Sooooi fed up

Lbg, i dont mind you asking at all, i go to physio for a knee condition, i had an accident in a hospital (yes really, feel free to laugh) about 4.5 years ago and basically did a brilliant job on my knee to the point i've had several major surgeries, the physio is meant to help but i dont think it does it seems to put me into alot more pain (work after 2 hours sleep is always fun!) I could never get away with sw, think i put on about 4LB in a week when i tried it even though i followed the plan to the letter! Things seem to be going ok, got weighed this morning, i do the bad thing of getting weighed daily and was pleasently surprised as went out for food last night. I've never done the GI diet, don't really know alot about it to be honest but good luck, diets arent worth making yourself ill over!

Hi BG and welcome! I'm following Weight Watchers, but doing it alone rather then at a meeting, which for the first week it seems to be going ok! Which diet are you doing? How are you finding your weight loss so far? x
Mornin G!you are bloody brave going through all of that ...i cant stand hospitals,doctors,or operations so that would freak me out completely!..yep going to work on tw hours kip is ****
Well,i hope your knee gets better..oh and it doesnt surprise me one bit you had that accident in hospital!people die in them places ya know?lol
The GI is the glycemic was designed by a heart specialist(i think)for his diabetic patients,and those with heart works by balancing blood sugar,so you are not getting big swings..ibviously theres a helluva lot more science behind it than that ,but its a better way of eating for me as I suffer from self diagnosed blood sugar issues(not diabetes ,)
Im assuming youve lost something then G?being a little ambigous therezlol ..great stuff ..whatevers happened lol :)
Haha re the putting on 41b thing...yep!i feel like I may as well have put that on..coz so far nada!x
Hi :) I'm just calorie counting at the moment - can't seem to stick to anything else lol. I think this works for me (and will hopefully keep working for me!) because I can still basically eat what I want haha :D as long as its within my calorie allowance. I am trying to make healthier choices but I love being able to have the odd treat every now and again without feeling like i've screwed everything up for the millionth time. Also, because I eat back all my exercise calories, if theres an event coming up, I just know I need to workout a bit longer and I should be ok. I managed to lose a stone last year doing it, I've kept it off, but after going on holiday I kind of got off track. So I'm trying to stay motivated this time round! Only thing thats a little annoying is the never-ending weighing, counting and tracking of every morsel of food that goes in my mouth :rolleyes: sometimes thats not such a bad thing though as I'm less likely to keep picking at food because I can't be bothered to keep weighing it and entering into my food diary! lol.

I should be weighing myself a bit later (fingers crossed!) to see how things are going. I've banished my scales to a difficult-to-reach place for the last month as I find the constant weighing myself several times a day doesn't help my motivation, so trying to stick to monthly weigh-ins.

giles86 - sorry to hear about your happened in a hospital? :eek: totally sounds like something that would happen to me :D Hope you're feeling better. :)

lilbitgeedy - I've never been on a GI diet (theres a diet I haven't tried?!? :eek: lol), I might go and have a nosy over on the GI boards for some info lol :D
I know what you mean BG..i find it such a drag having to think about food ALL the time,i seem to have an amnesia problem ,and had no idea ide even put on all that weight..all that absent minded munching is obviously the problem ,so like you ,i supose (begrudgingly)i just do have to think about it.
You dont seem like you are too chubby anyway BG?..lolx
I know what you mean BG..i find it such a drag having to think about food ALL the time,i seem to have an amnesia problem ,and had no idea ide even put on all that weight..all that absent minded munching is obviously the problem ,so like you ,i supose (begrudgingly)i just do have to think about it.

Exactly, and then even when we reach our goal, we will still have to be thinking about food aaallll the time, at least for a while for maintenance. Just seems like it'll be a constant battle. :( But, with some perseverance I'm sure we can make it. :)

You dont seem like you are too chubby anyway BG?..lolx

:eek: I think that's the first time anyone has said that to me, without them saying it just to make me not feel too bad lol. Not too long ago I used an online BMI calculator which said I was obese :eek: now that was a shock to the system. I've had some really nasty comments over the years as well and I guess I'm just tired of it and just really want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm currently a size 14 (usually bit bigger on the top because of the 'girls' lol) but I'd really like to get into a 10. Maybe even an 8 if I feel it suits me...don't want to end up too skinny so I'll just see how I feel when I get there. I wish this weightloss lark would hurry up lol. It seems to be coming off really slowly.
Yep well I have the same problem ,either slow or just non existant!this has always been my problem..and sometimes thats why I dont bother..i just dont seem to get results even when im really going for it ..i cant understand those peeps who manage to lose half a stone In a week!wtf? someone can still be functioning is beyond me!
Oh BG you are teeny tiny!how I would love to be a 14 istead of 18! 14 is a georgous size..theres nothing more georgous that a curvy looking woman imo..and I personaly would never aspire to being less than that...if ppl are making comments about you at that size ,i would suggest they are doing so because they know its a way to press your low self asteem buttons BG and not really anything to do with the way you look...people can be kinda bullying in that way..but if you are down on yourself about it..they will use that as a stick to beat you sad that weight has such a profound effect on our sense of worth...x
Aww thank you for the lovely comments LBG - and a size 18 is only 2 sizes away, if this is your goal you can do it! :) I guess we just have to try and stick with it, and eventually it'll be worth it. My first goal is just get into the "normal" weight range really, and then take it from there. After everything, I do lack self-esteem and would just like to feel comfortable enough to come out of my shell a bit more, and not have to worry about people making snap judgments. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm pretty good at hiding the fact that it does, but it does hurt. One good thing about slow weight loss is that it won't be as easy to put it all back on again (so I've heard), and like they say, it is impossible to not lose weight if we are burning off more than we eat, so eventually it will happen. Just wish it would happen a little quicker lol.
Lol well hun,i did lose about a stone & half over the course of a year or so ..olike I said slow)and in the course of a few weeks,ivw gone back up a ive mentioned lmao deeply upset and feel disgusting..totaly pissed off that I have to start from sqare one seems to me that I can only seem to lose weight if im eating really very small amounts but that plays havoc with my blood sugar and can leave me feeling really crappy..its hard..and depressing..
And yeah it does hurt when people make comments ..they have NO idea how much it gets into your was my goal to be at around the 13 stone mark for my 40th but that seems very unlikely now ive put on the extra again :-( unless,like I said ..i starve my way there lol ..x
Oh I see, well looks like what "they" say isn't always right lol. But, good news is at least you know you can do it (well done for that by the way :)) you've managed to lose some of the weight before, and hopefully this time you'll be able to stay on track. Live and learn as they say. We just have to keep motivated. Also you said an investigation was under way? Perhaps there is a reason for why the weight doesn't want to come off, and if you find out why, you'll be able to get some advice on how to deal with it. If you don't manage to reach your goal by your 40th, you'll still be slimmer and can feel proud of what you will have achieved so far, and by your next bday you'll be exactly where you want to be ;)
Thankyou sweety..yes there is definitley some underlying problem ,but just what ,will take some time to find out..i do believe hormones are in play here as ive never put ion that much so quickly in my life lol..its also contributing to very low mood so sorry to seem so moany!lol ..i am a support worker ,so dont often get a chance to have a good whinge myself!..its needed sometimes ;-)
Thanks for all you say and you are right,and yeps when one falls off that horse ..just gotta get back on again!haha x
You're welcome and nah you don't seem moany lol, you seem like a lovely person. We all need a good ol' whinge sometimes! haha. It is nice to be able to let it out, and besides this is your thread you can whinge as much as you like! :D
Yeahhhhh!! Youve got a point there BG! It IS my party and I.ll cry if I want to!haha..listen I AM lovely :) exept when I get woken up.....and when im hungry.....when im going to have a p.......ummmmm when someone nicks my parking space..when I cant get a refund for something (yesterday) when I put on a stone for no reason.......when ive got loads of housework to do and I dont feel like it....(often) ....and just if someone looks at me funny really?!

Seriously Thanks seem cool urself...dont let the *******s get you down ok.x
Exactly! Haha. And thank you too, I think my spirits have actually been lifted some...I have a feeling you're a fairly awesome support worker ;)
Morning lbg!

It's been a bit of a nightmare with my knee I try not to let it get to me but it does which is why I comfort eat well that and my pain however it is probably just am excuse to eat like a pig!!! The surgery wasn't too bad really more the meds I'm on but such is life just gets you down every now and then when people are like look at that when walking down a street with a full leg brace (granted I do look like an extra out of robocop!) on a recent flight a little girl about 4 asked her mum if I was a monster! Still if I don't laugh I'll cry.

GI diet sounds good if I find ww doesn't work out I'll have a look into it! And according to my scales I've lost 1.5 lb yesterday which is nice but I'm going off the thought that there wrong!

BG good luck with your weigh in later you have the right idea not to weigh yourself daily I just don't seem to be able to break the habit! It's great you've lost weight previously do keep it up I know what you mean about counting every little thing tho it gets tedious after a while! The things we do to lose weight tho eh?

As for BMI I hate that concept as it doesn't take into account muscle (not that I really have any) at least with BMI I can lie to myself that my metalwork in knee weighs heavy x
Hehe ,well thankyou!thing is ,when you get gets really boring after a while doesnt it,and you just have to sort it out!:)
Sooo lets do it shall we?i.ll race you (not literaly though for gawds sake)
I need to be 14 .9 by the end of this week
I dont think it is (an excuse) G..its very very hard being in constant pain ,and why wouldnt most people use eating for a diversion from it..but monsters going a bit far? it made you chuckle though ;-) is brace on all the time?that must wiegh atleast 5 stone I reckon!
Ace youve lost 11b and a half!!but to be honest ,its not really fair of you when you know im here suffering and not losing anything??lol!
Yes defo hava look at is a really good way of can get the book by rick gallop on amazon I guess..i really dont buy into these fads but really dont consider GI part of that whole scene..gongrats on your loss G :)x
LBG - To be honest, at this rate I'd be quite happy with 1 pound loss by the end of the week. (I'm not sure a monthly weigh in is really doing me much good lol) If I aim any higher and don't see it come off I know I'll get disheartened so I figure its better to aim small and then if I manage to get rid of more it'll be a nice surprise lol. :D Ah the emotional ups and downs of a weight loser is a right pain eh?

giles86 - Thanks and well done on your 1.5lb loss! And I agree with LBG, I don't think it's an excuse, in fact I think you should be proud of yourself for even trying, you have determination. :)
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Actually lbg it made me cry a little but still she was only about 5! Then the oh made me realise how silly I was being! What kind of support worker are you if you don't mind me asking? Oh the brace isn't constant just when have really bad days although it does weight 5 lbs so maybe I should've worn it the first week as a cheat!

I honestly think my scales are wrong so I'm not rubbing it in I can't have lost 1.5 lbs in a day not a chance! How are you doing today anyway? I'll check those books out

BG cheers its only because I'm stubborn cow that I keep going plus I have to shift the weight! How is your day going today x