Skinny for Graduation


Full Member
Don't really have a 'story' as such...I came to uni Nd put 3 stone on, which I would desperately love to lose again by my graduation in 6 months! I'm going to try and stick to 1200 cals a day. The next few weeks WILL be tricky what with uni deadlines and Christmas, but I'm determined to stop bingeing and over eating!

So today for breakfast I had done oatsosimple with sugar which came to 250, and now I'm going to the library for as long as I can to do work! I'll take 2 tangerines with me (100) and maybe go for dinner at subway, I get either ham or beef on wheat bread with no cheese or sauce which I know comes to around 250. This then leaves me with 600 calories for tea!

Hopefully writing this down will force me to stick to it! Has anyone else found that university has made them pile on the pounds?

Nad x
Hey, i know exactly how you feel! Im trying to lose my uni weight by the time i graduate in July but, i have a lot more to lose than you! I was already about 13 when i started but it has piled on over the past for years of uni. I think mainly drinking is what does it! Its hard at the moment having to spend so much time in the library, it means meals are all over the place. I start the day with good intentions and then am hungry by about 5/6 so end up going for quick/bad food with my bf (who can eat whatever he wants haha). Im also attempting to stick to 1200 i have lost about 5/6 pounds over the past month or so but havent tried as well as i should do... and the nights out havent helped! Good luck with your weight loss!
It feels so good to know the same thing seems to have happened to more people! A lot of students go to uni and lose weight - I wish I did!!! I've managed to hit the nights out on the head over the past year just because I KNOW they always end up with a takeaway!! That's a good start, it can only get better!! I'm going to make a little packed lunch to take with me to the library this week, it seems like the only way ahead!!
I know what you mean, it helps being in final year with so much work to do there arem't many chance for a night out! I am sure you will do well, with all the work we will have on there wont be much time for lazing about! I have had a good day today 2 small jacket potatoes and beans and 5 chicken dippers!
I love with calorie counting you can have whatever you want - just in moderation! I love chicken dippers!! Ive been using my fitness pal on my phone to log calories - going well!
Me too the app is soooo handy, its great when in uni and eating in one of the cafes as you can roughly work out what things are! I have been good so far today, i had a muffin for breakfast and a small jacket potato and beans for lunch. Just put some mince in the slow cooker to make a healthy shepherds pie for tonight. I should end up having about 1000 calories today, im trying to save a few hundred each day ready for my sisters birthday at the weekend! Good luck for the rest of today!
That's a really good idea of saving some up! Today I've had toast, some sandwiches I made and took to the library and for tea im planning a ready meal with loads of veg - this only adds up to 1000 too :) if I'm hungry later tonight I might even have a treat!

Not been feeling as hungry as I expected to which is great! Fingers crossed once Christmas is over and done with/I start seeing some results I'll start to tone up - exercise is sheer hell for me I would rather burn calories by starving than going on a cross trainer!!! But I'm thinking maybe Pilates or something? Have you been exercising? X
haha i know how you feel, i just get so bored! I find that if i go to the gym and do ten minutes on each thing then i can count down on a timer this helps to keep me going haha!
Ahaha yeah it seems like the best way to get through it!! I'm thinking of doing Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred, I've heard it's really good!

Also I've just come across this website which was really useful!! Once I changed the exercise to moderate 3-5 times a week I was very impressed with the results I should receive - definitely good for inspiration!!!
Ah yes that website looks great, useful for working out goals!
Yet another great day for me!! (so far).

For breakfast I had beans on toast, lunch I had a ham sandwich which comes to 700 calories, leaving me with 500! I bought some weight watchers ready meals which are all less than 300 cals (can't be very filling...), so I might even have a piece of toast or some oats so simple before bed when I will inevitably be hungry!!

I'm on day 4 of my diet now and it's all seeming quite easy, I'm rarely feeling hungry! I might see how I get on when I weigh myself in a few weeks :)
Day 5

Another day at the library! For breakfast I had oats so simple, do lunch I had 2 ham butties (in hindsight I should have just had one...) and a weight watchers ready meal. Made my friends hot chocolates before and I had the 40cal version - felt really good for this I need to make more swaps! I've got 50 cals left and my boyfriends got garlic bread so I will definitely have a couple of slices taking me over...but I don't feel bad!

Tomorrow I'm in work all day; I'll have beans on toast before I leave then when I get back maybe another ready meal!

Day 6

Another good day under my goal! For breakfast I had beans on toast, then after work I had an asda faux pot noodle (waiting for my tea to cook...:p), a fish pie ready meal and a highlights hot chocolate.

Even though I've (except for yesterday) been staying under my goal, I don't feel slimmer in my stomach, and I haven't really felt hungry. I'm a key believer that weightloss won't be achieved without the presence of hunger at least some of the time!!!

Therefore, I've decided to go to 1000, and then if I am really hungry or need energy, having a few hundred calories extra is fine!

Horrible 5.30am wake up call for work tomorrow; I'm going to have a cereal bar on the train or something, get home about 3ish and go to bed for an hour or so, eat something then go to the library for a few hours. Currently I have in my cupboard a tin of beans, dry pasta, cuppa soups and oats so simple; so I'm pretty sure there's no chance I'll be going over board!!! Chances are I'll pick up a sandwich or something for the train after work. Being busy is definitely keeping me going at the moment!
Day 7

Another good day; really getting into the swing of things. I was up at 5.30 and couldn't face breakfast, but had a cheeky M&S sandwich and crisps after work, some savoury rice for tea, then I had some soup and yogurt. I went literally 7calories over so I did well!

Not felt hungry at all :) my boyfriends coming home tomorrow so we might go for a meal or something possibly, if I go over I don't mind, I just won't binge eat!!
Day 8

Went for a pizza! I didn't really feel guilty because I knew I'd been good all week.

I woke up this morning (having had first lie in in ages) feeling quite slim!!! Maybe a 2000 cal day once in a while will do me good?

Not quite sure what day im on, ill give that up now. Home with my parents for Christmas now!

I've lost 7lbs so I'm mega chuffed :) fingers crossed I can lose another7 by the end of January, that's my aim!

Back to 1200 today!! Had a few days of eating junk, felt horrible for it, and so today I'm back on track :) decided that my new year resolution will be to eat more fruit and veg and drink more water :)