Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

I read most of it!! Lol.

I don't know much about psychotherapy but I remember my mom looking into counselling courses as an adjunct to her work as a nurse, BACP courses are the only way to go as far as I know. If its not an approved course I think you would find it hard to practice in a reputable way.

I think doing some thorough research about any course which will cost you hard earnt cash is a must. I made the error of enrolling onto an MSC programme at a top London uni to be told after the first module that my chosen specialty pathway was under subscribed and I would have to pick another!!! Total waste of time, money and effort.
Ah that sucks! Totally agree though, wouldnt want to do one that gave me a less reputable qualification (maybe that is why my friend's one is so cheap though :( definitely can't afford 9k/yr uni sort of fees!

Sts today, got very wound up abou this (did 5 low syn red days, one high syn EE day and one low syn EE day- total of about 55/105 syns in the end!) and nada?! But then I remembered my Sunday sneaky WI was a releif to have lost the 1.5lbs I've gained plus and extra 1lb off.
Still a bit miffed that in two weeks I've collectively lost just a pound! After the previous two weeks of losing half a stone! Guess that was because I hadn't lost for a bit on hol. Wonderig if I'm due on or something... Have had a funny tummy all week, constipated and gassey :( but managed to go before WI though it was loose. Sorry for that info lol.
Kinda hope period shows up any minute so that I can blame the lame weight loss on that, feels like a wasted two weeks I could have made more of a dent towards target! So impatient!

Have been pretty depressed this week but yesterday G dragged me out to the park across the road (I love being dragged places when I feel crap, always makes me feel better but he never usually does it! He packed all of the stuff up so all I had to do was get dressed!) and we had a really nice time hitting tennis balls with a rounders bat, throwing a frisbee and playing uno extreme for ages (with the machine that shoots cards out sporadically- so fun even 2 playered!) and it was nice. Got home and watched a film from his childhood that I had never seen- the original Parent Trap with Hayley Mills (it was really cute but I still love the Lindsay Lohan remix best as I grew up watching it :D) then watched the Brady Bunch movie- a film from my childhood! Was funny to notice so many things I didnt before- like how the Brady's are actig like it is.the 70's but the film is set in the 90's - had no idea!

The evening before we lit candles and he gave me a 45 min massage with baby oil that soothed me out of a depressive day, then we had a bonding half an hour of just like gazing into eatch others eyes and talking (sounds ao cringey haha)

So it has been a nice week of family stuff and bonding, just a shame I have felt depressed the second I'm not distracted.

Off to do day 11 of my arms workout now then am going to Costco with grandma :D PSYCHED! Used to love Costco as a kid but havent been for probably 7 years. We are going for a chinese buffet too- time to test my will power :p post WI splurge after just 4 syns yest, so will allow up to 25 today as I want to try different things. Have had a look at syns for everything so hopefully no nasty surprises! Looking forward to it :p
Hi Soph, Just read the mammoth post! :D I must have gotten it wrong then about G, from what you said I thought you meant he didn't have the talent, I guess it's just going to take some work to get him to where you are. But hey, at least he wants to learn and get better, and if he's got the drive to do it then I'm sure in the end he will!

I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to start offering advice about the psychotherapy. I do know though that some mental health nurses can deliver CBT after additional training, and the degree for mental health nursing is paid in full by the government, plus you get around £550 a month while you're on the course (I only know this because it's the same for radiography!). So if the costs are putting you off (understandably I must say!) I guess that's another way you could get into the sector without a mountain of debt. The 9k a year that universities charge now is absolutely disgusting. I was lucky I did my law degree when it was still only £1k a year, in 2005 the last year before they increased fees - so although it was a waste of time, I didn't lose out too much money wise!

Oh and no, you didn't come across bossy at all! It's exactly how I'm thinking about the whole thing really. I want to do things in the right order and then when I finally do have kids I can give them all the experiences I want to. I'd hate to have kids and not be able to take them on holidays or let them pursue their interests because of money!

I'm sorry you STS this week, if it's the start of * week then that could explain it, but don't beat yourself up too much. I was reading another thread on here about how having a fish week can sometimes kick start weight loss if you're hitting a plateau, seems like people had good results from it so that's worth considering. Also the success express thingy is meant to be good. I'm sure it's just a temporary blip though, you're so determined and obviously sticking to the plan that it will come off, might just take a bit longer now you're getting closer to goal. Of course I know that's probably the last thing you want to hear, but you will get there I'm sure!

