So Grateful for Atkins

I owe this way of eating many years' worth of slender maintenance. Thanks to Atkins I can eat. I used to feel guilty about every single thing I ate. Even salads and carefully-weighed diet food. Whenever I ate off-plan - which as a carb addict was depressingly often - I would feel crushing guilt and shame. Slips would quickly become all-out binges. There was no-one in the world, I honestly believed when young, that was as bad, greedy, useless etc. as me. A greedy fat pig. (At maybe one stone overweight, back then, or two, tops!)

Diet after diet came and went. I lost TONS, regained it, lost tons more, regained it. And on and on and on. Until, finally, having lost five stones by eating less and exercising more, and then finding myself unable to stick to CD any longer (but having lost a further three stones very rapidly) I turned to Atkins. In the end I lost a total of 140 pounds. Even now it's hard to believe I once had that much weight to lose - but I did.

That was a long time ago and I can truly say that, whilst I have wavered from time to time and even had a small regain recently, I never lost faith that Atkins would help to keep my huge losses off, gone forever, history.

This is a very forgiving 'diet'. It is also truly life-changing. I wasn't mad, bad, greedy etc. I simply have a serious addiction to carbs. No more, and no less. What a wonderful revelation! That simple truth freed me from YEARS of pain, guilt and self-hatred. I am not exaggerating; at times I felt almost suicidal.

I isolated at home, mostly alone, would not go out, would not let friends or even family 'see' me. I put my life, limited as it already was, on hold until the magic day when I would lose the weight again and THIS time stay thin.

Atkins made this dream a reality, and continues to allow me to live in the here and now, unashamed of how I look or what I eat, unafraid to face new challenges. That to me is freedom from food addiction. I may slip but I will always get back on plan again. That way, I - and all of you - will stay free.

Never, ever give up!
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thank you for putting this into words, it just about sums up me too, though i have a long way to go yet, and i am progressing slowly, but i have stopped feeling guilty about food, it no longer rules me. and i just know that i will get there this time, and i am throwing out my big clothes this time as i shrink out of them, because i will never need them again. never!
great post girly! are you currently maintaining and not losing?

just curious, what is a typical day food and nutrient wise now, has it changed much since your diet when losing the weight?

well done for all your achievements with atkins, you should be so so proud of yourself :)
It's like we have been given our lives back, literally, and given another chance at fitness, health and happiness. Some reading these sentiments might think we are exaggerating or being just too over-the-top - but we know differently. No matter how long it takes to get to goal, every day is progress. Don't fear maintenance because, with Atkins, it is pretty much a 'done deal'. And I mean that!
I have been maintaining for ten years, and more - give or take a stone or three up or down. My father passed away recently and that hit me very hard. I was in the middle of university Finals, and had some family problems, too. So I slowly but surely began to go off the rails, by means of the dreaded carb creep.

I have now lost 17lb of my regain and have a bit more than that to lose to get back to where I was, before. I have every confidence that I will get there in record time. This is the gift of Atkins - certain knowledge that if I follow the principles most of the time, most days, I will maintain my losses and feel healthy and totally relaxed around food.

I am vegetarian so my Atkins is different to the meat-eating kind but I watch the cheese, watch the sugar-free goods, watch the cream, and make sure I get my green veggies daily. I love MIMs and now that I am maintaining I occasionally have Dreamfields low carb pasta or sugar free chocolates.

I am losing the regain by being very vigilant about what I eat, most of the time. Not 100%! I never expect 100% of myself or anyone else. It is not possible, and trying to achieve it in every single area of life for so many years was agony. I am also watching overall calorie intake right now, minimum 1200-1400 daily as to go lower can slow losses and also perhaps damp down my metabolism.

When I get back to goal I won't worry so much about calories but will concentrate on overall daily/weekly carbs. Atkins will always be here to catch us when we fall. Knowing that is wonderful!
great post girly! are you currently maintaining and not losing?

just curious, what is a typical day food and nutrient wise now, has it changed much since your diet when losing the weight?

well done for all your achievements with atkins, you should be so so proud of yourself :)

The beauty of it is, ANYONE can do this. With patience and tolerance of our own flaws and weaknesses around food, and by being kind to ourselves as we go along, we can achieve 'miracles'.
Girly thank you for a truly wonderful post. It captures my hopes and dreams of this way of eating. I've recognised that i'm a carb addict and can't go back to the way it was. Occasionally I'm intellectually nostalgic (i bet that tastes nice type thing) but not physically (not hungry, doesn't taste nice, too sweet!). It does mean i'm wary of carb creep - but then frankly i can still eat lots of yummy food, drink my wine, enjoy sf goodies and maintain (that's been my summer experiment);)

I think you are right - i KNOW atkins works - i KNOW i can lose weight. Test today - bought the 18 trousers (tight) and not the 20s (a tad big) because i KNOW they will fit soon. Not a wish or dream - reality of not buying trous that will fall off!

Thank goodness for atkins and i look forward to be able to talk about maintaining for many years like you do:)
They will fit before you know it, Katie! This is not a superfast way to lose weight but when you get a whoosh it's wonderful. Think back to your angst-ridden calorie-counting days. Trying to eat 1000 calories a day that included bread, pasta, even chocolate... And feeling so hungry you just couldn't cope. That need never happen again, thanks to Atkins.
Lol - tried the trousers on again this morning and they fit perfectly. Obviously buying clothes after a very large lunch was a good plan:)

I have to admit that i'm not someone who has tried all the diets - because i know they dont work long term and couldnt even last a day of starving short term! That's why changing my way of life and food was so attractive:D
Oh Girly what a fabulous post - I am in tears, but for only good reasons.

I wish you all the very best in your low carb life

Susie xxx
Inspirational and beautifully written post. Thanks for sharing GirlyGirl :)

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Really inspirational post - especially for me who has had a bit of a blip tonight - started off with some white chocolate (bad move) and went downhill from there. But not downhearted, will just kick myself up the arse and get back on with it. Still not sure why we do these things to ourselves, it makes no sense at all, however we now have Atkins in our lives so we have the answer.

Well done on your loss and maintenance for so long, hope I can do the same xx
You blipped on white choc cos you have a carb problem! That's all. We crave the stuff, and all other sugary, sweet, yummy junk. When I slip lately it tends to be with chocolate yet for years I had no choc problem. The old cravings are always there, waiting to grab us in a weak moment. You've done so well Bren, and lost so much weight. Yet we both risk our sanity and health by eating carbs! Addiction, most definitely lol. The addict has lost the power of choice; the substance is in the driving seat. This is why I love low carbing - ketosis gives me back most of that power.
chocolate is my problem. i always have some 85% to hand, and a few squares of that satisfies me. wish i could do without though!
If you can stop at a few squares, well, that is moderation! So you should be okay. Only if those few squares were to make you hungry later, or set up cravings you could not resist, would they be a problem.