Slimming World 3rd needed

Just reading through your posts, are you having your 1/3 superfree veg? sometimes we forget when having things like spag boll, chilli,or curry
hope this helps
Only time will tell what a week in the New Forest did! I didn't stick to the diet while I was away, but I didn't go mad either...sensible breakfast, a simple lunch and one meal out a day and one pudding or treat a day. We walked and walked and least 5miles every morning and more most afternoons. Back on track today despite having a thoroughly miserable day at work :-( I wonder what Friday weigh in will be like?
Jaded; usually add a handful of salad if nothing else....but even meaty spag bol is enriched with carrot, red pepper and celery and has a whole can of tomatoes and passatta in! I'm good at getting those veggies in.
Oh My Gosh......I weighed in today and I have broken the 70kg barrier. Ok,only by 100g but when you consider I spent last week on holiday and have only been doing success express since monday that's a HUGE acheivement for me. 69.9kg :)
Summer (supposedly) so I feel more like salads which makes doing success express days easier. Lets hope I can make this another good week. Thanks for all your support.
Hmmmm. I just don't understand Slimming World. I have eaten at least 1/2 a plate of superfree at every meal (2/3 is tough buthave achieved it for at least half the meals), plus fruit/fat free yog for afters, I have had 10 syns a day and my HEX's weight loss. I do hope I've not reached that sticky point again as there is still a stone to go! Once friend on Slimming World says 'eat more'....but I'm not hungry and eating extra chocolate or crisps or wine just to up my syns seems....wrong?
But....I won't quit this time. Just redouble my efforts. Today I'm on red; had weetabix (HEXB) milk(HEXA) and banana for brekky, salad and chicken for lunch with quavers as a snack (5.5syns) and fruit. Dinner is a fish soup/casserole (smoked cod, milk(HEXA), potato (HEXB) celeriac, spinach and some crusty bread (6syns).
Still 7kgs to go! I WILL DO IT.
Last night's smoked cod chowder was yummy. I'll post the recipe if anyone is interested.

Today: Muller yog, shreddies (HEXB) banana and milk (HEXA)
Lunch: Tuna salad, fruit
Dinner: Meatball curry, rice, tomato salad, more fruit (melon and ginger, yum)
Syns: Not yet accounted for...maybe a small glass of wine and a ice lolly?!
hi vlp how you doing? I have been AWOL myself on holidays and wotnot. Have you moved past your sticking point yet?
I gave up for a bit. life has been too stressful for a diet but back to it this week, going well.
hi vlp- i had a bit of an off plan blip as well- for a couple of weeks :eek: back on it this week though. How are you doing?