Slinkysons diary

Ooooo do U like the cookies and cream? I nearly theew it back up haha, so mad how everyones taste is so diff!!
how are U getting on? I loved juddd! Wish I could do it again!!
Well I went from 15.11 to 10.7 but then put a stone on :[
Oh yeah I ended up joining sw and the classes, I loved it, but it wasn't enough restriction for me, so ill defdo be following that after the wedding :-D xxx

It's lovely yeah loved it! Only got the 1 to try :) going to order the mint choc one soon but at the mo I have 28 packs and only doing it 2-3 days a week so they are going longer! Plus I'm abit skint at the mo! I'm doing good I lost 10lbs last week and think am around 2-3lbs loss this week but I expected big losses to start with I reckon it will be a pound a week or so now till I start s&s properly!
I was 18.1lb on the morning I have birth I'm not 15.10lbs well that's what I was last Monday I'm hoping to be lower than 15.7 on Monday! God huni bloody brilliant WELL DONE even 11.7 is fab 4stone loss is amazing! Yes I feel if you only have a stone or so to lose or want to maintain SW is brill for that but if you want weight off quickly then perhaps not the best option but still I love both s&s and SW love the variety but yeah you can over eat and cheat too much!! I'm looking forward to getting back on s&s properly and seeing big results! Last year or year before (whenever it was we were last here) I was 14.13 then went down to 11.3 and gave up I maintained it till the summer then all the kopperberg ciders and BBQ's and I went up to almost 13stone then got pregnant and went crazy!! I defo adopted the eating for 2 approach! Think that's why I developed gestural diabetes from 28wks :( hope to god that's gone when I go for my check up next Friday!
What's your wedding dress like? I have no idea what I'd want! I won't be spending a silly amount on it either, a fiend of like has just spent £1900 on a dress that's just a mind blowing amount! I'm hoping no more than £500 ideally £300 tops I'm a sale girl so will be looking in the January sales me thinks! Xx
Awww well good luck on friday for ur results.
Dress is, a dress haha im so enthusiastic :D I cant really explain it, its a wedding dress, not too big, and its white lol. Yeah i didnt pay alot either, i dont see the point!! My budget was £600 and i just stayed in it :D

Ahhhh i dont know what to do!! I had to come out of ketosis friday when i had accupunture, i went really dizzy and felt ill and she went mad i didnt eat a good breakfast like she told me too , i didnt know it changed blood sugar levels!! Anyway ive tried to go back on it today and failed, i am coming off it on saturday for a night out, then i have to come off it again the following weekend for my hen do and now im like what do i do!!?? im considering 5:2 with my packs. Ahhhh dont know lol xx
Awww well good luck on friday for ur results.
Dress is, a dress haha im so enthusiastic :D I cant really explain it, its a wedding dress, not too big, and its white lol. Yeah i didnt pay alot either, i dont see the point!! My budget was £600 and i just stayed in it :D

Ahhhh i dont know what to do!! I had to come out of ketosis friday when i had accupunture, i went really dizzy and felt ill and she went mad i didnt eat a good breakfast like she told me too , i didnt know it changed blood sugar levels!! Anyway ive tried to go back on it today and failed, i am coming off it on saturday for a night out, then i have to come off it again the following weekend for my hen do and now im like what do i do!!?? im considering 5:2 with my packs. Ahhhh dont know lol xx

The 5:2 works really well for me! I had gestural diabetes in pregnancy so not sure if be able to do s&s 100% because of the sugar levels I had to inject insulin daily and test my bloods upto 10 times a day I hated I'm sooooo hoping I'm not diabetic :/ will know more when I see the consultant! If you have all these events coming up I would try and do either 5:3 or the 8hour option have a look on juddd there's a few different choices on! I want to eventually switched to 3 fasts and 4 normal days! But got now 5:2 is working I've stayed the same this week but I think my period is on its way as I'm bloated and feeling very grotty!!
Well I have to say I was a little mift this morning when I weighed myself! I've maintained which I know I should be happier with but I really wanted a loss I had lost 2lbs on Thursday but hey HO my body does fluctuate a lot with water and bloating! Plus I think my period is on its way!! Boo!!! Didn't miss them whilst I was pregnant at all!!
Yeah I've been looking think im gonna go for the 4:3 gonna have my first down day tomorrow =D
Awww sts is still good, like U say if totm is on its way that deffo explains it!!

oh god that sounds awfull, I was in danger of having that when I got pregnant but I didn't, my fear of needles would of just made me have a breakdown or something lol fingers crossed for U xxx
Yeah I've been looking think im gonna go for the 4:3 gonna have my first down day tomorrow =D
Awww sts is still good, like U say if totm is on its way that deffo explains it!!

oh god that sounds awfull, I was in danger of having that when I got pregnant but I didn't, my fear of needles would of just made me have a breakdown or something lol fingers crossed for U xxx

Yeah true I find JUDDD easier the losses obvious arnt as high but you can still have a life and not feel hard done by! So at the moment I'm happy to stay as I am! Yeah it was awful I absolutely hated it, I'm not the best with needles either so having to prick my fingers numerous times s day to get blood out and then inject at every meal time really was too much! On top of that I had s low lying placenta, high blood press so was on medication for that and then severe oedema so could hardly walk towards the end so I was induced at 36wks but it hasn't put me off having more every pregnant and birth is different her birth was very traumatic but again id do it all again to have her! The docs said that if we do start trying again I have to have my bloods done because there's a very good chance I'll get it In the next pregnancy!

