Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Ok this is for anyone interested ...DEFINITELY NOT YOU TILLY :giggle: don't you go looking Tilly you'll have nightmares lol...I have added a new album with pictures of my psoriasis ...probably not interesting to anyone other than me but there might be some of you that don't have a clue what I am talking about, this is what I have to put up with on a regular basis ...makes losing weight and exercising tough but I am determined it won't beat me I WILL EVENTUALLY BEAT IT ...somehow...hopefully losing the weight will help ...possibly getting rid of my family might be another way :8855: lol xxxxxxxxx
My goodness lily. You are a true inspiration, you really are.

I pray that the doctors can come up with something to get rid of it. When I get to my mums I will ask her what you can use naturally to alleviate the pain (Pakistani women always have some sort of natural remedy for everything lol)

Looks so sore :( and you're always so upbeat. Good on you girl, if only more people had your attitude the world would be a better place to live in.

Lots of love x
Aww thank you Roziee,You say the loveliest things :hug99:
I would be really interested in seeing if your mum can come up with something...after 40 + years of this it's now starting to get me down and I am serious when I say didn't worry me too much before cos I wasn't doing anything other than sitting about letting life pass me by, now that I want to start living it's a pain and I want it gone asap.

Hunni I have to be upbeat, it is sore but hey there are thousands in a much worse position than me ...other than the psoriasis I am in pretty good nick considering I have totally abused my body for so many years will get to an acceptable state again in about a week and I can carry on doing what I do, not everyone has that to look forward to xxxxx
Aww I am so lucky to have such a lovely hubby ( well today he's lovely :giggle:), he has just been out and done all the shopping and bought me the lovely Matt Cardle album, cos as he said I have been having a cr*p time lately and need cheering up ...awww sweetie xxx
Well done on the loss :):D:):D

I looked. It's ok cos I knew they were there. Next time I go to look at your photos I'll have forgot all about them and that's when it frightens me to death :8855:

That looks so painful. I really hope they can do something to stop it getting this bad :bighug:

I also want to thank you for getting rid of my chocolate craving. After looking at that picture I don't think I'll eat anything again :8855:
Well done on the loss :):D:):D

I looked. It's ok cos I knew they were there. Next time I go to look at your photos I'll have forgot all about them and that's when it frightens me to death :8855:

That looks so painful. I really hope they can do something to stop it getting this bad :bighug:

I also want to thank you for getting rid of my chocolate craving. After looking at that picture I don't think I'll eat anything again :8855:

:8855: :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855: :8855:

Phew thank heavens didn't want to be the one giving you a heart attack or nightmares lol
Bloody well pleased it's kerbed a) you're choccie problem and b) eating in general...see not only cured the choccie addiction but helped with your weight loss too :woohoo: I'll keep the psoriasis if it does that for anyone :8855:

On a more serious note (me serious..NEVER :giggle:), it is very very painful, I have never had it this bad ever that I can remember and it seems weird that it came up so suddenly, ok I know I laid off the tablets for a few days cos of tummy but that was too sudden for my liking, will have to wait and see what consultant says I spose xxxx
Don't have my allergy test until 9th November hun, yep definitely could all be related ...just a few more weeks and I'll have my answers ...hopefully.
It could be all the extra stress I suppose as psoriasis is definitely stress related, but usually it's both my hands and feet in those circumstances, although I have had an outbreak on my hands too this time it's not major, I can still do everything as normal, it's just my right foot that's being bad this time and boy is it bad ....I am actually going to go put my feet up for a while now as I find that having them down makes them feel worse after a while.
So catch you all a bit later, might even have a nanna nap while I'm at it lol xxxxxxxxxxx
Lily42uk said:
Aww I am so lucky to have such a lovely hubby ( well today he's lovely :giggle:), he has just been out and done all the shopping and bought me the lovely Matt Cardle album, cos as he said I have been having a cr*p time lately and need cheering up ...awww sweetie xxx

Awww... What a sweetheart!!

That's a lovely, thoughtful thing to do :) xxx

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Morning everyone,
I didn't make it to my appointment this morning, was awake till gone 6 again with the pain and soreness of my foot...phoned the hospital and actually got to speak to my consultant, she asked me to email a picture of my foot to her so that she can study it and have a think before my next appointment on 23rd November. I am gutted I couldn't go but I was really struggling just to get to the loo and Mandy yes it's ridiculous that they don't have a better way for me to get there.
Thank you all for your good wishes and support, I really appreciate it..oh and Lo I need 2.5lbs for my next shiny (aiming to get that next week) and according to SW site BMI calculator, as that's the one I go by, myBMI is 42.1, so yep not far off them 30's ..:wow: and once I'm under the 30's I am no longer obese just fat lol...definitely looking forwards to that one xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Grrs for missing the appointment, they do seem to put these places in the worst possible location within hospitals/clinics :sigh:

Ooh looking forward to seeing the new shiny in your signature pretty damn soon :) Do we get rid of that horrible 'morbid' word when BMI is in the 30's? But indeed, under 30 and 'just fat' sounds brilliant right now :8855:

Ok this is for anyone interested ...DEFINITELY NOT YOU TILLY :giggle: don't you go looking Tilly you'll have nightmares lol...I have added a new album with pictures of my psoriasis ...probably not interesting to anyone other than me but there might be some of you that don't have a clue what I am talking about, this is what I have to put up with on a regular basis ...makes losing weight and exercising tough but I am determined it won't beat me I WILL EVENTUALLY BEAT IT ...somehow...hopefully losing the weight will help ...possibly getting rid of my family might be another way :8855: lol xxxxxxxxx

*winces* ouch... :bighug:

Aww I am so lucky to have such a lovely hubby ( well today he's lovely :giggle:), he has just been out and done all the shopping and bought me the lovely Matt Cardle album, cos as he said I have been having a cr*p time lately and need cheering up ...awww sweetie xxx

Yay for Nice Mal - hope grumpy Mal doesn't show his face for a while lol Is he still quitting smoking?

Don't have my allergy test until 9th November hun, yep definitely could all be related ...just a few more weeks and I'll have my answers ...hopefully.
It could be all the extra stress I suppose as psoriasis is definitely stress related, but usually it's both my hands and feet in those circumstances, although I have had an outbreak on my hands too this time it's not major, I can still do everything as normal, it's just my right foot that's being bad this time and boy is it bad ....I am actually going to go put my feet up for a while now as I find that having them down makes them feel worse after a while.
So catch you all a bit later, might even have a nanna nap while I'm at it lol xxxxxxxxxxx

Hope the rest does you good hun - definitely seems like the stress is giving your body a hard time xxx
Hiya lovely Lily
The foot looks so so sore sweetie :cry: :bighug: I don't know what to suggest but there has to be something that will help :( must be awful. Just wonder what sets it off....

Well done on the 2lb loss :wee: :wee: :wee:

So sorry you didn't get to your appointment. Hopefully seeing the piccies she will see how bad it is and think of something that might help :) I sure hope so

The spider thing did make me :giggle:

Mal bless him, see men can be nice, occassionally :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ye gods Lily have had a rough few days .. yet still you plod away and lose another 2lbs :clap: No wonder you are having difficulty walking , it looks so painful. I know the pain of the tiniest infected skin so cant imagine how sore you are.. Well done on your determination to get to class especially after being so ill as well ..J hope you have a better night
Hi lily,

Do you mind me asking you a little about your skin condition? When did it start and has it spread as time went on? It looks really infected so sorry if you have mentioned this but do you get prescribed anti biotics for it?

My first thoughts were to ask you to try aloe Vera, however because it's infected not sure whether that will help. I will ask mum in the morning though for sure.

Awww... What a sweetheart!!

That's a lovely, thoughtful thing to do :) xxx

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He can be a sweetheart at times lol he can also be a grumpy cantankerous old git too :8855:...but I guess I'm not always sweet either :giggle: xxx

Grrs for missing the appointment, they do seem to put these places in the worst possible location within hospitals/clinics :sigh:

I am so annoyed really wanted to go, but today it has been the worst ever, I am in so much pain and it's so sore, I do hope she can come up with something for my next visit xx

Ooh looking forward to seeing the new shiny in your signature pretty damn soon :) Do we get rid of that horrible 'morbid' word when BMI is in the 30's? But indeed, under 30 and 'just fat' sounds brilliant right now :8855:

We get rid of the horrible morbid word when your BMI reads less than 40 or less than 35 if you have health issues related to your weight such as diabetes or high blood pressure, so I will still be Morbidly Obese until I am under 35 cos of my diabetes.
My daughter has just gone under 13st and has a BMI of 29. something...and is now just Overweight not Obese, but she started at over 17st and was Morbidly Obese, I can't wait to just be Obese lmfao xx

*winces* ouch... :bighug:

Thanks hunni xx

Yay for Nice Mal - hope grumpy Mal doesn't show his face for a while lol Is he still quitting smoking?

Lol nice Mal has been about most of today, he is still trying to quit smoking, had been doing really well for the last few weeks only had 2 ciggies in about 3 weeks then had 2 tonight ..will explain why in a mo, but has been a bit less grumpy since I tore into him a few weeks ago lol xxx

Hope the rest does you good hun - definitely seems like the stress is giving your body a hard time xxx

Yep it's definitely the stress, hopefully it will settle soon xx

Hiya lovely Lily
The foot looks so so sore sweetie :cry: :bighug: I don't know what to suggest but there has to be something that will help :( must be awful. Just wonder what sets it off....

Stress sets it off, been a very stressful few weeks xxx

Well done on the 2lb loss :wee: :wee: :wee:

Thanks hun, am aiming for my final 2.5lbs this week, to get to my 6st shiny :fingerscrossed: xxx

So sorry you didn't get to your appointment. Hopefully seeing the piccies she will see how bad it is and think of something that might help :) I sure hope so

Oh I really hope so, am really fed up with it now xxx

The spider thing did make me :giggle:

I can assure you it didn't make me :giggle: at the time, but I sure have laughed since :8855:

Mal bless him, see men can be nice, occassionally :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Occasionally being exactly the right word :8855: xxxx

Ye gods Lily have had a rough few days .. yet still you plod away and lose another 2lbs :clap: No wonder you are having difficulty walking , it looks so painful. I know the pain of the tiniest infected skin so cant imagine how sore you are.. Well done on your determination to get to class especially after being so ill as well ..J hope you have a better night

Thank you sweetie, it is the most painful I can ever remember it being and I have had this for over 40 years now in one place or another, the last 20 years being the palmoplantar pustulosis type of psoriasis, and it by far the most aggressive and hardest to get rid of
I really want to lose this weight and move on with my life, no actually let me rephrase that, start living my life again and nothing not even this will stop me, I may not be able to stand but I can still exercise, I may be in pain but I can still eat healthily, this weight is going and it's not coming back and who knows it might just turn out that it will eventually go too :fingerscrossed: xxxxxxx

Hi lily,

Do you mind me asking you a little about your skin condition? When did it start and has it spread as time went on? It looks really infected so sorry if you have mentioned this but do you get prescribed anti biotics for it?

My first thoughts were to ask you to try aloe Vera, however because it's infected not sure whether that will help. I will ask mum in the morning though for sure.


No I don't mind Roziee, my skin condition is called palmoplantar pustulosis it's an aggressive form of Psoriasis (there are 6 different types ), that only affects the hands and feet.
I first developed psoriasis in my very early years and by the time I was 12 or 13 (I am now 53) it was all over my legs, knees, elbows, chest and in my hair. I have tried just about every cream, oinment, lotion and potion the doctors can recommend and I have tried loads and loads of herbal type remedies in forms such as drinks, creams, tablets, some which had no effect on the psoriasis at all and some which helped for a while then stopped working all together.
The psoriasis on my arms, legs, chest and elbows have very nearly cleared up, although my skin is very scarred by it and I do have the odd break out with it, but not too often these days.
20 years or so ago, I suddenly developed palmoplantar pustpalmulosis, it started as tiny little pimples and then covered the whole of my left foot, then progressed to my left hand and then my right hand and now back to my right I said I have tried almost everything that can be used...I am now under a dermatologist that specialises in this type of psoriasis, I have tablets that can and do clear it up, but the dosage causes such severe side effects they are impossible to take on a regular basis to sustain keeping it at bay.
So what we are trying to do right now is to figure out a dose that will keep the side effects at bay (and believe me I'd sooner have the psoriasis they are that bad) and treat the psoriasis adequately to make it comfortable for me...I'm not worried about getting rid of it entirely, that just seems a pipe dream, but I would love to just be able to live a normal pain and sore free life.

You say it's infected, it's not that is what palmoplantar pustulosis looks like and believe me when I tell you as bad as it looks and feels to me it is still a mild case xxxxxxxx
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Well as I said up above ^^^ hopefully my psoriasis will start to clear up very soon as I believe the source of my stress has been alleviated tonight ....
I am very sad, I know it will all pan out for the best, but I can't help but be really upset, that Kirsty and Mark have now split up, they had a chat tonight as neither of them were very happy right now and they want to stay friends and have even said who knows what might happen, but feel that it was making them both hurt a lot more trying to force the situation.
Mark didn't want it to end but has accepted that Kirsty needs some time to herself, she was 16 when they got together and I think she needs to be by herself and find out who she is.
He has promised to stay in touch and the grandkids have said that he is their uncle no matter what, which is cute, they were only babies when Kirsty and him got together.
If nothing else I do hope they stay friends, they went for a drink together after they decided to split, and he still has a key to here for the moment, have told him he's welcome here any time, he really is a lovely lad and I am really sad this has happened xxxxxxxxxxxxx

sorry i've not been around much....been a bit busy and not caught up with anyone's blogs or anything

i'll make time to read yours in the morning :)

Well as I said up above ^^^ hopefully my psoriasis will start to clear up very soon as I believe the source of my stress has been alleviated tonight ....
I am very sad, I know it will all pan out for the best, but I can't help but be really upset, that Kirsty and Mark have now split up, they had a chat tonight as neither of them were very happy right now and they want to stay friends and have even said who knows what might happen, but feel that it was making them both hurt a lot more trying to force the situation.
Mark didn't want it to end but has accepted that Kirsty needs some time to herself, she was 16 when they got together and I think she needs to be by herself and find out who she is.
He has promised to stay in touch and the grandkids have said that he is their uncle no matter what, which is cute, they were only babies when Kirsty and him got together.
If nothing else I do hope they stay friends, they went for a drink together after they decided to split, and he still has a key to here for the moment, have told him he's welcome here any time, he really is a lovely lad and I am really sad this has happened xxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh lily that is so sad, but maybe for the best and she may realise he is what she wants once she has had some time to herself:)

It must be awful to like him and then lose that because they have split up but i am sure it is possible for you to stay friends :)

hope you are feeling better can't see your pictures cos not sure how to find them, but it sounds so sore but maybe if you are a little less stressed it will begin to settle

big hugs xx