So I just walked in the office...


Full Member
...with my plateful of superfree salad and free pasta bake and one of my colleagues sarkily said "thats a lot of food, do you need all that?".
ignore them, they are obviously jealous that you have taken the time and energy to care for yourself and your body.

sorry to hear that, my first instinct would be to slap them, but that may not go down too well! :)
do they know about the slimming world plan? because... im gonna eat my hat here, ive asked the same years ago to my aunt and she explained about free food etc. (i was currently doing ww and pulling my hair out because i was often hungry =\ )

id just say with a smile, "yup, all of this and more if i wanted to.. google sw and read the info on food plans etc." i think we all forget, before we found sw when someone said they were on a diet most would assume lettuce and carrots and bland food, no treats. =]
Use that as your motivation and when it is noticeable she will have no doubt that it works :) and you can enjoy the compliments once they start rolling in x
I told her about SW and she was like "hmm cant see that working"!

Wait til she sees the results, then you can watch her eat her words :)
Oh I hate it when people say that SW doesn't work. So hundreds of people whi have lost weight over the 40 yrs are all either liars or just lucky!!!
This is a massive generalisation but I think women can sometimes be overly critical of one another's eating and watch how others eat so they can feel better about themselves. I know women who are generally lovely people but who can be serious food bores - cataloging everything which passes their lips and taking more than a passing interest in what everyone else eats. I think it is more about how women are trained to think about each other than genuine unpleasantness. That doesn't make it any less annoying of course or any easier to ignore!
You will find most days, what you have for your lunch will be far nicer the what your colleagues have.
You are doing what you know is right for you and should feel good about making the choices you are making. Don't let anyone's stupidity derail you. Some people are poorly educated about eating and diet, and obviously have few social skills. Ignore the rude people who should follow the old maxim. 'If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
It's no ones business but your own. They are generally looking for a reaction, try

"Yes, its LOADS! YUM, Im starving!"

"yes its LOADS and this is my SECOND plate"

"Yes, its loads of lovely healthy vegetables! so much better than (insert what they normally eay here) a soggy sandwich/processed muck"

"Yes its loads, and I might have MORE LATER!"

Dont give them the reply they expect, and most importantly dont discuss SW with these kinds of people as all they want to do is kill your motivation as more often than not they wish they had the motivation to do what you, we, us ARE doing!
I'd be tempted to count out (loudly) the calories in their lunch. For example

Ham& cheese sandwich - well that'll be about 500 calories, plus you bag of crisps,,about 100 calories, and that chocolate bar, 200 calories, oh- & don't forget that healthy fruit, 100 calories,many your can of coke 160 calories.

So, lets see, that's about 960 calories for your lunch - Blimey!
Well done on your loss!
Unfortunately women and food can be a rather touchy combo, she will feel silly when you are slinking round the office!