So I am back again!

Just chuck everything in a bag and mentally work out your outfits, haha, saves some effort!
Get downing that water! I managed to go today, felt a lot better so they do seem to work.
Back from the conference. Didn't manage to stick to CD at all but dont think I did too bad. First day at lunch there were curries, chilli etc with rice, and a little salad bar so I had salad and half a jacket potato (no butter) then it was a BBQ for evening dinner but they only had beef burgers or horrible looking hotdogs which I don't like so I had veggie burger and half a jacket potato (again!) and a vegetable skewer. Had a couple of rum and diet lemonades on the evening (free bar!!!!). Then had a slice of brown toast with egg, beans, a sausage and bacon for breakfast. Should have had fruit really but I was starving!! Then had a chicken wrap and fruit salad for lunch. Definitely could have eaten worse from what was on offer, and the desserts looked AMAZING. I love puddings so im so proud of myself for resisting. Had my silly video shown and it was so embarrassing seeing myself on screen. I looked absolutely gigantic!!!!! I didn't even think I looked that fat in real life, Jesus Christ! It has made me want to diet even more now!!!!! They gave me a bottle of champagne too for my award which will probably be sat with all the bottles of wine in my house that no one drinks!!

Just weighed myself and I don't seem to have put any weight on so hopefully I've done ok.

So so so so so tired so going to try and get to bed time without napping...
Sort of stuggling to get back on track again. Had nothing to eat all day yesterday then had a mushroom omelette. Just wasn't hungry but should have eaten my shakes! Haven't had any today yet so going to have a choc tetra in a minute.

Having a bit of a dilemma at the moment. We currently live in Leeds and I really want to move to Manchester because I don't have any friends here and we both have a few in Manchester. There's an admin job in our Manchester office advertised and I'm not sure if I should apply or not. OH said I should go for it, but there's so much to weigh up. OH currently works in Wakefield but is looking for a new job. Our house lease isn't up until October so I'd have to commute to Manchester (bus, train and then I'm assuming another bus or tram) when currently I can just walk to work. I'd only have to do this until October/when OH finds a job in Manchester so we can move. I don't know what to do!!!
Feeling more positive this evening :) had a tetra and my orange bar but not much water today. Loads of house work to do this weekend!
Just hopped on the scales and im still 13.6! Not losing but not gaining either which is suppose is good. Not really putting 100% in to this still and I know I need to to see results. 8 weeks until my birthday night out, I'm determined to lose 2 stone in that time. Seems like I've been tempted with everything the past few days but managed to say no!

Ordered this and a nice leopard print top in the topshop sale to cheer me up haha[398598|398526]&ShowReviews=true
It's on 10th August but we are going to Manchester for the weekend after and going out on the 17th then a meal or something the night after. No idea what to wear!!! Maybe a nice dress or play suit :)
I try and keep my last one for later in the evening a while after my SS+ meal. Going to have a coke zero cos that usually fills me up haha
Love that playsuit!
You don't seem to be doing bad as in eating everything in sight and not doing the diet, you're just not eating, get your food packs down you, start enjoying them again and have lots of water! Just think the more you put in the more weight comes off and the faster you'll get to target!
Bleughhh I know, I just caved and had tacos tonight :( weekends are so tough! It was the OH who persuaded me so I'm blaming him! He's at work tomorrow so I'm going to do some crafting and keep myself busy to stay on track. Can't wait for my play suit to come!! I bet I don't like it on though haha.
Ok back on today. Going to sit and watch telly all day because I can't be arsed to do anything haha! Going to get loads of housework done in between hopefully :) I know when I get in to ketosis it will be a doddle but I keep tripping myself up after a couple of days! Best thing is when I restart on a Monday because I find it dead easy at work, then when the weekend comes I'm not bothered about food..
Ok back on today. Going to sit and watch telly all day because I can't be arsed to do anything haha! Going to get loads of housework done in between hopefully :) I know when I get in to ketosis it will be a doddle but I keep tripping myself up after a couple of days! Best thing is when I restart on a Monday because I find it dead easy at work, then when the weekend comes I'm not bothered about food..
Go for it hun... you can do it.. :) xx
Thanks Shanny. I know I can do it, I don't know why I keep messing around all the time! From now it's 100% until my birthday. The only things I have coming up is OH's bday on 15th July and he wants to go to Fazenda which is a big Brazilian grill thing and they come round with bbq'd meat and then there's a big buffet bit so I can stick to meat and salad. Then my sister is coming to visit on the last weekend of July with my nieces but shouldn't be too hard to stick to that weekend because I'll cook our meals :) apart from that I have nothing planned so nothing to fall down on!!
Thanks Shanny. I know I can do it, I don't know why I keep messing around all the time! From now it's 100% until my birthday. The only things I have coming up is OH's bday on 15th July and he wants to go to Fazenda which is a big Brazilian grill thing and they come round with bbq'd meat and then there's a big buffet bit so I can stick to meat and salad. Then my sister is coming to visit on the last weekend of July with my nieces but shouldn't be too hard to stick to that weekend because I'll cook our meals :) apart from that I have nothing planned so nothing to fall down on!!
It's hard but so worth it hun.. near the time have a search for your bday dress :) this will keep you going. Your a pretty girl keep aiming for your dreams. planned events are fine i think, i have next friday off im going to pizza express looked at the salad dishes so im happy. you are so close to the 12's again xx
Thank you :) I might get the laptop out and have a search now! Mmm pizza express! The salads are so good! Once I'm back in the 12's I'll feel so much better. Need my old clothes to fit again!
Just think how amazing you'll feel being in a beautiful dress feeling confident and comfortable and keep that thought in your head at all times! You can do it!
Thank you :) I might get the laptop out and have a search now! Mmm pizza express! The salads are so good! Once I'm back in the 12's I'll feel so much better. Need my old clothes to fit again!
hahaha u searching for dresses or pizza express lol nooo have a good search try asos.. :) i loked on ebay yesterday so loads of vintage dresses.. ive always wanted one. :) x