Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

I love pb but have to avoid it as I can just eat it out of the jar with a spoon nom nom we have 2 jars in our house that are for my Son and they are closed at the mo thats how I like it haha How much do you get for 4.5 Syns?

Oh Skippy PB I haven't had it in over a get a level tablespoon for 4.5 syns Katie, nowhere near enough for me..PB is my Pringles..once I pop ....:giggle: xx
Just done a 2 hour workout, first full work out in nearly a week cos of my foot, god it hurt lol and I have incorporated more equipment, so do a 6 exercise course as it were and then keep's hard work but so worth it ...sweat and can really feel it working on my core ...aches like tummy is my biggest worry so I need to do exercise like crunches to get that going...ouch !! lol

Thought you might like to see a picture of my exercise equipment, there is no way a year ago I could have foreseen me using these...any of them lol

The weights on the bar are 2.3kgs each so that's a total of 9.2kgs I lift and the other weights to the side that also go on the bar are 4.6kg each and I have been known to combine all 3 meaning I lift over 18 kgs...not bad for a weakling like me lol
Son in law has other weights to add to the bar but we'll get to them when I am fitter xx
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Wow well done Lily I am really impressed. I need to up the BM stakes as I dint do nearly enough. I used to do loads of exercise but not anymore ;-(

1 level tbspn is no where near enough pb. Ooo pringles I love those as well lol I have to avoid naughty but nice things lol

Woah, that barbell looks serious! And a humongolous kettle bell :eek:. I thought I'd done well trading my teeny 0.5kg handweights up to 1kg yesterday :D

I've got a long way to go to catch up with you, Iron Lily :8855:
Lol I love it ...Iron Lily ...I am going to call myself that from now on...been building up to it for a year now hun, the last 3 weeks I have been working with the bar on a regular basis, till my foot that is it's still a bit difficult, can only do 10 of each type of lift unlike the dumbells can do 50 of them, but am working up to it and I'll get there you can bet on it xxx
I'm not sure I've tuned into the right website today. There's sugar and lo talking about tarts and pimps and you lot talking about dealers :8855:

Then you used that really bad swear word - exercise :eek:

Lol I know what you mean hun, was only off the diary's for about half a day and when I got back they'd all gone by's at a wedding ...still wanna know if that's anything like a drive by shooting :rolleyes:, pimps, tarts and now on MY diary talks of dealers...Pb on the minimins black market's a lot dodgier site than I thought :8855: a saintly woman like me :8855:..I'm being corrupted :p
But it's Iron Lily to the rescue, I'll save the day :giggle:....omg that just conjured up visions of you with your pants over your trousers accosting filing cabinets lol lol lol xx


Phew I'm all sworn out now :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855:
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Hi lovely Lily, hope you've had a good day, I've been doing my best headless chicken impression today as singing at a wedding tomorrow, and also a guest, so been frantically rushing about sorting everything after college. Nick is coming with me and then we're staying down at my sisters til Sunday night so might not be able to post on the forum much-but will try to keep on top of the posts :) I didn't get chance to look til earlier and had 24 subscribed posts that had been updated lol xxx
Hey Iron Lady :D

Gosh those dumbells. I feel tired looking at them :8855: The only bodymagic I do at the moment is walk princess barky knickers. We did however walk for an hour and 20 mins today :) she enjoyed it but seems very tired tonight.

HOpe you've had a good day sweetie. I am so behind on diaries etc. Still got to do more on that blooming awful book tomorrow :(

Oh tomorrow is your big day ...I know you're going to make as big impression sweetie...have a fabby weekend and really enjoy it and relax...miss you already xxxx
Hey Iron Lady :D

Gosh those dumbells. I feel tired looking at them :8855: The only bodymagic I do at the moment is walk princess barky knickers. We did however walk for an hour and 20 mins today :) she enjoyed it but seems very tired tonight.

