So hungry


Full Member
Well it's day 5 for me and I feel so hungry! I've had 2 litres all ready as I am not caving in also some dr pepper zero! About too have my dinner packet and veg hopefully that helps! Why I am feeling like this today ?
If your in ketosis.... some of it might be habit-hunger. We assosiate hunger with alot of diffrent things, for example.... I always liked warm comforting food when I was cold and tired. Last week I was freezing and thought i felt hungry.... I said outloud that i was starving, and was offered food.... but luckily after a few weeks I was able to say 'No, im not really hungry, im just cold and tired, and WANT to eat'... and once i'd said that outloud instead of thinking 'imhungryimhungryimhungry' I was able to go and do other things.

Hunger symptoms are: rumbling stomache, irritability, difficulty concentrating, dizzyness and headaches etc.

If your feeling those chances are your not fully in ketosis - sometimes it takes longer for people! If your not.... its not hunger just a craving.
Thank you that does make sense! I just feel crappy suppose that makes me want food! I am keeping away from the kitchen ha ha I do feel a little better from dinner! I suppose it early days I should expect crappy days! A day at a time :) x
A day at a time :) x

Definitely. We're all different and some people have an easier time than others. If someone had a very unhealthy relationship with food (I did!) it can be hard to control the cravings, like Phoenixx said we're not actually even physically hungry we're just craving food! I remember before the diet it was a case of eating for the sake of it because I loved food and the taste etc, I used to eat when I wasn't even hungry and sometimes would have to clear the plate even if that meant I would feel sick afterwards :(

So yes, a day at a time and it's a big achievement x
Thank you guys yes I do now think I have a very unhealthy way with food now! Just have to push through it and not let triggers get at me :)
It gets easier. Mostly. I wont lie and say there aren't times where your head just wants to eat.... but it gets alot less, and you get better at talking yourself out of it.

What ive always said... is do you remember what you ate four weeks ago last friday? Cravings come, and they go. I might have really felt 'hungry', or like I wanted something particular that day, but the world doesnt stop if you dont have it. Bacause really, its all pretty insignificant, dontcha think?