Have you seen Kick Ass 2 yet? I loved it, couldn't stop laughing. Off to see the new Steve Carrell movie tonight, can't remember the name of it but it looks like a fun comedy, it's from the same people who did Juno and Little Miss Sunshine and I loved those movies! Right I've gotta go, Chris has just cooked steak, veggies and SW chips for tea, yummage!! :)
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Wooooow! They were big-ass posts ;)

I'm so pleased your family noticed your weight loss. Feels amazing! I love the "you're wasting away" comments. I usually reply with something like "As if" ;) But I don't compliment well lol.

Sorry to see your losses have slowed. But you did lose LOADS recently. So, shut your face :p It'll get going again.

Glad G dragged you out and you had a really nice day. Sounds like so much fun! I used to destroy my ex at Uno ;) Haven't played the extreme one though. Want that now!!
He does seem to need a kick up the behind over the photography stuff. Could he maybe work a regular job part time and do photography part time? If the photo stuff he's good at isn't as much a constant sort of work?
And yes, you two are disgustingly cheesy at times ;) Good job I like you!

Oooh Costco is so much fun to wander round. Have only been a couple of times tho! My Sister loves their pizza lol. Hope you have a nice time with your Grandma.xx
Don't think STS was from * week :/ no show yet, anyway. Think Cheeky is right- it was probably because after a diet pause (sort of) in Florida for 2 weeks my body suddenly dropped the 7lbs in two weeks when back on plan- but now has slowed down again. Probably have to get strict again and do more red and maybe a few Success Express, but was hoping that wouldn't be necessary for a while. Will keep going as normal for a bit and see if things change, often have an off week or two after a good couple of weeks anyway. Have been sort of craving to get drunk and eat junk recently :/ haven't acted on it but guess I sort of deprived myself last week because of that one naughty day with G's family. Had low syns most of the week and basically only had half the amount I could have!

Had a big-ass Chinese with Grandma yesterday though! Didn't overeat but guess around 20 syns to cover it all. Wasn't a buffet in the end (phew) but we ordered mixed starters so had one chicken satay (maybe 2 syns as had the sauce?), one prawn toast (3.5), one mini spring roll (.5) and some crispy seaweed (2?). For mains we shared plain rice, noodles with beansprouts (half = 3.5 syns), sweet and sour chicken (Half = 5ish) and crispy shredded beef (it was the proper deep fried stuff so only had about 1/4 of it, maybe another 5 syns for that)
Was really yummy though :D
Bought loads of cheap food at Costco! WOW it's awesome! I got 20 skinless chicken thighs for £8!! Just the day before bought 5 from sainsburys for £4.50! Marinated half and cooked them today, sooo yummy. Quarter left for tomorrow, the last half of them in the freezer.

Uno extreme is AWESOME!! Seriously- it adds such a twist to the game as instead of picking up a card you push a button and it fires a random amount of cards at you :D adds a really random element to the game but so many giggles! I slaughter G at it also ;D hehe

The photography stuff for G definitely is minimal- one shoot a month if that! He really doesn't want to get a job though, he hated the last place and was stuck there 10 years. He invested all this money and time into photography so I think he will be stubborn about working :/ still relying on his 10 years of savings which are basically flooding down the drain. We don't have to pay rent because it's my dad's flat, so takes the financial pressure off... But puts the pressure on the relationship instead as we have no desperate need to whoop our asses into gear *sigh*

I have a really cool filming gig next week- an acrobatics team I've filmed for before (really cool) are having a circus event! A few performances plus workshops, so am filming that for them and that'll keep me busy editing for a month. Properly paid for once, woohoo! They asked me to do it for half of my asking price but I told them I really couldn't afford that, the asking price basically covers the 100 hours I'll be editing and would be much less than minimum wage if half the price- so they dug into their finances and found the money- brill! Looking forward to it :D

Cheese Thief- STILL Haven't seen Kick Ass 2! My bestie ranted on about some rape joke in it for ages and said that she really didn't enjoy the film even though she loved the first :/ put us off a bit, but do still want to see it! What is the Steve Carrell movie!? I LOVE STEVE CARRELL!!

Thanks for all of the advice- I really don't know where I'm at with this studying idea now though. It seems like ALL the courses are starting in the next week or two and I'm not ready to rush into that, so it'll have to wait until next year. Not sure where my friend got the idea that they start at multiple times a year *sigh*
I was looking at other things I could busy myself with and my mum suggested I could write a trashy novel for mills and boon LOL! I looked into it and the guidelines are so icky..! It would be so easy to bash out a cheesy romance novel but there are a bunch of catagories it has to fit within- for instance: sexy, rich, powerful man with innocent girl at his feet / headstrong, sexy woman uses men as a casual thing, finds a very oridnary man and starts to fall for him but won't let herself... Ewww lol. I might try and read a couple in the lesser-ick catagory ones and see what they're like. I'm really good at writing trashy romance stuff LOL even though it cringes me to admit that. Could be a decent project to keep me busy and could bring some money in too if they accepted it. My mum said an old friend of hers used to write anonymously for Mills and Boon and rake it in!

