Signatures and Progressive Privileges

Thanks Pierce, that helps
how do i get an avaiter then? and now i have over 50 post cant i message?
Thanks for the advice
Still can't get my priviledges :-(
cant get my priviledges yet :-(
20 posts and you can put up an avatar.

It takes about an hour for the software to update your new privileges.

To add an avatar...

Avartars are something you do yourself, but it not that hard.

1) Go to the menu at the top of this page, click on the User CP

2) Go to edit avatars and click.

3) Click on use custom avatars

4) Browse your files to find the picture you want to use

5) Click on save changes

6) It will add your pic to your posts automatically.
Thanks for the explanation
Just wondering, i have uploaded a profile pic but i can't see it on any of the posts i have mde since uploading it, what am i doing wrong???
Yeh, working!!! Cheers
well here goes this should be my 50th message see what happens ha ha