Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Tilly the school have been magnificent, Kelsi is back at school but 2 days after she returned part time one of the girls started bullying her again cos she wouldn't tell her why she had been off so long, Kelly immediately phoned the school as Kelsi had sent Kelly a text asking to come home, spoke to the school asst head and he went directly to kelsi's class, called her out, asked her what happened and then hauled the girl out, took her to his office and called her mother in and has suspended her that's impressive...has told her the very next incident will result in her being expelled.

Wow! That is impressive! That's certainly a good argument against mobiles being banned in schools :D Hope Kelsi is ok :) x
OMG where does the time go to, it's Sunday evening already :wow:...we are now busy sorting out the garden ready for when we get the new shed, so that we can move all the clutter from the back bedroom and begin turning it into a nursery.
Going to have my dinner and catch up on a bit of TV, but should be back here tonight and maybe tomorrow too....hope everyone is having a lovely sunny sunday :hug99: xxxx
:wavey: Good to hear from you Lily, glad everything is going well :)
:wavey: Good to hear from you Lily, glad everything is going well :)

Hey lo Emma, good to get 5 minutes to actually get online for a change lol, have a lovely day hun xxx:hug99:xxx

good afternoon, you were one of the people who got an unposted post earlier:mad: not sure if it was lappy or minis that was sulking at me :giggle:

glad to see you posting you were really quite before i went on me jollies and i was a bit worried about you :eek:

hope your all well xxxx

Hello hun, :hmm: well at least the problems sorted now and you can post again.
I am fine hun, just so busy, I can't believe how quick the time is flying by, and so much to do :eek:
Glad you had a nice break away, can't wait for our hols to come around.
Have a nice day hun :hug99: xxxx

:wavey: xxx

Lily just popping in to say as ever I am behind and going to get more behind as busy few days but just wanted to say hi to my lovely twin :bighug: :bighug: and give you a hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello my lovely twin, that makes 2 of us then lol, I am so way behind with everybody's diaries too, just not enough hours in a day, this darn garden has taken up way too much time...we had a palm tree and it was in the way of where we wanted the shed, that's easy you'd think wouldn't you...cut it down or pull it out....yeah except we've gone down 6 feet and still nowhere near finding the root ball, so we have cut it off at that level and bought some stump killer...fingers crossed it works as it says on the box otherwise in a while we'll have a palm tree growing through our new garden shed :giggle:
Garden looks an absolute mess right now cos of it, so we'll probably have to take everything back to grass roots and start again, blinking nuisance and not too much money to spare either, oh well we'll do the best we brother is being really good, he's told us to help ourselves to anything he has that we may need, so we have to sum up I'm not here much either, but with today's rain we might have to abandon garden work :argh:
Have a lovely, all be it busy day hun :hug99: xxxxx
Morning Lily. :D Have fun in the garden. :D

Morning lovely Patsy, doesn't look like we'll get much done in the garden today, cos it's raining yet again :rolleyes:
Can't even start clearing anything from the back bedroom which will be the nursery, till we have the new shed in other than doing my exercise, I should be about a bit more today.
Hope you have a lovely day hun :hug99: xxxxx
Hello my lovely twin, that makes 2 of us then lol, I am so way behind with everybody's diaries too, just not enough hours in a day, this darn garden has taken up way too much time...we had a palm tree and it was in the way of where we wanted the shed, that's easy you'd think wouldn't you...cut it down or pull it out....yeah except we've gone down 6 feet and still nowhere near finding the root ball, so we have cut it off at that level and bought some stump killer...fingers crossed it works as it says on the box otherwise in a while we'll have a palm tree growing through our new garden shed :giggle:
Garden looks an absolute mess right now cos of it, so we'll probably have to take everything back to grass roots and start again, blinking nuisance and not too much money to spare either, oh well we'll do the best we brother is being really good, he's told us to help ourselves to anything he has that we may need, so we have to sum up I'm not here much either, but with today's rain we might have to abandon garden work :argh:
Have a lovely, all be it busy day hun :hug99: xxxxx
Well that's one way of getting a tree house for the littlie when it's a bit older. :giggle:
Hi Lily ................ just saying hello :) Hope you manage to get a balance with work and play :)
Well that's one way of getting a tree house for the littlie when it's a bit older. :giggle:

Ooooh what a clever woman you are, never thought of that, should be grown tall enough by the time bubs is ready to climb trees too :giggle: xxxx

Hi Lily ................ just saying hello :) Hope you manage to get a balance with work and play :)

Hello Dawnie :wavey: ...hope I can find a nice balance between the 2 as well, but I fear the preparation for bubs coming is going to be taking over, I said to Mark yesterday why are you worried we have about a year yet before bubs will need the nursery, but then I thought jeez only a year and we have so much to do lol xxxx
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Good morning, Have a great day! X
Hi Lilly
i just want to say how well you have done, you must be so proud of youself
it has taken me a week to read though all your post,
have a great day love Sue xxxxx
the arrival of "bubs" will make all your hard work worth while, i am sure :D

how is kirsty doing, has the dreaded morning sickness settled yet?

have a lovely evening hopefully doing some relaxing xxx

Hello lovely Mandy, This baby business is tiring lol, don't seem to get a minute to relax.
Kirsty just said today it's the first day she hasn't felt too bad at all and has gone the whole day without wearing her sickness bands
Hope you've had a good day hun :hug99: xxxx
Hurry up and get the nursery done - I want to see photos :D
Hello lovely Tilly, the very second we finish the nursery I will post pictures I promise, but I think it's going to be a while yet and I'm exhausted already lol :hug99:xxxx
Good morning, Have a great day! X

Hope you've had a great day lovely Emma :hug99: xxxx

Hi Lilly
i just want to say how well you have done, you must be so proud of youself
it has taken me a week to read though all your post,
have a great day love Sue xxxxx

Hello Sue, thank you so much for taking the time to read all my drivel...I can talk for England me and I am guessing you noticed that lol
I am proud of myself, it's taken a long time and I still have quite a way to go, but one thing is for sure, there is no stopping me, I will get there
Hope you've had a lovely day hun :hug99:xxx

Well done in advance for WI lovely Lily. :D

Thank you sweetie, well WI was a surprise, 1lb off for me...not sure how as I have always gained when I've had to up the steroids and after my little flare up this week after being sick and missing the tabs for a few days, I assumed this week would be no different, but hey I am grabbing that lbv and running with it incase it takes it abck next week lol...gonna pop across to your diary to see how you've done before I hit the hay, got a very early start tomorrow, need to have another blood test and then I have an appt with my Dermatologist.

Hope everyone's had a great day, hopefully catch you tomorrow, although I am planning on losing about 10lb in the next 2 weeks (want to be under 19st by the time my birthday comes around), so I will be exercising my butt off :hug99: xxxxxxxx
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