Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Morning Lily hun x

Sorry about the gain and the psoriasis flare up, but well done on working out how you went wrong.

I'm another who can't eat lots of carbs, as it just piles on the pounds, which was the reason I switched from extra easy to red/original for most days, so that the carbs are limited.

Morning lovely Lynne, I am actually a bit annoyed with myself, I know what carbs do to me and yet it never even registered....and to be honest after putting in a lot of energy last week I am gutted not to have a good result, but that is behind me now and this week I am going for a blinder,so watch this space :giggle:
Hope you're having a great day sweetie :hug99: xxx

Morning lovely Lily
Hope you have a fab day

Morning lovely Kally plod along friend :bighug:
Hope you have a fab day too sweetie :hug99: xxx
Right I keep getting waylaid...Mal has built the shed and is now putting on the wood preserve, so what has that got to do with me being waylaid you may think....."Love can you look up Cuprinol fence and shed preserve, Love can you look up Wyevale garden centre, Love can you find the telephone number for Homebase, Love can you look up on B&Q see how much they're charging, Love can you make me a cuppa, Love I'm going to the shops...2 minutes later the phone rings, Love what colour shall I buy the wood preserve in...I like Autumn Gold, look on line see what you think, then he returns home, Love I'm hungry could you make us a cuppa and a sarnie please and come look see what you think of this colour, come look and see how the shed has turned out", ....:argh: I'm not being horrible but I really want to say...It's a bl00dy shed I don't care what colour it is I don't care what it looks like, I just care about putting stuff in it so I can clear this house and get the nursery done :argh: now I have that little rant out of my system I will write my positives and my menu for today :giggle: xxx
Hello lovely Tanya...naughty girl, you never text me :(, too busy having fun were we :giggle:
Sucks about the gain but you knew it was coming hun, I know you of all people will shift that next week, can you shift a few extra for me too please :D:D, we'll have matching halo's :innocent0002: this week then !!!

4 hours, I know...Mal hasn't stopped going on about it lol keeps saying I went to bed had a good sleep woke up 4 hours later and you 2 were still nattering :8855: and we'd have gone on longer if you'd not had to get up wouldn't we :giggle: ....It was good to have a good catch up hun and to actually here your voice properly this time look amazing in "real life hun" :wow: oh and I was surprised, I thought your accent might be a bit broader, but it wasn't and as for me being Posh :8855: :8855: :8855: that did make me chuckle....have you ever watched Eastenders? hahahaha...the Queens posh love not me :giggle:

Well hope you're having a fab day hun, can't wait till the holidays are out of the way so we can meet up for real.

Luv ya too sweetie :hug99: xxxx

i remembered to text you when i went to 7pm group- and it got busy- then forgetted again- sowwie! heehee.

it was crazy how quick that went eh? people think i sound scouse because i live by liverpool- but because we're a few miles away we're not as broad as them- we often get called "posh scousers" because we sound a bit posher ;) and you totally sound well posh- you're from down souf- rofl!

we'll ace next week- it'll be awesome!

and looking forward to later on in the year- havent been down your way in years- looking forward to it- and meeting you of course :D :D :D xxxx
Menu Wednesday 13th June 2012:

Brunch up late so missed Brekkie

3 slices 400g Wholemeal Nimble Hexb and 2.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
2 x Scrambled Eggs
Baked Beans
Mountains of Mushrooms
Fresh tomatoes
2 x Satsumas
Water 1 pint

Jacket Potato
Chilli Beef
Large Mixed Salad
Shape Crumble Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Banana, Mixed Berries, Sugar Free Mango and Passion-fruit Jelly 0.5 syns
Syn Free Cream
Water 1 pint

Milk Hexa
Options 2 syns
Fruit throughout the day, Apple, berries, bananas and satsumas
Water 3-4 pints while exercising
Exercise ...will update when done

Syns total for the day = 7 syns
Total syns for the week = 17.5 syns
(Day 2)

Positives Wednesday 13th June 2012

Woke up after a good long sleep and feeling good
Have sussed out why I had an unexpected gain last night, and will not be doing that again
Am working on a perfect week and I will achieve it
I have the best family in the world and I love them all and they love me too
I have the best friends in the world who I adore
I am going for my first walk in ages tonight and I am excited
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i remembered to text you when i went to 7pm group- and it got busy- then forgetted again- sowwie! heehee.

it was crazy how quick that went eh? people think i sound scouse because i live by liverpool- but because we're a few miles away we're not as broad as them- we often get called "posh scousers" because we sound a bit posher ;) and you totally sound well posh- you're from down souf- rofl!

we'll ace next week- it'll be awesome!

and looking forward to later on in the year- havent been down your way in years- looking forward to it- and meeting you of course :D :D :D xxxx

I'll forgive you :bighug:, I was sposed to text Mark back during weigh in last night but we had another 9 new members and Kelly couldn't get there to do the weigh in and Clive was trying to weigh everyone in and try and sort out the new members, it was manic and I totally forgot so i know it's easy done lol

I love our chats and how easy we get along together cheeky bugger :8855:

4 hours ...I can't believe it was that long and your accent is hardly noticeable, but then as I was often reminded you're not from Liverpool are you :giggle: just close by hehehe

Oh we will ace it this week hunni, I am actually a little glad I gained yesterday it has put the fire back in my belly and I am determined to have a brilliant week....Clive asked me to set a target for next week, I refused said I don't want to put myself under any pressure and that's true ....but in my heart I want minimum of 6.5lb to get me back to my lowest weight and 7+ to get me back in it that's what I am aiming for between you me and the gate post :giggle: and I am going to do everything I can to get it...I've done it loads of times before, don't see why I can't this time

