Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hey everyone, finally it's all over and I can now relax for another year lol
I think Mal had a good time yesterday with the family all here and today, his actual birthday he's done everything he wanted and I have cooked him his fave meals, I am now ready for some Relaxation :D
I had a great day yesterday, the food was a massive hit and nearly every bit went :woohoo:, funnily enough the thing that got left the most was the bread rolls previous years they were the first to go, just shows what an education in food can do lol.
But today I was naughty and had a big old chunk of Mal's Flake Birthday Cake....funnily enough I don't really like choccie cake but that one is something special...I am giessing the scales are gonna hate me but heck it was valentine, Mal's Birthday, My friends Birthday and my sister in laws birthday all in the same week....I'd be happy with a sts or even a small gain really lol xxx

Oh and my toe is really painful...I am just going to put a picture in my photo album ...don't look if you're squeamish lol xxx

The Buffet for Mal's Birthday ...everything except the rolls were SW friendly and all made from scratch xxx
Ooh lily it looks yum :D I dont think ill be looking at the toe picture though very squeamish!!
:wow: that looks flipping gorgeous Lily! You could be a sw party planner sweetie!!

Hope that toe gets better soon. Are you taking any painkillers? Going to brave your diary and have a look *curls toes*!! :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: xxx
OMG at your toe. That is awful. You poor thing :bighug: xxx
Ooh lily it looks yum :D I dont think ill be looking at the toe picture though very squeamish!!

Hey Emma the food was really lovely, what you see there is about a half of what I made but didn't have room to put it all out, so as the food got eaten I just put more out and it all went bar say about £3's worth and I was dead happy with that...the whole buffet you could stuff your face all day and as long as you only had 1 of each cake and a couple of pieces of the marmite cake was under 15 syns in total 3 x cakes at 3.5 syns each, 2 x Marmite Cake at 1.5 syns a piece and it adds up to 13.5 syns...if you had a half a scotch egg and 4 pieces of the chopped up sausage it would take you to 15 that was well worth the effort believe me
No I wouldn't look at the foot if you're squeamish it's nasty and very painful :eek:xxx

:wow: that looks flipping gorgeous Lily! You could be a sw party planner sweetie!!

Hope that toe gets better soon. Are you taking any painkillers? Going to brave your diary and have a look *curls toes*!! :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: xxx

Lol I could be a party planner I suppose, but it's a lot of hard work hun, so don't think I'd want to do it regualrly lol
Hope my toe didn't put you off too're brave hun :8855: xxxxx
ohh that looks so yummy :D:D:D

i see a buisness op here, lily's sw friendly caterers :D:D:D:D

glad you had a good time

definetly going to lose that nail :eek:


Oh I really hope not, there aren't many things that make me cringe or feel sick, but my feet and espcially my toe nails are top of the list...just the thought of it is making me want to hurl
My toe is about 3 times it's normal size too and very painful, I just can't explain what a freak accident it really was, so simple in many ways and yet so painful ...darn it xxx~:hug99:xxxx
Sorry guys I am just too exhausted to catch up on diaries, got an early start in the morning. Kelly is having another exploratory op on her shoulder tomorrow after her physio...some long winded name I can't remember or pronounce lol, she dislocated her shoulders 3 years ago during an epileptic fit on Christmas Day and both arms dislocated, her right arm was fine but the left one kept dislocating so 18 months ago she had a stabilising op on that shoulder which seems to have worked :fingerscrossed: any way a few weeks ago she was at her kick boxing class and did a star jump and the right one dislocated itself and has done so another 2 times since, the exploratory op tomorrow is to determine if they can stabilise this one with keyhole surgery or whether they will have to go in fully like the last one, :fingerscrossed: it will be keyhole...she's in agony with it at the moment, drove to Bristol which is a 3 hours drive there and 3 hours back and hasn't been able to move it since.....anyway I'm off to hospital with her tomorrow and then wi tomorrow night, so will catch up then...take care all and speak soon :hug99:xxxxxxxx
shenzi said:
Ooh lily it looks yum :D I dont think ill be looking at the toe picture though very squeamish!!

Snap Emma!

Home your toe gets better real soon and Kelly's ok today x

And well done on WI too :)

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:wow:Lily that buffet table looks stunning. You could definately write a recipe book or go into business yourself. :D

Your toe looks really sore, I hope it mends soon. I think the nail will go but if you're careful (very) with it you might be able to keep the damaged one till the new one is well grown underneath and it wouldn't be as bad then when it does come off.:)

I hope Kelly gets on OK at the hospital and :fingerscrossed: it can be dealt with by keyhole surgery. :)

Well done in advance for WI. :D
Hey everyone, I am just popping in to let you know how I got on and then I am off to bed, it's been such a long day and I have a pounding headache and I wanna get some sleep before it turns into a migraine and it really feels like it's going to.
I put on 2lb this week, not sure why it's that much but not too worried either as I know I can get rid of it this week.
Hope you're all well I will hopefully be able to get on here tomorrow and catch up properly.
Nighty night all sweet dreams :zz: xxxxxxxx
yep that 2lb will be gone in no time!!

i will catch up with you one of these days- i'm a busy flutterby at the moment- start at asda again tomorrow!!!! they called me back yesterday :) the first shift and....that woman i like will be working *blush*

im not at checkouts though- i'm "go getting" heehee.

will definitely catch up with you soon- big huge promise :)

love you lots n stuff :) xxx