slimming world and Antidepressants


Full Member
Hay ive just been put on 15 mg of Mirtazapine (Antidepressant) for an On going [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Depression..was taking loads years ago...but came off 2 years on im 1 1/2Lb from target with a 4st 9 1/2lb weightloss behind me..Now i need to take these.Just wondered what experience's any one else has had Regarding weight gain/loss......Thankyou for reading X[/FONT]
I personally haven't found my medications to affect my weight loss (Lamotragine and Sertraline) but I did find the medication you're currently taking to contribute to my weight gain, it wasn't a great one for me, but you may find it doesn't effect you as all medication interacts differently with people, if you find it not to be a great one for you, it's a tetracyclic anti-depressant so you did not agree with this one, ask to try another one.

Is there more than one reason you were put onto this drug? I was given this one to help me sleep as well as treating depression, but it wasn't great for me. Normally, the first port of call is an SSRI type.
ive been on this one before..and yer for sleep aswell..i was on 75mg of this one about 2 years ago..along with Venflaxatin of 700mg....But i nore the dr wont me up there im working now lol Thanks for your replys XX