Induction Soy / Endamame Beans


Full Member
I'm starting Atkins tomorrow after 10 months of Dukan and stalling for the past 2 months. Atkins seems a little stricter on carbs so I hope to get going again. I've got the "New Atkins, New You" book, as well as a carb counter.
There are a few things (a lot) I'm a little unsure of. I hope to learn along the way. I do need to know if I'm allowed Soy beans / Endamame and, if so, what is their net carb value?
I hope somebody can shed some light on this. x
Hi and welcome to atkins. In the 1st 2 induction weeks you are not allowed the beans, after that you could poss introduce them, it all depends on the carbs in them, and the amount you eat. It is best to introduce foods not allowed on induction very slowly, ie only one food per week, to make sure they don't stall you. My sister is doing dukan but I thunk atkins is a lot easier to do. Good luck and ask any more questions.
You should go on my fitness pal. It will tell you protein, fat and carbs value of food. Lots of atkins followers use it.
Thank you. I've downloaded Myfitnesspal. Great for carb info but I cannot get it to add up my carbs. Is there a setting I need to change?
Thank you. I've downloaded Myfitnesspal. Great for carb info but I cannot get it to add up my carbs. Is there a setting I need to change?

Not sure about the app but on the MFP website you go to setting ( top right of page) and then into diary settings and you can change what you want it to track for you. Be careful with it though - all the info that is in there has been added by other users so a good chance it is inaccurate- always always always check packaging against MFP before using it for the first time. You can also add your own stuff on there. A lot of MFP users only care about tracking calories and therefore dont bother adding the carb values. You think something has zero carbs but actually it has millions!!! LOL :eek: