Small steps

I think we can all have a tendency to stick to the same things - I know my shopping list is pretty much the same every week. I think it's human nature to stick to the familiar, isn't it? We're creatures of habit. But I suppose that's why it's nice to mix it up a bit sometimes.

Been to Aldi AGAIN today and got some more veg. Might do a stir fry tomorrow. I'm loving raspberries at the moment too - taste great with porridge and a bit of yogurt in the morning. Here's my full list for today:

1. Carrot
2. Cucumber
3. Onion
4. Strawberries
5. Aubergine
6. Tomatoes
7. Broccoli
8. Cauliflower
9. Cabbage
10. Raspberries

*TMI warning*
I had aubergine and cannellini bean casserole for tea, accompanied by broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. I don't recommend this combination (especially after having had lentil soup for lunch!) I'm experiencing some rather unpleasant intestinal effects...:confused::oops::eek: Ah well, you live and learn. Won't be doing that again! I had a bit of yoga/light stretching on my schedule today, but fortunately managed to get it in before tea. Think I would have had to give it a miss otherwise! x
Haha I've done that before, had a mix of too many different veg and then reacted badly to it!
I did slightly better yesterday, I managed 8. I went shopping last night though and stocked up on loads of fruit and veg, so hopefully I'll get to 10 one day soon.

The after effects seem to have worn off today, thank goodness. Yep, keep aiming for that 10 and I'm sure you'll get there soon! I did a veg stir fry today, so that bumped things up nicely.

Today's list:

1. Strawberries
2. Raspberries
3. Carrots
4. Onion
5. Mixed salad leaves
6. Cucumber
7. Satsuma
8. Peppers
9. Bean sprouts
10. Cabbage
11. Mushrooms
12. Broccoli
13. Baby sweetcorn

Feeling really tired today (didn't sleep well at all last night) so just did half an hour of light yoga/stretching. Succumbed to the biscuit tin at work this afternoon too. I always crave sugar when I'm tired. Ended up with a garibaldi biscuit, so wish I hadn't bothered!!
Wow 13 that's amazing!! I managed 9 yesterday, so I'm heading in the right direction :)

Ah I used to love garibaldis, not had them for years.

At work we changed the biscuits and cakes for a fruit bowl a while back. It is working really well.

9 is great! You'll be up to 10 in no time :D

We've also got a fruit bowl at work, but it lives side by side with the biscuit tin, so temptation still exists. I'm managing to resist it more often than I used to though.

Today's speed list:

1. Cauliflower
2. Cabbage
3. Satsuma
4. Tomatoes
5. Onions
6. Aubergine
7. Strawberries
8. Raspberries
9. Peppers
10. Bean sprouts
11. Mushrooms
12. Baby sweetcorn
13. Broccoli

Think I've eaten far too much today, even if it was mostly free food. Really need to start checking my portion sizes. I did get a 30 minute workout in though, even if it wasn't particularly strenuous. I still hate tricep dips though!
Wow 13 again!
I managed another 9 yesterday. I don't think I'll ever be at 10, lol.
Maybe I should plan my meals around my veg and salad rather than the other way round. That might help me.

Never say never! ;) Planning your meals around veg is a great idea. I find doing a stir fry is an easy way of getting lots of different veggies in your diet (although all the chopping isn't much fun!)

I think I'm doing ok with the speed food, but I still need to do some serious work on the rest of my diet - like not having 5 healthy extras and actually counting my syns... Wouldn't be surprised if I'm averaging about 30 a day at the moment. Oops! :rolleyes: I'm eating out again tomorrow, so the plan is to be extra good today and also get a nice long sweaty workout in. Have a good weekend! x
On Friday I had:

1. Carrots
2. Cucumber
3. Mixed salad leaves
4. Tomato
5. Onion
6. Broccoli
7. Baby sweetcorn
8. Bean sprouts
9. Peppers
10. Mushrooms

Was going to do a short pilates workout, but I sat on the sofa and watched Emmerdale instead! To be fair I've been quite tired this week and I had a busy day. I also looked after my little nephew for a few hours yesterday. He's got a cold and he's only 1, so hasn't quite mastered the art of not sneezing in your face...:eek: So I'll probably be joining him in impersonating Snotty McSnotface fairly soon!

I had big plans for today, but really didn't have the energy to get them all done. I managed to do a 30 minute HIIT workout, although I did have to take several little breaks to make sure I didn't pass out/drown in my own sweat!

Speed food for today (Saturday):

1. Broccoli
2. Cauliflower
3. Cabbage
4. Peppers
5. Onion
6. Bean sprouts
7. Baby sweetcorn
8. Mushrooms
9. Satsumas
10. Mixed salad leaves
11. Tomato
12. Cucumber
13. Strawberries

Still not counted my syns and I'm not going to start tomorrow, seeing as I'm eating out. Was thinking I should probably opt for some kind of salad, but might just end up with a big dirty burger then regret it later when the indigestion kicks in! x
I did a mega sweaty workout this morning as I wanted to burn off a few calories before going out for lunch. But then I didn't want to ruin all my good work by eating something regrettable, so I ended up having vegetable lasagne with salad. And I really enjoyed it! It also helped me get my speed food in. :)

Full list for today:

1. Lettuce
2. Cucumber
3. Tomato
4. Onion
5. Spinach
6. Red pepper
7. Courgette
8. Aubergine
9. Satsuma
10. Mushrooms
11. Strawberries
12. Apple
13. Carrot
14. Swede

It's weigh in day and I've lost 1.5lbs this week, so I've now got my 1 stone award! :D I'm really happy with this. I know I've still got a lot of work to do and it's only going to get harder, but I think I've got plenty of room for improvement in terms of what/how much I'm eating. I'm also hoping I can increase the intensity of my exercise as I get fitter and drop more pounds. But what I'm doing at the moment seems to be working, so think I'll stick with it for now. x
My legs were so achey today! I suppose that means I did a good job with my workout yesterday. I let them have a little rest today and did some cardio/upper body work. Feeling a bit tired so I'm planning an early-ish night tonight. I'm in a snacky kind of mood and craving sugar too, so it might be a good idea all round!

