So hungry!!


Full Member
Just a quick post to vent and keep my hands busy!

So far I have had a choc shake, choc and almond bar, chilli pack and 100g chicken and 200g of leeks... But i am so hungry !!!!
Just a quick post to vent and keep my hands busy!

So far I have had a choc shake, choc and almond bar, chilli pack and 100g chicken and 200g of leeks... But i am so hungry !!!!

Chug that water girl! Will help fill you up xxx
I'm drinking loads of water but its not doing anything for my protesting tummy lol growling like mad it is!
I'm drinking loads of water but its not doing anything for my protesting tummy lol growling like mad it is!

Its so tough I know how you feel yesterday I would of eaten a scabby donkey rolled in doo doo! Just gotta push through! Could you go for a walk or paint your toe nails?

Maybe try a glass of coke zero or maybe use a shake pack and have it hot in 2 mugs so its like a hot chocolate?

I hate mint flavoured things ( like aero mint ) so brushing my teeth is a great tool as it puts me off wanting to eat afterwards

If you have any sugar free jelly we can have half a sachet made up everyday.

Just a few ideas but keep going lovely!!
Thanks so much Sarah! I love the support on here.

I won't cave in tonight - I have a wee bottle of come zero and plan on having an hour long lay down in the Bath soon and then snuggle down with a book

I'm really tired as well, slept for 11.5 hours last night - and feel like cr@p this evening - looking forward to getting into ketosis & having a bit of energy
Thanks so much Sarah! I love the support on here.

I won't cave in tonight - I have a wee bottle of come zero and plan on having an hour long lay down in the Bath soon and then snuggle down with a book

I'm really tired as well, slept for 11.5 hours last night - and feel like cr@p this evening - looking forward to getting into ketosis & having a bit of energy

Well sprinkling some K fairy dust to attract her faster xx
Agree defo go for water, I felt hungry in the night on unday, last night I took a glass with me to bed and it helped. X
Just had a little pot of sugar free jelly - feel really naughty but. Would have ended up saving something a lot worse if I didn't have that!