Simply Satisfying - switching this week and need ideas

Well done on your loss, I've been following along here and it's good to see it working for you. Keep it up!!
thanks - I've done a lot better with it today now I've got my head round it and have only had to use 3 of my weeklies - I'm trying to save up some each day so I can have a treat at the cinema on Sunday and if I save 4 each day between now and then I think it gives me enough to have a big bag of butterkist popcorn!)

Todays menu was ...


2 x boiled eggs (woke up starving!)
Tin of grapefruit segments


Tuna with wholewheat pasta and sweetcorn with spoonful of low fat philadelphia (1pp). My joints hurt from the pasta as it wasn't gluten free but it hasn't upset my stomach as it normally does so I'm guessing the diet has helped with that somehow.


Fruit cocktail smoothie made with banana, fat free probiotic natural yoghurt, tin of fruit cocktail (drained) and 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil


Lentil casserole with loads of veg and Knorr stock pot (1pp) and I'll be following it with rhubarb crumble (rhubarb topped with gluten free oats and teaspoon of sugar) (1pp for the sugar)
Well done hun :) I've been looking at this and I think I'm way too lazy with the planning the meals! it takes an effort to plan what I have now lol

You're doing really well though and it seems to be working for you :) keep it up! xxx
lol - I have to plan my week's meals anyway or I go totally off track so its not much different for me.

If I'm honest it hasn't been a big switch. I was misdiagnosed with PCOS many years ago and as the traditional medical solutions didn't seem to be suited to me I spent 2 years working with a nutritionist and managing my health that way so a lot of the simply filling plan is just going back to the kind of things I used to eat when I was following that. Its like welcoming an old friend back and reminding myself of what I already know works for me.

I'm trying a few different bits and pieces this week to tweak it a bit more to get the balance right for my body but in general I feel SO much better on this right now. The last couple of days it seems to have kicked in more and my skin and hair etc are looking so much healthier - I know the flax seed oil always helps with that.

I'm going to see how I get on this week but I think I've finally found the plan that works best for me. I put about it in my diary on here but following this system I don't actually feel like I'm dieting as such but its like I've just switched to what will be my lifelong eating plan in order to stay at a healthy weight and the losses are my body catching up. I'm sure it won't work for everyone but for me its definitely much more within my comfort zone :)
I've just been reading through this as I was interested in the Simply Filling plan. Are you still doing Simply Filling now? Do you like it better than the regular plan? I'd like to switch to it at some stage... simply because the free things are things I like to have (such as a glass of milk) :) x
I think I'm going to try this, this week due to my gain /lose that gain cycle. Hope I have enough money to cover the cost :) I usually find plans like this cost more. :(