Speed food list for today:

1. Apple
2. Carrots
3. Cucumber
4. Broccoli
5. Cauliflower
6. Onions
7. Mushrooms
8. Swede
9. Satsuma
10. Tomatoes
11. Spinach
12. Strawberries

Going shopping tomorrow, so I might see if I can pick up something a bit different. I might start a food diary on here - knowing I have to admit to everything I've eaten might shame me into actually doing things properly! x
You're doing so well.
I'm going on holiday now, so I've given up until after my holiday but you have really inspired me to try and eat more fruit and veg and when I get back, I am going to set myself a challenge.
Well done hun, speak soon.

Ooh, how lovely! Have a fabulous time on holiday (somewhere warm and relaxing I hope). Enjoy yourself and have fun! ;)
Well I ended up buying all the same old stuff when I went shopping today. Strawberries, satsumas, carrots... I did get some celery, which I don't usually buy (mostly because I'm not that keen on it), but it was only 35p - how could I resist! I'll probably do a big pan of veg soup and chuck it in there. Here's today's speed food list:

1. Strawberries
2. Carrots
3. Cucumber
4. Onion
5. Apple
6. Satsuma
7. Cauliflower
8. Broccoli
9. Cabbage
10. Mushrooms
11. Swede

Still feeling tired today, but I forced myself to do a bit of pilates for half an hour. I could do with getting more sleep. I really need to get stuff done as soon as I come home after work so I can go to bed earlier. I'm so bad at being organised!!! Anyway, it's well past bedtime so I'm off to sleep now. Goodnight! x
So much for getting stuff done - came home from work yesterday and ended up having a cheeky nap instead! Ah well. Here's my speed food list for yesterday:

1. Strawberries
2. Carrots
3. Cucumber
4. Shallots
5. Mushrooms
6. Swede
7. Cabbage
8. Satsuma
9. Lettuce
10. Tomato

Didn't quite make it to 10 today. Had blueberries this morning thinking they were speed food, but sadly not. Was also planning a veg omelette with a big salad for tea, but that didn't happen. I did a good sweaty workout though. I'm going out for a curry tomorrow night, so I'm trying to burn off the calories before I've eaten them! Here's today's list:

1. Strawberries
2. Carrots
3. Cucumber
4. Onion
5. Lettuce
6. Tomato
7. Apple
8. Cabbage

I made rice pudding in the slow cooker yesterday and it was surprisingly nice and very filling. Took some to work for an afternoon snack today and it definitely helped me resist the lure of the crisps and biscuits. Think I'll be making that again sometime soon. Goodnight all! x
I had good intentions when I went out on Friday. It was a bit of a hectic day, but I managed to squeeze in a quick bit of recovery cardio after work. I chose a veg curry with rice, but also ended up picking at poppadoms and naan bread (we ordered far too much food!) and had more beers than is probably good for me :oops: And I didn't even make it to 10 speed foods, despite the veg curry!!! Here's my full list:

1. Apple
2. Strawberries
3. Carrots
4. Kale
5. Broccoli
6. Onions
7. Satsuma
8. Cabbage
9. Spinach

I really don't know what happened yesterday. I was out most of the day and ended up with just a packet of crisps for lunch. Didn't drink much water (or anything else) yesterday either. Full speed list for Saturday:

1. Mushrooms
2. Tomatoes
3. Onions
4. Kale
5. Broccoli

And that's all! Only did a very quick bit of pilates yesterday too, although I had something more sweat inducing lined up for later on. The lack of a proper lunch didn't exactly help me feel motivated and energetic, so I ditched it. I'm hoping to make up for it today though. I've also got some veg soup on the go in the slow cooker, so should have no excuses not getting my speedy 10 in today! x
I had my weigh in today and I've stayed the same this week. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit disappointed, but considering the weekend I've had I can't really be surprised. And I'd much rather maintain than gain! At least I've managed to get back on track with the speed food today:

1. Shallots
2. Mushrooms
3. Red pepper
4. Spinach
5. Lettuce
6. Tomatoes
7. Apple
8. Carrots
9. Leek
10. Celery
11. Swede
12. Raspberries

I did some light exercise this morning then some HIIT this afternoon. It's definitely helping things along. This week in particular I've noticed changes in my body, even if that's not been reflected by the scales. My posture is a lot better and I don't get backache after sitting at my desk for a long time. I don't feel stiff and achey when I get up in the morning either, so I'm definitely heading in the right direction. I've been thinking about setting myself some non weight loss goals and I'd really like to do one of the 1000 calorie workouts on Fitness Blender - and make it all the way through! I think it's a bit ambitious for this month, although I might try one (again!), with no expectations of finishing it. I'll pencil in getting to the end for the last week of November. It's good to have something to aim for. :D