
Yes I am home, and Norfolk isn't that flat.

In fact there are too mahoosive hills right near my mum's house, plus countless sloping fields.
Well thats me back in england visiting my mum for xmas. They had a wee bit here last week but its still sticking. Heard from my in laws in fife yesterday, apparantly they had at least a foot of snow fall overnight and into early morn. Jammy gits :(
Mate you realise that link is about enabling cookie? Or have I missed summin here?
Well more snow here in fife. Nothing heavy as of yet but have fingers crossed :D. If it gets mch worse id love to go sledging down my in laws road. Tis a great big hill. Love watching the neds (also known as chavs, townies etc) trying to fight up the hill in their souped up cars. Such fun :p