

Hi all - on day 3 and going ok. Quick question - was hungry last nite but stuck to the water! I did toss and turn all nite and was wondering is this just getting used to the diet? has anyone had this too? I have been mental busy at work so that may have had someting to do with it too!
Anyway just wondering what you though and what do you guys to when you may feel peckish to keep ya going?
Have a great day!
Hi Clare

I have horrible sleeping issues on this diet so you arent alone. That said, I don't sleep well at the best of times but definitely has gotten worse since starting LT.

With this being the 100% forum I can't say what I do when the hunger really gets to me ~.^ but mostly I keep a spreadsheet on my phone as well as my laptop and when I feel like really cheating I go consult it and look up a date in the future, a trip, a birthday, christmas etc and see what weight I'll be (Because I've forecast it into the future at different rates of weekly weightloss haha yes, Im that sad =p )

I think do whatever it takes to distract yourself, go for a walk, a bath, watch a movie, read a book, paint your nails, brush your teeth, do some housework, *anything* to keep you from opening the fridge hehe

Good luck! x