HOpe you've had a good day sweetie. I am so behind on diaries etc. Still got to do more on that blooming awful book tomorrow :(


Hiya sweetie, me too had a really busy couple of days, back to my workouts today and did 2 hours this afternoon and just did another hour and a half training with son in law...found a fab exercise to work my tummy muscles takes 2 minutes to do but boy can you feel it and boy does my tummy ache lol gonna feel it worse in the morning...but it really feels like it's doing something so going to do it every day...DD2 just came back from Kick boxing and was showing her and she just said oh we do that as part of our training..omg I can do something Kirsty does in her training :woohoo:
I too am behind with all the diaries, didn't even put up my menu for today am well chuffed cos made myself a fritatta for lunch ate half of it and I was stuffed lol
Got the grandbrats here tomorrow for the weekend last time before they go on hols, will really miss them :cry:
Hope you've had a great day hun and I happen to think 1hour 20 mins walking is great exercise...I can't do it ...yet ;)xxx
Lol I love it ...Iron Lily ...I am going to call myself that from now on...been building up to it for a year now hun, the last 3 weeks I have been working with the bar on a regular basis, till my foot that is it's still a bit difficult, can only do 10 of each type of lift unlike the dumbells can do 50 of them, but am working up to it and I'll get there you can bet on it xxx

It's very impressive. Bet you never thought you'd be doing this much when you started out a year ago :)
I'm not sure I've tuned into the right website today. There's sugar and lo talking about tarts and pimps and you lot talking about dealers :8855:

Then you used that really bad swear word - exercise :eek:

I think there was something dodgy in my herbal tea yesterday :8855:
It's very impressive. Bet you never thought you'd be doing this much when you started out a year ago :)

I never think I can do it even now hun, even though I do it still amazes me ...but then I see what my daughter does and it brings me back down to earth as to how far I still have to go, but believe me I am chuffed to bits with what I can do now ..definitely xx

I think there was something dodgy in my herbal tea yesterday :8855:

Was everyone drinking your herbal tea? was crazy day yesterday and I bloody well missed it :giggle: xx
My menu for today was:


Weetabix (Hexb)
Crumble Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Water (1 pint )

Mid Morning:

Fritatta (made with mushrooms,onion, tomatoes, grated carrot, grated cabbage cooked in fry light)
Added eggs and 42g half fat cheese 6.5 syns
Beetroot and Pickled onions (could only eat half of the fritatta, was too full )
Water (1 pint)

Mid Afternoon:
Coffee 1.5 syns
Alpen bar 3 syns

Dinner :
SW KFC 2.5 syns (Breadcrumbs for coating)
SW Chips
Baked beans
Water (1 pint)

Mini Babybel (Hexa)

Did 3 and a half hours exercise today and drank (3 pints) of Water with it

Total for today = 14 syns


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Hi Lily, managed to get on here for an hour tonight, kitchen started what a mess but loving it, the builders were here at 8am this morning been up since 5am only had 3hrs sleep to excited, took some before photos will put then on later, nipped out and got weighed today loss 2lb and got my 2.5st shiny sticker.

Jane xx
Hi Jane, am so excited for you, missed you the last few days, hope you and hubby are long do you think it will take before the kitchen is done?
2lb is amazing..and wtg on your 2.5st shiny :winner: you bloody star you :girlpower:
You need to get some sleep my lovely, don't want you laid up and too sick to cook up all your gorgeous creations once the kitchen is done ...hope to see you back here soon xxxx
Hi Jane, am so excited for you, missed you the last few days, hope you and hubby are long do you think it will take before the kitchen is done?
2lb is amazing..and wtg on your 2.5st shiny :winner: you bloody star you :girlpower:
You need to get some sleep my lovely, don't want you laid up and too sick to cook up all your gorgeous creations once the kitchen is done ...hope to see you back here soon xxxx

Its going to take 2weeks to do the kitchen it is being semi gutted, after the kitchen been fitted, the lounge and hall are being decorated then the new carpets go down, its going to be a busy 4 weeks in total.
I will try a get some sleep, this cold has now gone to my chest which is keeping me a wake. Going to bed now try and get on here tomorrow night, xx
Hi Lily, managed to get on here for an hour tonight, kitchen started what a mess but loving it, the builders were here at 8am this morning been up since 5am only had 3hrs sleep to excited, took some before photos will put then on later, nipped out and got weighed today loss 2lb and got my 2.5st shiny sticker.

Jane xx

Well done on your shiny Jane!

Very jealous of the new kitchen, mine is horrendous but there's a million other things to get sorted out in my house before that :sigh: