Snow school due to snow school transport due to snow

My daughter has been off for 3 days now! But to be fair the snow here is really bad we have had around 10 inches and it is showing no signs of defrosting! I just hope that the snow forecast over the next few days misses us. I have already lost 3 days of work which i wont get paid for and i really cant afford to miss anymore!
I work in a school and they are already making contingency plans for next week. Looks like gonna be shut for a little while yet!! We had more snow overnight and more forecast this week! Where are you in LAncaster Kirsty. My OH's son only had a half day off,. He is at the grammar and has been in the last 2 days.

Haha! My youngest daughter had 1 day off only!!!!! The other 2 have been in all week heehee, I think there school/college in Nuneaton was the only one open. The school bus has been running too all be it a little slowly.
mumtheshopper we live down on St Georges Quay and I'm working at Morecambe Community High at the moment. The problem there was just the amount of compacted snow and ice on school grounds after the first day of snow. It's on a residential street that wasn't gritted, the school only had enough grit in to do the main drive and the disabled access ramps and the rest of the grounds were like skating rinks. We wouldn't have been able to evacuate 1500 kids over that surface without losing more than a few and the emergency services would not have been able to get to us. We struggled through last Tuesday as the snow was falling and the head thanked us this morning for getting through till the end of the day despite it getting worse as the day went on.

Today we reopened and as the day has progressed it has thawed considerably but this morning most of the school that wasn't teaching areas was out of bounds, and a pathway had been gritted across the open spaces. Kids were being given demerits if they were found with ice in their hands or off the gritted paths.