Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

22 lb would be a good loss and any more would be a bonus :) I think I need 26 to get me in the teens
Hi everyone....sorry I got the recipe for my pumpkin and walnut soup, got in from WI had my dinner and proceeded to make the soup which is bubbling away nicely...I can't wait till tomorrow lol.

WI...I knew I would put on this week because of the cake saga and then not being able to work out properly since Friday....but never mind I am positive about's just a blip and next week I will lose 3+ I am sure of I gained 1.5lb this week...with the huge chunk of b'day cake, the cup cake and lack of exercise I reckon I got off really lightly next week I will lose the 1.5 and another 1.5lb on top...I am 100% positive about that...also didn't plan my menu this week which i find doesn't help, so tonight I am concentrating on that, so will be in and out as I do it ....

WTG Tanya you are a bloody star my girl bravo you are a :winner: xxxx

Jo Good to see you up for it I am going to have a think about what I want to lose and get back to you....but i reckon about 21 or 22lb sounds good...catch you later after I've done my plan xxx
Oh and Tilly and Jackie I am still laughing about that cat :8855:...that's the funniest thing ever..really tickled me lol xx
Aww Lily- curse those cakes!

You'll do awesome next week i'm sure *hugs* :D :D
You'll get rid of that gain easy peasy :D

I'm still laughing about the cat too. I keep telling everyone I see about the cat. Emma laughed her head off and then said it's funny but the way you were laughing I thought it was gonna be funnier. Everytime I think about it I start crying with laughter :8855:

Crumbles post should come with a wee warning :8855:
Thanks Ladies...exactly ...If I had put it on and didn't know why I would be really upset, but I was expecting it and wasn't upset or even disappointed, more relieved lol but it has made me more determined especially as I tried on my xmas jeans (US 22...I thought they were 24, thats UK 20 ...I thought 22) and they are just about 1 inch away from doing up...I really jumped for joy, plus I bought 2 pairs of trackies for my birthday in a size XXL and they were a snug fit and are now loose, plus 2 weeks ago someone gave me 2 pair of XL trackies and they only fit ...what's not to be happy about lol.

Night night Mandy, sweet dreams hun xxx
You'll get rid of that gain easy peasy :D

I'm still laughing about the cat too. I keep telling everyone I see about the cat. Emma laughed her head off and then said it's funny but the way you were laughing I thought it was gonna be funnier. Everytime I think about it I start crying with laughter :8855:

Crumbles post should come with a wee warning :8855:

See you only mentioned the cat and I'm off again lol...omg yeah definitely should have a warning lol xx
I have got a few pairs of pants i can't put on yet- there is one size 20, and a couple of 18s....hoping to get into them by....boxing day ;)
Tanya the rate you're going you'll be in them long before boxing day...I am just coming into a 22 myself so I know you'll be there long before me xx
Evening Lily - glad the gain wasn't a knockback since it was half-expected, bloody cakes :)

Mmm the soup - :peep:can you post the recipe for me when you have time please and thank'ee :D
Hi hun,
Yep will drop it on here for you in a jiffy.
Not bothered by the gain, was totally expecting it, has just made me more determined to get it off next week and some more on top xxx
Pumpkin & walnut soup

Fry Light
2 medium onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 small pumpkin, peeled, de-seeded and chopped
700ml vegetable stock made with water and 2 tsp Vecon (I used chicken stock pots and added some herbs)
2 tbsp tomato puree
24 walnut halves


1. Spray the base of a large saucepan with Fry Light, add the onion and garlic and stir over a medium heat for a few minutes until the onion softens.
2. Add the pumpkin, stock, tomato puree and crumbled walnut halves.
3. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat, cover the pan and simmer for 30 minutes.
4. Liquidise the soup, season to taste and enjoy!

Serves: 4
Syns per serving:
½ Syn on Green and Extra Easy*,
6½ Syns on Original
*Add 6 Syns if not using walnuts as a Healthy Extra ‘b’ choice.
Ok Menu for Wednesday 21st organised am I today lol

Green Day

1 weetabix (1/2 hexb)
Crumble Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water (1 pint)

Mid Morning:
Water (1 pint)

Pumpkin and Walnut Soup (hexb) + 0.5 syns
3 x Ryvita wholgrain crispbreads (1/2 hexb)
5 x Deli Light Laughing Cow (Hexa)
Water (1 pint)

Mid afternoon
Water (1 pint)

Chicken 4.5 syns
Bacon 4 syns
5 x Laughing Cow Light (Hexa)
Mixed Salad
Water (1 pint)

Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Jelly and Fruit 0.5 syns
Water (1 -2 pints)
1 of Terry's Ferrero Rocher 1 syn

Total for the day = 13 syns


Am teaching Terry how to make Ferrero Rocher, so may have to add another syn or 2 lol xx

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i haz lurgy :(


that soup sounds lovely Lily- i have some of my SS soup defrosted for tomorrow. Need to make plans on what to cook for the next couple of weeks- me and mum need to budget a bit more...since i'm even more skint :(
Thanks Jo :)

It's doing the rounds....hoping that I'm better before any potential interviews!!!!
Thanks Jo :)

It's doing the rounds....hoping that I'm better before any potential interviews!!!!

Hurry and get better sweetie xx

I am trying to save a few pennies, had the pumpkin, had the walnuts ..perfect way to use them lol...I have to start thinking of getting the ankle-biters Christmas pressies, so running down freezer (Have nearly £200 saved in tesco points so that should cover food drink and a few extras), so just a few little pressies to do ...sorted !!! LOL
Plus after this week and Mal getting paid we should be a little better off...omg how nice to have a bit of spare cash for a change...well after Monday I will xx
I am off to my bed girls...totally shattered after being awake most of last night, need to get up bright and early get my exercise done and cleaning and then got Terry here doing the Forrero Rocher...please god let me be strong and avoid eating more than 2 lol :fingerscrossed: xxx

nighty night, sweet dreams all xx