Researching the psychotherapy courses just baffled me... So many different areas, most of the courses want a foundation course completed first *sigh* I don't know... the official ones all seem to be a lot more expensive too.

Big extended family do tomorrow for cousin's 13th non-bamitza birthday party... Not sure if I'm going to go or not, kinda want to but would kinda wait to see everyone at xmas when I've lost more weight LOL. Feel like I don't have much to talk about (they always get nosy and ask about loads of things, not much going on right now in the work side of things... Feel like I haven't progressed enough since I saw them all last). My dad's dad had 8 siblings who've all had kids who've had more kids- so the family is HUGE. Haven't seen them since xmas before last as was in Dubai this boxing day for the annual do... ahh... I don't know if I'll bother...
Dang, was at a cousin's birthday party today and ate loads of sweets :/ there were so many jars of sweets out on the table and I found myself picking at them out of bordom! Dang!
Avoided the massive burgers and hot dogs though, but had a vodka early on not realising I'd use syns on sweets later *sigh*
Oh well, will try keep a few low syn days happening now. Yesterday had about 10 despite attempting a low syn day as I got depressed and spent 6 on a big glass of red wine (182ml) which really helped! So yeah... Chinese and sweets, not looking good. So can't be arsed to stay on plan at the mo :/ which never happens!
Must be due on as had a tummy ache this morning that felt like * week approaching and have been tired and extra depressed for the past couple of days.
Aww, poor Soph. Sounds like you're having a bit of a crappy time lately. Sometimes your head just isn't in the right place to follow the plan, and we all have days or weeks where life just gets in the way sometimes. Don't beat yourself up, just get back on plan when you feel ready. You've done so amazingly so far that having a little bit of a break for a few days isn't going to hurt.

The aerobatics filming gig sounds like so much fun, bet you can't wait! I had no idea so much time was spent editing the footage though, I bet by the end of the project you're well and truly ready for a break from the computer!

Oh and yeah I remember the rape scene in Kick Ass, me no likey either! When I read up about it they had actually changed it from a full on rape scene in the graphic novel to a "humorous" situation where the main character can't get it up. Apart from that though it was fun, well, I thought so anyway!

Oh, and the new Steve Carrell is called The Way, Way Back. If you've seen Adventureland it's a bit like that (summer working at a water park) but much grittier and imo better. Don't expect the usual Carrell though, he plays away from type with this one as quite a nasty character. Still I'll recommend if you've got time :)
Cool, will check out the Carrell film too at some point! Will be interesting to see him playing a different role...!

Love you new avatar btw Cheese Theif :D very cute!

Guys, I came across this today and thought I'd share... kinda interesting! - Photographic Height/Weight Chart - Body Size Gallery
I was looking up BMI vs clothes size (answer: don't go there) as I wanted to get an idea of what sort of size I'd be at by my first goal. This chart was cool though! As I'm abnormally tall for a girl there wasn't much to look at for my height in women, but it was still interesting to see a person of my height at my goal. I'd really like to be in a size 12 by xmas! I was gutted at the start when dropping a clothes size seemed so slow but now I think it is picking up- I'm squeezing into the occasional 14 top/dress now which is mega exciting! I bought one tiny dress in a spring sale size 14- no elastic, no stretch- and can nearly get the zip up! Can't breath in it, but... y'know ;) I couldn't even get it over my shoulders a month ago!

I'm going to try and do a low syn day tomorrow to redeem today. I've never really had a fail quite like today- I wasn't enjoying the sweets it was just kinda unconscious...! I did eat a LOT of fruit and chopped veg though (basically all of the few superfree options there I demolished :p) and I skipped on two types of cake and a CREPE STAND offering nuttella crepes or crepes with strawberries and cream fkjlkfhjjhs!!!

I don't really know why I've felt like "meh" about the plan this week, not like me... Think I'm just sulking about the past couple of WI's and simultaneously feel kinda deprived because instead of daily treats I've had like one or two splurges a week and then been really low syn at home, which probably isn't best for my treat needs!