And I can't wait for the trip ...partly cos we are both going on hols first and I know how excited we both are, but mostly cos we finally meet up :woohoo: can't wait :hug99: xxx
Thank you for your lovely words - you can crack the whip at me anytime lovely - I already have Jackie kicking my butt on a regular basis :giggle:. Sorry to hear you had a pesky gain but as LFB said it's a positive that it's helped you spot a pattern. Nasty psoriasis and horrible streroids - but ne'er fear - bet you'll get the 6.5/7 loss you are after - you are so determined. :giggle: at Mal and the shed, bless him! :bighug: xxxxxx
Evening Lily, sorry to hear about your 1lb gain especially after you had a good week, but in some ways its done you a favour as without it you wouldn't have worked out the pattern to more carbs and steroids (meant in the nicest way of course :) ). With your determination and focus that lb together with several more will be gone next will do it xx
fab positives my lovely twin :D so gonna be a good week this week then Lily ? You can do this :D xxxxxxxxxx

Hello lovely I am determined it's going to be a fabulous week...I am not going down that road again...I can do this and I will xxx:hug99: xxx
Sorry to hear about your gain lily- lets smash it this week! X

Thanks hun, absolutely going to smash it this week, both of us....sooner we get down sooner you teach me how to make Paratha's lol xxx:hug99:xxx

Thank you for your lovely words - you can crack the whip at me anytime lovely - I already have Jackie kicking my butt on a regular basis :giggle:. Sorry to hear you had a pesky gain but as LFB said it's a positive that it's helped you spot a pattern. Nasty psoriasis and horrible streroids - but ne'er fear - bet you'll get the 6.5/7 loss you are after - you are so determined. :giggle: at Mal and the shed, bless him! :bighug: xxxxxx

Hello lovely, I am always happy to crack the :whip: when needed, I have one and I'm not afraid to use it :giggle: and neither is Jackie lol
The gain is gone and forgotten, now working on my big loss for this week, and yeah I don't know why I never made the connection before, but I guess I just have to thank my lucky stars that I did eventually, maybe now I won't have so many gains when I increase the steroids
Oh believe me Mal is so close to getting :whoopass:..he is driving me nuts ...he has bought himself a kneeling pad and it has printed on it Cuppa Please and everytime he wants a cuppa he puts it in the shed window for me to see........cheeky bugger lol xxx:hug99:xxx

Evening Lily, sorry to hear about your 1lb gain especially after you had a good week, but in some ways its done you a favour as without it you wouldn't have worked out the pattern to more carbs and steroids (meant in the nicest way of course :) ). With your determination and focus that lb together with several more will be gone next will do it xx

Thanks hun I have spent today doing everything I can to make sure that pound and a few of his buddies leave home next week lol....I just can't get over the fact I didn't spot the connection sooner :d'oh: but best not to dwell on it and just mae sure I am really ready for the next time :hug99:xxx
Just a quick visit ladies as I am shattered....I have spent today clearing the back bedroom and putting things in the shed and Mal has actually gotten rid of tons of his junk which I say :woohoo: about time too....but even then I had to pull him up....he was going to keep 4 claw hammers and loads of other kinds of hammers and loads of other tools.....I have never seen so many spanners in one place to be he sold some to my neighbour and has decided to sell some on ebay too...about time too lol....I have also done 4 and a half hours exercise today, did 2 hours first thing this morning and then another 2 and a half tonight, hence why I am shattered lol
I have noticed that I keep getting cuts and split skin on my hands, I have an inch or so long gash on the palm of my hand and I am 99% sure that's because the steroid ointment has thinned my skin, going to have to have a word with my dermatologist, it's a bit worrying that my hand splits open for no apparent reason :hmm: xxx:hug99:xxx
So ...Thursday 14th June 2012

2 x weetabix Hexb
2 x Mullerlight
Banana and strawberries
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint


Mixed Salad
Water 1 pint

SW Chilli
Jacket Potato
Mixed Salad
75g Philadelphia Light 6 syns
30g Cheese Hexa
Water 1 pint

Cup of Tea 1 syn
2 x Rich Tea Finger 2 syns

Did 4 and a half hours exercise and drank 5 pints of water

Syns for today = 10.5 syns

Syns for the week = 28 syns (Day 3)
Positives Thursday 14th June 2012:

Woke after a good nights sleep feeling positive and ready to go
Got lots of clearing up and out done today, feels good
Did 4 and a half hours exercise ...ache but feel brilliant (I will make my target this week)
Day 3... 100% on plan and loving it
I have the best family in the whole who I adore and who adore me
I have the best friends in the world and I love ya all xx

I am off to my bed , got to be up early to my sisters and then Kelly's for dinner, so may not get on here tomorrow...if not have a good day and sweet dreams everyone :hug99: :zz: xxxxx
Morning Lily, can't sleep so getting my minis fix early :) Have a lovely day at your sisters and Kelly's and hope your hand heels quickly :)
Morning Lily

Seriously giggling at Mal and his kneeling pad
the cheeky so and so ......
Happy Friday lovely and beware man in shed
demanding tea ;)
Good morning lily :D
Lily x 4.5 hours exercise wow !! Wonder women springs to mind ;-) xx
Speak soon x x
Have a good weekend Lily. I'm about to start reading 'mummy make it stop' :eek:
Happy Weekend lovely Lily!:wow: at the exercise, food and water! You are going to smash it at wi, no problem!
Am chuckling away at Mal and the cup of tea mat - cheeky s*d!!
Sorry to read about your hand :(. I think mine did that once - I used to get really bad eczma. Dermavate, is that the strong one you're on? Used to come in a white and green tube? I seem to remember did similar to my skin. I liked the pink one best but I think that was the weakest. Hope your dermatologist gets it sorted asap. Have a fabby weekend :bighug: xxxxxx