Anyway that's that! I'm hoping for a down tomorrow too I wasn't as strict on my down days this week I find it harder when oh is home and not working away coz he is an amazing cook but I really need to get tough with myself! Are you going to have packs on your down days or eat low cals! I would use the calculator on the actual JUDDD website I only have 400 cals on downs and 1400 on ups x
Aww no, sounds bad! Thought i had a bad pregnancy lol nothing on yours! Although labour and emergency c-section was horrific. I always wanted two children but due to health problems now, ive had to make the decision it probably isnt going to happen :(

Yeah i should actually check that now. Im going to use my packs up on the down days, then once there gone eat low cal things. I couldnt do that fasting thing for like 8 hours, id pass out lol xx
1834 on UD and 367 on DD.. Interesting! xx
1834 on UD and 367 on DD.. Interesting! xx

Ummmm I've just re-checked mind I should be having 440 on downs and 2147 on ups with 1000 intermediates!!!!!! I've not had anywhere near them figures I don't think anyway tomorrow is a down I've just found the tread about 100 cal ideas in the stickies bit some fan ideas in there!
Where does it tell you intermediates days? Just started a new diary in juddd/IF section. sick of doing new diarys on here lol xx
Where does it tell you intermediates days? Just started a new diary in juddd/IF section. sick of doing new diarys on here lol xx

Lol well it doesn't say it on an official website but does on here! So I stay around 1000 cals on a intermediate day think all/most do! I know what you mean Hun I'm forever changing distorted I have them in the diabetes section, pregnancy, new mums, SW and s&s so think sod it i may aswell have one on JUDDD too haha! First day of my first period today after having a c section and all I want is chocolate boooooo!!! X
Ahhh no is it a down day? Id be tempted to have a switch around ;-)

Bleurgh I had a csection too. Knocked me off my feet for 8 weeks after it was a nightmare!

Have a fab day xxx
Ahhh no is it a down day? Id be tempted to have a switch around ;-)

Bleurgh I had a csection too. Knocked me off my feet for 8 weeks after it was a nightmare!

Have a fab day xxx

Yeah down day today I need to have it today I'm trying tues and thurs because we have family coming this weekend! So far I've had an Atkins bar I've got some 10 cals sugar free jelly pots to keep me going this aft then a light salad fit tea :) I'll get through it may have an options drink later

I always thought a c section was an easy way out but hell no I was gutted I reached 8 cm's then i hadn't progressed in 5 hours, both went into distress so had no choice! The whole pregnancy was hard too but sooooo bloody worth it ages ace wouldn't be without her now!

I can understand how it took 8 weeks it's taken me 5 weeks to feel human again! That first week is the worst!!! I seriously thought I wouldn't able to walk it laugh again!! Anyway it's all a distant memory now she's here safe and sound and we are both doing Great well I say great she's a very sicky baby which is hardwork but other than that she's relatively easy :)

So how are you getting on with JUDDD it was on gmtv this morning a loss if celebs are following it :)
Yeah I thought the same lol I got induced Thurs morn and only got the emergency c section Friday night so I think my body just gave up and took forever to recover!! Awwe yeah all worth it in the end :)

Its going ok,had an up day today but had a big argument with OH this morn over his stag do so dont even feel like bloody eating now!!!

Ooo was it? Whose doin it? Xx
Yeah I thought the same lol I got induced Thurs morn and only got the emergency c section Friday night so I think my body just gave up and took forever to recover!! Awwe yeah all worth it in the end :)

Its going ok,had an up day today but had a big argument with OH this morn over his stag do so dont even feel like bloody eating now!!!

Ooo was it? Whose doin it? Xx

That sounds like me I was induced Friday night the. Had c section early hours Sunday I tonight I was going to die it was awful!

Ha we keep arguing over our stag and hen does! They just cost so much and we need a new roof and all sorts!

Yeah it was on GMTV this morning really interesting! Im they were talking about Hugh Jackman out of Wolvereen and some other celebs! :) what did you do for your hen do? X
His is this weekend, dont think im having one, its not the money we are arguing about, im just an emotional paranoid mess over it lol

Wolverine haha didn't expect that xxx
His is this weekend, dont think im having one, its not the money we are arguing about, im just an emotional paranoid mess over it lol

Wolverine haha didn't expect that xxx

Ha I know! It was shoring pictures of how buff he was! Obviously alot if working out has gone into that body! I've introduced 30 minutes walks into my days now! So fingers crossed this huge 'donut' will start to shift it's worst it's ever been! I could kick myself for over eating as much as I did I'm really paying the price now! One of my bridesmaids is pregnant! She has 5 months after baby's birth till the wedding and she's doing exactly the same Ive tried so hard to tell her to try and cut back abit or walk more or something but she has to go through it herself! She's not up for listening I just know she will be devastated if I have to order her a size 18!

so today Ive had loads to drink, an Atkins bar, sugar free jelly and for tea I had 2 quorn fillets 95cals :) with panfried veg I'm loads of herbs! Saved 100 cals for a options hot choc later and some more sugar free jelly :) must say today has been the easiest DD I've done I much prefer actually eating rather than doing packs on these days so will have 1 pack a day on DDs then eat the rest of my calories :) can't wait for tomorrow pasta for tea yumy :)