Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Ouch indeed! Hope it gets better really soon.x

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Ouch indeed! Hope it gets better really soon.x

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Thanks hun, I am sure it'll be fine in a day or 2 just a pain right now lol xxx:hug99:xxx

ouch my lovely twin ouch ouch ouch i'm wearing a top that colour :giggle: you poor thing. So glad you had a fabby birthday xxxxxxxxxxx

Hello lovely, I love that colour too, it's def one of my favourite tops and has a matching crocheted jumper that goes over it.... I have pulled the straps down now and am wearing it as a boob tube as I can't even bare them touching me lol.....hun even with the sunburn I had a really lovely day and was thoroughly spoiled as usual xxx:hug99:xxx

Very sore hope the aloe Vera is helping too

It does help hun thank you, I am slathering my whole upper body every half hour ...gonna have lovely soft skin when I am done lol :hug99: xxx

Oh my that looks so painful! I hope you've learnt your lesson missy! Lol

Hello lovely, it's beyond painful :cry: and yes I have definitely learned my lesson, in my defense I was in a rush and forgot, was talking to my best friend in Oz via skype and opening the presents she sent me with her watching which was a first for both of us and really special too and I got carried away and then had to dash about and totally forgot the suncream. By the time it was hurting it was a bit late to even bother, but I will make sure next time believe me lol :hug99: xxxx
Ouch... Ouch.... Ouch.... I hope the pain eases soon!

I use Elizabeth Arden 24 hr cream on sunburn. It's not cheap but a tube last me forever!! It's a miracle cream on burns and chapped skin.

What are us Brits like?! Lol Get better soon! X

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Ouch... Ouch.... Ouch.... I hope the pain eases soon!

I use Elizabeth Arden 24 hr cream on sunburn. It's not cheap but a tube last me forever!! It's a miracle cream on burns and chapped skin.

What are us Brits like?! Lol Get better soon! X

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Thanks for the info sweetie I am happy to give anything a try, I gave up smoking, and drinking so I'm not giving up on spending a little on nice things and that includes creams and make up, we got to have something nice to keep us going don't we xxx:hug99: xxx
OHHH Lily that does look so very sore :( Hope the vinegar baths help and that your skin is feeling better very soon :)
It's good cream lily x

I am definitely going to get Mal to get me some thanks for letting me know xxx:hug99:xxx

Even a bigger OUCH than earlier, after seeing the piccies :hug99:

Thank you hun, it goes right from my shoulder right the way down to my hands and then hits my toes, but only on my left foot ...must have kept the right one in the shade somehow :giggle:....I won't show you cos it would be almost pornographic, but where it's red on my chest, if I move my top, Kirsty says it looks like someone with slightly smaller boobies has rested them on top ...I did chuckle at that one :8855: :hug99:xxx

OHHH Lily that does look so very sore :( Hope the vinegar baths help and that your skin is feeling better very soon :)

Thanks hun, it is veryyyy sore, I think the baths are helping, well they do while I am in them anyways lol....I really don't think I would have been able to lay down last night if Mal hadn't spent almost an hour just dousing me in hot vinegar water ....definitely one to remember should you be daft enough to do what I did lol :hug99: xxx

OMG that looks sore. DOn't know about pickled Lily any more looks more like boiled Lily. Hope it eases soon. :D :hug99: but very gently one. :D

Awww thanks hun, bless Mal he has been rubbing the cream in all day for me and let's just say that men don't understand the word gentle I have come to realise after today :giggle: Boiled is right hun :8855: xxx:hug99:xxxx back at ya xxxx

ouchy lily that looks really sore,lots and lots of moisturizer lily, if your skin will tolerate it, we had a bit through A+E people didn't realize cos it was cloudy and a bit breezey xxx

It does sound like you had a great birthday i read your prezzie list out to my hubby as a hint :giggle:


It was actually very sunny here all day yesterday ...not a cloud in sight till about 6pm then a 30 second downpour and back to full on sun again, was overcast today, but no rain and very muggy. I am piling on the moisturisers hun, skin feels so tight it's what makes it most painful, so need to keep it moistened.

Tell your hubby that's the revised birthday list too, most other years I get a lot more than that, but I made him cut back this year as it's getting ridiculous lol and that was his idea of cutting back too lol...Mal has always spoiled me, says I am worth it...bless him so tell Mike he owes you :hug99: xxx
I'm beginning to wish I had someone to drop gift hints to. It's just not the same when you have to treat yourself all the time. ;)

Awwww hun...... sometimes I think the pain of a relationship isn't worth the lovely gifts :argh:.....and as much as you love :love: someone there are so many factors that add up to make it feel like you'd be better alone :8855:....Like right this second, he is sitting opposite me and drinking his tea and it bugs the bejesus out of me the way he drinks it :mad:, never in my life have I ever heard anyone make as much noise as he does ....and other little annoying things...grinds on me :giggle: ...but I guess I do the same to him I suppose ...NOT...I'm perfect me :8855: xxx:hug99:xxx

Ouch Lily, that looks so painful. Will it turn brown in a couple of days? :bighug:

Hey sweetie, it is still very sore and this is day 3 and still very red, and I don't know if it will turn brown, but I will let you know either way :hug99: xxx
Ouch... Ouch.... Ouch.... I hope the pain eases soon!

I use Elizabeth Arden 24 hr cream on sunburn. It's not cheap but a tube last me forever!! It's a miracle cream on burns and chapped skin.

What are us Brits like?! Lol Get better soon! X

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Hello lovely Cinta, I have looked into this cream and to be honest I don't think I could take the chance using it....I have highly sensitive skin and while there are many things in the cream that are fabulous, there are also many ingredients that scare I really believe it will be in my best interest to just carry on with the creams I have, I have a site that I use regularly that gives me some wonderful clues as to what is best for me and what isn't and I tend to go with their findings. Cosmetics and Skin Care brands_investigated by NvWah, (they are an American site, but they have a lot of the brands on there that we use here in the UK ) have a look they are really good in helping anyone with sensitive skin problems like me.
But thank you so much for your suggestion, I really appreciate it :hug99: xxx
Good morning lovelies, well what a night, it was worse than Wednesday night,I just couldn't find a way to get comfortable enough to lay down and sleep, so I spent most of the night sat up, chilly but burning hot too ....I was cold and needed my duvet, but every time I pulled it up, the sunburn started to really burn and get sore, so I got a cotton sheet and managed to stave off the worst of the chill.

I am supposed to be at my sisters today and we go to Kelly's on a Friday night, and while Kelly has kindly said it's ok mum come over, you don't have to wear a bra at my house, how the hell do I put a top on that won't show I'm not wearing a bra as I can't bare anything touching my skin right now , it's ok for others to tell me I only have to go from the front door to the car and car to door, but I am really self conscious about the enormity of my jugs and believe me they aren't easy to hide :giggle: Dilemmas!!!

I don't know if the temp has dropped really low or it's me but I am shivering right now and my hands and feet are freezing too.

Well I am off to go find something to put over my arms as they are really cold and I will be back shortly to have a peek at your diaries, have a lovely day all :hug99: xxxx
Oh and by the way....I haven't done any exercise since Tuesday as I intended to do it Wednesday evening, but the sunburn stopped that, even though my arms and shoulders and even my toes (forgot to tell you my left toes got burned too :cry:, but not my right ones ??) are still burning I am determined to do something today, so as not to lapse into bad habits, so I will be going to see what I can physically do today...have a good day all :hug99: xxx
Have you got any strapless bras Lily? Or even a swimsuit?

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