Btw my friend showed me this stupid game and I can't believe I'm hooked :S Cookie Clicker
Hey mate!
Don't worry too much about not feeling SW this week. It'll come back, it really will! And it's really tough to stay in the eating healthily frame of mind when you've had a few days or meals off plan. Doesn't sound like you've been doing that bad in the grand scheme of things, you could have eaten much worse in those situations :)

That's cool about the dress! It's amazing trying something on and slowly being able to fit in to it! Just don't miss the 'fitting in to it' window like I did with some of my clothes lol. I remember trying stuff on I'd bought to fit in to and they were too big. Just kinda went "Sh*t" lol

Sounds like it would be worth doing much more research on the courses before you jump in. Sounds a bit confusing! Will be worth the wait when you find the right one.
No advice on G really. I just don't get how he can expect to 'live' on one shoot a month and no other money coming in. It's not like his savings will last forever :confused: He does need a kick up the arse ;)

Had a look at the BMI/size scale thing. I didn't think I matched the ones near my weight/height lol. But I've got a bit of a skewed view of myself atm! :eek:

How was it seeing your family? Apart from being boring from the sound of it.xx
Hi Hun,
have just caught up with all of your extremely long posts! Lol.
I was thinking, a photographer I know does like teaching days with other photographers, maybe it would be worth g doing something like that with somebody other than you, but a professional still. He might take constructive criticism better from somebody new/stranger.

I think the psychotherapy sounds great but it sounds like it would be worth waiting to get it right.
Foidwise, don't want to seem bossy, but try to chill, not eating sweets without thinking but when you came back you were going to try to up ur syns because you felt you lost more?

Yeah, guess two weeks of being more relaxed with the plans and syns, a gain and an evening out basically freaked me back out into control freak mode :( *sigh*
Had a nice low syn red day yesterday to balance out the sweets, and a low syn Green day today (because I really, really wanted a comforting meal of potato pancake and pasta!)

Had a big bonding session with G yesterday, helped me feel a bit better about our relationship. We talked about how fearful I am of criticism and how I see G's photography as an extension of me, which is why I kinda panic when he screws up and get hyper critical on him like I do on myself. Have basically been a huge b*tch to him about everything this year :( I have borderline personality disorder so I just have black and white mood swings of aggression towards him, pushing him away, etc.
I think that's a good idea EmmaB- G had mentioned maybe he should try and hang out with other photographers and ask for critique as it's gotten to the point where I just can't look through photos with him and help him with what needs fixing, it's so emotionally stressful for me! I might help him find some photography meet up groups to go to or find a website to post his work on for feedback.
We had a chat about his lack of action this past year and he said "It's because I'm trying to focus on making you happy." which made me bawl. I've been so busy pointing fingers at him for not getting on with things, but one of the main reasons he wanted to quit his job was to look after me while I was going through a really bad time (I would have these sort of mental fits where I'd get so depressed and upset and would black out and 'come to' with these burns all over myself, I was a real mess and I had no control over it and it only happened when I was at home alone...)
I guess I sort of block these things out but it made me really sad to realise that the reason he hasn't been pushing for things to further with our photography company is because he can see how much it is stressing me out to be working with him and he is trying to help me focus on getting mentally stable; encouraging me with my SW plan so that I can gain confidence and trying to be here to support me when I am depressed so that I don't lapse again. I feel like such a d*ck right now. :cry:
He is such a lovely person through and through, never has a bad intention, never lashes out at me despite how infuriating I am to him (constantly having a go at him!) I still don't know what to do though but I think the psychotherapy idea was kinda a quick fix solution I was looking towards- like when I nearly moved to the Netherlands to art school to run away from my life here, like when I signed up to film school with like a week's notice, etc. Really I need to find balance in my life and try to establish some inner peace; having more of a plan for the future would definitely help that but I can't keep running away from things when they get tough. I DO still love photography, I just need to work out an efficient system that I can work under with G.

/rant over

The family party thing was pretty dry really; I got a few nice comments about my weight loss but I wasn't really in the mood to talk about it, I was feeling pretty maxed out from social stuff and my favourite relatives weren't there (family from Birmingham- they're a really fun bunch and their daughter is 19- all of the other people at the party were 40's+ or under 15 so it was really awkward to be the only young adult there!)

Cheeky- probably will miss the 'fitting into it' window with that particular dress as it's such a skimpy summer dress and I won't be in it until it's cold season, doh! It was less than a tenner though on sale and I really liked the pattern :rolleyes: I am not letting myself spend anything more than that on things I need to shrink into unless they are pretty close already though! In fact, I am trying to avoid clothes shopping all together at the mo- am broke!
Oh I'm so glad he finally told you- he sounds like a keeper. Understanding that's he's worried about you, that must have been so scary for you! Glad that bit has sort of stopped for you. Know it probably sounds ridiculous but have any drs ever mentioned yoga or Pilates, there supposed to be helpful emotionally, soothing almost. Know it's not a quick fix but might give you a peaceful time to look forward to with your life so busy.

Get what you mean with the clothes, feels like such a waste to not really wear them. I'm going to brave at some point this week and hot wash a few items I've got. Sounds stupid but don't want to ruin them. Not sure why I care because either don't wear them as too big already, or they're getting they're...
they'll probably get chucked if I can't shrink them.
Hope your feeling nice and positive today Hun xxx
Hot washing- that's a good idea! Haha...
I gave my mum a load of old clothes that were too big and she was really happy to have them. Most of them were things I never wore anyway, bought them but then went off them, so at least it feels like less of a waste that she can enjoy them :)

I have tried a bit of yoga at home with the wiifit and didn't really enjoy it :/ to be honest, my life isn't busy at all- not busy enough! That's why I get into a state in the first place... When work is slow and I'm at home too much... Have been putting less effort into socialising recently, just feel meh about everything.

We are trying to tackle some photo editing from shoots during our Sweden trip in June- have been putting it off for ages. I'm trying to get over this fear of going through pictures but today going through the hard drives trying to find them was enough to freak me out- they're so disorganised because we had to send a hard drive back recently and transfer all the stuff onto another, it's all a mess and I couldn't find anything. G organises his stuff totally different from me and it got me worked up just looking for the bloody files- had to plug in (to the wall) 4 different hard drives before I found it, then the pictures were on a PC side of a hard drive so I had to wait ages to transfer them- grr! Can't be arsed with any of this *sigh*!

Worked out my BMR today and it's 1,935 cal a day which you times by 1.2 to see how much you need to eat to maintain when having the least amount of activity in your life (i.e. resting) and it is 2,322! Wow... That's a lot! Guess because I'm tall. So I need to eat less than 1,822 cal a day to lose a pound in a week... 1,322 to lose 2 lbs (if I am inactive all week- which to be honest, it feels that way most weeks! On the sofa with laptop most of the day :/ ) interesting to know though, seems to be pretty high compared to others who their basic BMI was 1500 but guess I am very tall for a woman and am still fairly overweight; by my first goal my BMR will have dropped to 1,600.
Just catching up on your diary. Oh hunny it sounds like you've been through a lot and G is an absolute sweetheart for helping you through it all, bless him! Hope you feel better soon, I've had mental health problems in the past and its the worst thing in the world, and even then it wasn't a patch on what you went through waking up with the burns all over you. I'm so glad you're a lot better now and that isn't happening any more, it must have been so scary!

Hope you're having a bit better week now Xxxx
Posted replies to you guys last night but cant see it now :S

-1lb today, expected a gain as 2nd day of very heavy period so am relieved but obviously not enthralled as 2lbs in 3 weeks kinda sucks for me! Oh well *sigh* hopefully will lose 3 or more next week to finally get my 5 stone award :)
Hey at the end of the day a pound is still a loss, and a bonus if you weren't expecting it! :) I hope you manage your 3lbs next week, getting your 5 stone award would give you a massive boost I bet! I'm 2lbs off my first stone and aiming for that next week. Fingers crossed we can both get our awards together!
Fingers crossed for you too!
I have some catching up to do after the past 3 weeks of fail- hopefully a juicy 7lbs off next week or something LOL in my dreams ;)
7lbs?!! Don't want much do you?! ;)

Hope you're doing ok and avoided the munchies today. It's awful when you don't feel like you can control it.

As for everything else, you've been through and going through so much!! G does sound like a lovely boyfriend, even if he can be annoying at times. But no body's perfect ;)
Like I've said before, I'm always happy to listen and offer advice when I can. I'm just a text away.xx
Thanks dear :D
The munchies today were BAD (as I said in text) was having insane sugar cravings and wanting loads of chocolate :/ managed to only scoff down a couple of mikado, a sugarpuffs marshmallow and white choc cereal bar thing (3.5 syns, got a multipack from poundland and they are so yunmy but TINY), some fruit and then in a desperate attempt I had a bowl of natural yoghurt with splenda and some jam (??) which worked! It wasnt very nice and I made it extra sweet with splenda and it put me off sweet things LOL awesome!
Had an EE day today and 10 syns.

I'm going to be naughty and re-weigh tomorrow because by day 3 of * week water weight may have balanced out more and also I did a bowel movement for the first time in a few days so feel like tomorrow will give a more accurate reading :p (bet it'll be a plus just to p*** me off lol!)