so called friends!


Full Member
Just a short rant lol,why is it people seem to think that dieting is so easy and that you just shouldn't of got fat in the first place (like I did it just to get attention).I have a friend (or so I thought) who is under weight because she is unhappy but tries to make out that I'm fat because my life is crap,when actually I'm fat because I like junk food! Ok ... Feel a bit better now I've said it x
Some people look for meaning in the wrong places. Just rise above it and continue your journey. A lot of people say stupid things to us when we're dieting because they haven't been there and just don't get it. Just shrug your shoulders, say 'whatever' and keep shedding pounds :)
When people dont understand things they make assumptions. Dont take it personal. She might even have been looking for somebody who was in the same sort of position as her self. Everybody who is over weight gets prejudged by people at some point. Youv just got to ignore what they say and realise that they dont understand what your going through. Just take it on the chin and keep on going! The best thing you can do is succeed in your weightloss and prove people wrong =] x
Honeybee - you like me know that the weight creeps up on you. We just by bigger clothes because we can, someone upsets me then I eat & drink to compensate...then another diet, when my bones ache and I can no longer do active things. At least you have recognised that the so called friend is not that much of a friend. A friend would be supportive not sarky...and a drain on your friendship energy. Keep going, I have lots to lose but this year is gonna be a good year....
Just a short rant lol,why is it people seem to think that dieting is so easy and that you just shouldn't of got fat in the first place (like I did it just to get attention).I have a friend (or so I thought) who is under weight because she is unhappy but tries to make out that I'm fat because my life is crap,when actually I'm fat because I like junk food! Ok ... Feel a bit better now I've said it x

I was saying this the other day...people try to define your life by your weight, as if not being 'perfect' means something is really wrong in your life. I'm fat because I bloody love pizza, crisps and vodka!! :)

Good luck on your journey xx
Take no bloody notice of her! I once went to see a doctor about contraception and I came out wanting to murder her - she started picking on me for my weight, she was suppose to fit my implant in but refused to because of my weight (I was told that's the best option when you're bigger!), she was wanting to send me off with anti depressents and referring me to exercise classes making out I couldn't walk :confused: (I said I didn't exercise much and she got it into her head I couldn't walk). After that I changed surgery and I was fuming! I always say I ended up big because I enjoyed life a little to much, I am always happy! Tucking into take aways and watching movies with friends, eating out a lot with the boyfriend, friends, family - going to gatherings, eating to much good food and drinking a little to much booze ;) - it hasn't done me any good and I realise that now!

A fat person can lose weight, but someone who has is underweight / has an eating disorder has it for life.
being fat is like a big ****ing blame medal around your neck. Doctors IMMEDIATELY blame it on that... sad to say that people are being misdiagnosed when they've got serious stuff wrong because they're overweight. I'm trying to get some kind of diagnosis for my lung problems but doctors are thinking I have that sleep apneoa thing, when I have no problems with sleep breathing lol
I was taken into hospital with suspected heart attack,I told them it was just my hiatus hernia but because I weigh 14 st they were certain it was my heart ... Of course the fact I had weighed 22st but had lost weight didn't matter,anyway I was right,it was just my hernia playing up lol
It is amazing what people are allowed to be bigoted about. Rightly so we do not judge people who are of a different skin colour, sexual orientation etc. But fat jokes are perfectly funny and acceptable. We are supposed to feel sorry or worry about those underweight (one of my sisters is very thin) but if your fat your a joke. That is why in the media most fat characters are also comedy characters or stupid. Now there are times when people should mention your weight like that woman who was trying to become the worlds fattest women knowing it would kill her young and she had children. But on the other hand why are people so fixated on other peoples weight?

My doctor is really good, other doctors have moaned about my weight so not to nicely I might add. Considering I had started to lose it really upset me as like others have said they did not take that into consideration. But she knows I exercise daily and I am eating healthily. She knows I am very obese but she said your obese but getting very healthy. And I would prefer to see you be healthy and active then thin and not active. Obviously she is concerned and wants me to lose the weight but it was such a boost for me. First medical professional to see beyond that and instead of judging she supported me. I have all sorts of anxiety and depression so its easy to give up, do nothing and binge. Had she whinged I would consider it but it helped so much she did not.