on msn???
*ahem* a certain person sent a request the very night another certain person sent me their email addy *dramatic flounce* back at ya :giggle: xxxx

i didn't get a request :( :(

send me your email plz ;)
ok so msn has crashed...dunno if you saw what just happened- but my bro has just come in, p!ssed as a fart- rofl
aww no didn't see anything got a pic up and it was gone in a flash...bummer x
Lily42uk said:
I just had to tell you if you haven't already tried it, I had the most scrumptious and huge dessert tonight, it should have been 2syns for the whole thing but I couldn't eat the mini meringues I was too stuffed so my granddaughters grabbed them lol
We had Strawberries, Banana, and Raspberries with Cream...the cream was syn ? I'll tell you and it is to die for even Mal said he won't eat real cream anymore he prefers this ...

1 tub of Total % Greek Yoghurt
1-2 tsp vanilla flavouring (make sure it is flavouring or essence and not extract as extract has syns)
1 tbsp lemon juice
Sweetener to your own personal taste

Put them all in a bowl and using a whisk blend together until thick and creamy...this tastes like cream without the syns :drool: xxxxx

Is this the 0% fat Greek yogurt lily? X
hello lily. what a busy life u have! don't worry bout that 2lb blip, you'll have it gone in no time. and aqua aerobics? sounds fun! closest I ever got to that was aquanatal a few years back (same principal though) enjoy! have a good day. hope the feet are a bit less sore! :hug99: