Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hope your head is much better today sweetie :bighug: :bighug:

Tantrums - oh gosh don't remind me. Charlie used to have the most horrendous ones. She recently went through a phase of trying it again. That didn't last long as she didn't win :8855: xxxxx
I still have the headache unfortunately, I am pretty certain I have a cold coming, Kirsty has broken out in a real stinker and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll get it....and I usually get a stinker of a headache right before I break out in it, so dosing myself up with the honey and lemon etc and got my bottle of sugar free Ribena at the ready.
Hope you're having a fab day sweetie, catch you later xxxxx
Mmn hot ribena :drool:, not had that for a while so may need to nab a bottle myself :D

You got all the ingredients in for hot and sour soup too? ;) Need some o'that myself I think to dip into if snack attacks come back for me before wales :rolleyes:
Hi everyone, definitely got a cold, didn't have the hot Ribena yet, will have that before I go to bed, been trying to stay awake but couldn't manage it, dozed off a few times, the kids were good...Kia bless her made me hot and sour soup, she's an absolute star that girl...she's the naughtiest of the 3 but the most helpful too..she added extra chillis was lovely and hot so I had 2 bowls and then dozed off when Mal got in ...I am tired again now and my throat is very sore, going to see how i feel tomorrow before deciding whether I go and wi ...might just get weighed and come home as I bought a countdown last week, don't want to waste my free week do I lol.
Hate the winter I get everything going, so I am guessing the last few weeks of different upsets has been the beginning of my yearly illnesses, as long as the bronchitis stays away I am laughing (Had it 8 years in a row for up to 6 months when I was smoking and not had it once since I stopped, so :fingerscrossed: it stays away)...I am going to hit the sack guys ...will catch up tomorrow...hopefully.
Night Night all and sweet dreams :zz: xxxxxxxxxxxx
good night god bless:nightf:

hope you sleep well xxx

and big hugs to the grankids for looking aftryou so well xx

Thanks hunni, will catch up with your diary tomorrow, just too tired right now.
Sweet dreams xxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all, cold is in full swing this morning, nose is streaming and yet stuffy at the same time, head is pounding, throat is sore and have cold sores coming on my lips, yeahhh a full set I love it ...NOT....still better now than over Christmas, have spent too many xmas's with colds and flu in the last few years.
Anyway, it's wi day today, I am still not sure whether I will stay at the meeting tonight or just weigh and go, the hall we weigh in is freezing at the best of times, so will see how it goes tonight.
Hopped on my scales first thing and they say 3 on, I am not surprised by that, I have done very little exercise and have had to increase my steroids by 7.5 x what I normally take. I don't remember the last time I had an outbreak so bad and that lasted so long, usually gone in about 5 days this one is still sore, can only just tentatively put my foot to the floor still. I am ok whatever happens, I know this is part of my journey, I have just checked and I will have put on 15 times since starting at SW, but I will still have lost over 5.5st in that time and that makes me really happy, that takes me to just under 12st in total, how can I not be happy with that, all it does is make me more determined that next week, I will lose that gain and a few more on top...I have targets and as long as I aim for them I am I read on here I think someone said it on Jackie's Diary, I will aim for the moon but be happy if I fall on the stars .
So have a great day everyone and good luck everyone weighing in today xxxxxxxxx
Lily42uk said:
Morning all, cold is in full swing this morning, nose is streaming and yet stuffy at the same time, head is pounding, throat is sore and have cold sores coming on my lips, yeahhh a full set I love it ...NOT....still better now than over Christmas, have spent too many xmas's with colds and flu in the last few years.
Anyway, it's wi day today, I am still not sure whether I will stay at the meeting tonight or just weigh and go, the hall we weigh in is freezing at the best of times, so will see how it goes tonight.
Hopped on my scales first thing and they say 3 on, I am not surprised by that, I have done very little exercise and have had to increase my steroids by 7.5 x what I normally take. I don't remember the last time I had an outbreak so bad and that lasted so long, usually gone in about 5 days this one is still sore, can only just tentatively put my foot to the floor still. I am ok whatever happens, I know this is part of my journey, I have just checked and I will have put on 15 times since starting at SW, but I will still have lost over 5.5st in that time and that makes me really happy, that takes me to just under 12st in total, how can I not be happy with that, all it does is make me more determined that next week, I will lose that gain and a few more on top...I have targets and as long as I aim for them I am I read on here I think someone said it on Jackie's Diary, I will aim for the moon but be happy if I fall on the stars .
So have a great day everyone and good luck everyone weighing in today xxxxxxxxx

You rock!!! I know I say it all the time-but it's true :) that 'quote' from Jackie reminded me:
There is a song from the Mary Poppins musical called Anything Can Happen-will find it later and link it-but there is a line near the end: 'If you reach for the stars, all you get are the stars, but we've found a whole new spin; If you reach for the heavens, you get the stars thrown in'
I know it's very similar but I live it :)
Am going to go and find a link to it for you now as all the words are great :) xxx
Welshtigger said:
You rock!!! I know I say it all the time-but it's true :) that 'quote' from Jackie reminded me:
There is a song from the Mary Poppins musical called Anything Can Happen-will find it later and link it-but there is a line near the end: 'If you reach for the stars, all you get are the stars, but we've found a whole new spin; If you reach for the heavens, you get the stars thrown in'
I know it's very similar but I live it :)
Am going to go and find a link to it for you now as all the words are great :) xxx


I 2nd everything that Jo said!!

You are amazing with a Fab attitude!!

Jo... I like that saying!! :) xxx
Welshtigger said:
You rock!!! I know I say it all the time-but it's true :) that 'quote' from Jackie reminded me:
There is a song from the Mary Poppins musical called Anything Can Happen-will find it later and link it-but there is a line near the end: 'If you reach for the stars, all you get are the stars, but we've found a whole new spin; If you reach for the heavens, you get the stars thrown in'
I know it's very similar but I live it :)
Am going to go and find a link to it for you now as all the words are great :) xxx

This is a YouTube link xxx
Whatever happens on the scales this week is ( as you say ) all part of the journey. Your journey is full of interesting routes and you may need the odd new tyre or put the wrong fuel sometimes in BUT you know you will end up where you want to be ..after such a journey getting to the best place on earth , you will want to stay there too..Hope your cold doesnt last too long ... Youve had a rough week so a bit of TLC seems needed.
Hi everyone, well I was right it was a hefty gain, I feel sad but not defeated, I was praying it would be no more than 4lb but oh how wrong can you be, when I weighed this morning that was prior to me eating I gained a heft 6lb tonight, knew it would be high, very little exercise and 7.5 x my normal steroid dose, but I was expecting it.
I really believe last weeks 2lb loss was an absolute fluke or as my C said proof that we are one week behind...I really hope not as I am still on the hefty steroid dose and if he's right I can expect another hefty gain next week.
Still I know that this is something that happens to me, I used to get really upset about it but there's nothing I can do at this moment in time to change it so I have to go with the flow and see what next week brings, my feet are almost back to normal so should at least be able to get back to my exercise routine.
Thanks for all your lovely comments and I will catch you all later xxxxxxxx
aww sweetheart I am so sorry :bighug: at least you know why it is, steroids are reknowned for it :(

I did a long reply earlier and lost it along with a few others. Not sure why some of my messages aren't posting, not sure if its minis, my internet, or me being thick, in all honesty could be either. :wavey: but I do care and I did try honest. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I know you care hunni, I am a little gutted as I definitely won't get that off by next week ...but hey ho who said it was all going to be plain sailing eh?
I decided to give myself a little treat tonight so made some syn free rice pudding, I don't normally eat it as I know rice is one of my no no's but hey what the heck ...I fancied it and I have all week to try and get it out of my body lol

PS It has actually made me more determined than ever to make sure I beat this however long it takes xxx
I am shattered, so I am off to bed, night night :nightf: everyone xxxx :zz:
I love reading your diary lily you have achieved so much and truly are one of my inspirations I love my daily fix of your diary xx
Hope you feel better soon x and that gain am sure is do with the steroids . I love how your so positive and that's how I deal with my diet demons too xxx
It's taken me ages to catch up. You lot can't half talk!!!

I think the big family holidy will be brilliant. We do that sometimes for a long weekend and always have a laugh :D

I'm glad things have sorted themselves out with Kirsty and Mark.

I hope you're cold is better soon and you're foot is back to 100%.

Don't be too upset about the gain. It might sound like a big number but you usually have big losses so it will go quickly. It's like me saying I've gained 2lb. It might not seem like a lot but it would take me at least 3 weeks to lose that. All the meds you've had to take lately won't have helped and the cake craving probably came from the increased steroids. I can't fill my son up whenever he has to take steroids for his asthma. Once you're back to 100% health and the meds are at their normal level I bet a lot of that weight will drop off without you having to try.

Anyway we can help each other next week cos I'm sure I'll have a mega gain with everything I've eaten this week :)