Simply filling


Silver Member
Hi there :) I just enquiring for a friend she is currently doing the pp plan but she's heard about simply filling and was wondering if this is mentioned in her pack?and also what it is really lol I wud be great full for some replies :) xx
There is a sub forum here on the ww forum on minimins, which is got everything you would need including the full simply filling food list, recipes etc..

Basically it is a plan which involves no weighing or counting PP constantly. You can have as much healthy and filling foods as you want these are highlighted in green in your small purple pocket guide and as I said in the simply filling forum there is a thread which has this list too. The list includes things like crumpets, calorie controlled bread, ww bread products, baked beans, bacon medallions, eggs, alot of meat, potatoes, wholemeal rice, pasta, cous cous, all fruit and veg, passata, extra lean steak mince, fish etc etc.

As said you don't have to count these foods nor weigh them out. It is best really for, I think who have come off pro points and are already aware of portion control. So you can have as much brown rice, pasta etc as you want.

Anything else you want which isn't on the list if it be gravy granules, or a packet of still have your 49 weeklies to cover that. So you just take them from your weeklies.

You also have to have 2 tsp of oil a day :)

Any other questions ask away or check out the simply filling forum where alot of girls have diaries etc

That's amazin thank u :) so its kinda like sw in a way but better:) had never heard of it before sounds fab :) do people get losses on it? I think my friend will love this and I'm intrigued now too :) can't believe ww bread etc is on list too :) suppose u just eat to ur full and don't over do it., I always use too like ww but hated weighin n pointing so this sounds great :)
Just noticed how many smileys I used there lol xx
Curvygirl87 said:
That's amazin thank u :) so its kinda like sw in a way but better:) had never heard of it before sounds fab :) do people get losses on it? I think my friend will love this and I'm intrigued now too :) can't believe ww bread etc is on list too :) suppose u just eat to ur full and don't over do it., I always use too like ww but hated weighin n pointing so this sounds great :)

Yep people say its just like slimming world apart from the healthy a's and b's. I did a week of it one time and lost 3lbs that week even though I had wine and chip shop that weekend :) with ww changing slightly end of las year you also can now do alternate days of simply filling and pro points which is fab too! So you can have two day PP and 5 SF or do them all SF of weekdays SF and maybe weekends PP! It's so adaptable to your lifestyle!

Some girls on the forums have done it and had such good losses! I think it's good but if you go off track and have like say a naughty McDonald's or KFC etc it can drain the 49 weeklies! But this new change with being able to alternate PP an SF means you can just change it to a PP day simply and save your weeklies!

It involves abit more prep on food I'd say as you can't eat ready meals really. But if you like cooking or were an ex sliming world member who is used to more cooking etc it would be ideal!

I think it is all about the portion control! For me with being on pro points I kinda know by eye what I a normal portion size, but I know for some eating pasta etc it's hard to register a portion size.

Simply filling is all about eating until your satisfied not full, once you recognise that feeling and can control your eating so you can recognise that stage simply filling is great!

Yes ww things like petit pans, bread, wraps, bagels..also nimble bread. So you can have a bacon medallion sandwich for breakie for free :) how good is that!

That is fab! I'm currently doin sw but often miss ww so this sounds fab! That's great u can alternate! But I assume when doin sf the 49 pp weeklies have to do u the entire week? And if ur doin pp the 49 weeklies will have whatever uv used on sf taken out also? Sorry if that sounds like a ramble lol
Yep I get you :) your right you have the 49 weeklies which stands for the whole week. If you used 9 weeklies one one day of simply filling you would have 40 weeklies remaining . Then if you had to go out and wanted to use pro pointing. Say if you had 30PP daily allowance and used them all and 20 more on a meal and drinks etc you would have to take the 20 from your weeklies, and from the 40 you had, leaving you with 20 weeklies remaining for the week. Hope that's explained ok :)
Yep that's brilliant :) thanks so much :) I'm actually really excited and think il start this myself :):) really can't believe the bread products r free as I really miss wraps etc on sw :) xxx
Oh also is tea coffee diet drinks still free? I see shredded wheat is free:) is that one it two i wonder?:)Xx
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Hi ladies, sorry to jump in on your thread, is the book your need for simply filling still available from class, i am back for my weigh in tomorrow and will ask for a copy, i only went back last week havnt been since the end of November and the leader didnt mention anything about this plan. thank you. x
Oh also is tea coffee diet drinks still free? I see shredded wheat is free:) is that one it two i wonder?:)Xx

Hi, yes coffee, tea (as long as you use skimmed milk or none at all, and no sugar) and diet drinks all free. Shredded wheat is free - as it's a F&H food, you can have as much as you need to feel satisfied but not stuffed. Hardly feels like a diet at all :D
just back from weigh-in 2lboff, was given the green book Filling and Healthy, is this all i need to try a few days on Simply Filling?, thank you. x
I don't do meetings but I think it should have all ur info if not the girls on here will always answer any questions u have
Oh and well done on the loss!
thank you Sarah88, i have read the green book think it contains all i need, will let you know how i get on having a go at the plan. xx
Extra lean mince is free on sf
Yeah 26 now I think some ppl still do 29 if u were losing on 29 and happy with that y change it, personally I want to have a real good loss each wk so I went down to 26 on my pp days!
sarah88 said:
Yeah 26 now I think some ppl still do 29 if u were losing on 29 and happy with that y change it, personally I want to have a real good loss each wk so I went down to 26 on my pp days!

I've only got a few pound left to lose so will try it on 26, plus need to get my head around healthy & filling days. I mainly do SW but my weight has totally plateau'ed so am back to ww to see if I can break thru x