

Full Member
Although we aren't supposed to snack but I have noticed that some do I was wondering what's a safe snack to have? And does anyone know of any fruit we can have? Thanx in advance!
Sorry no fruit allowed it'd take you out of ketosis.

I've lost over 2 stone in just under 8 weeks. I have my packs in 2 meals. One at midday and the other at 6 pm. I mix half a food pack with half the meat and veg allowance and follow it with a pudding made from half a crispy shake and half a bar, I do the same at 6pm. I am rarely even peck ish now, so I rarely need a snack. If I have been hungry (rare) I always have eggs or cold meats in the fridge. To start the day and get around not eating til late I have a pint of black coffee first thing and follow it by lots of mint tea.

If you stick to the rules eat the packs and drink plenty of allowed drinks the weight will fall off. There's 3 month til your goal date you could average a stone a month if your strict with yourself.

Good luck
If your adding food (snacks) on top of the 3packs plus a meal/4 packs your weight loss will be slower. I would suggest cutting up a slim and save bar (from your days allowance) and having a piece when your feel the need to snack. I sometimes do as Angie said and split the food allowance in to two meals, also have sliced meat and cucumber as a snack now and then, but honestly it's a rocky path for me, as i end up over indulging! best stick to the plan.
I spread out my packs and veg that way you have plenty to 'snack' on

Cut up veg, boil an egg, have bits ready, and agreed cut up your bar into many many bits and snack on those

I tend to snack on chopped up lettuce, usually in the evenings while watching tv.... old habits I guess but it sounds like crisps when crunching & my brain is happy enough even if my tastebuds haven't cottoned on yet ;)
snacking is my downfall, so I avoid it altogether and hope to break this bad habit!
I tried making turnip crisps today, 28 cals and 6g of carbs according to MFP! They weren't divine but not bad considering there was no oil and it's made from turnips! Turnips are on the veg list - although it says 'flesh only & must be boiled' - I can't see what difference the cooking method makes.