the scales!!


Full Member
Sooooo.....Here I am, all 18st 13.5lbs of me!

I've done my fair share of diets over the years, I could easily name 5 off the top of my head. I am a serial yo-yo dieter!

I've always been a big eater, during my early teens I was very active - dancing, school football team, rugby team, cricket! And as I got older and interested in other things (boys!) it dwindled, but my eating habits never. Here I am, a mere 8 years later more than double the weight I was.

It's got to change. I've got to change. I have two beautiful children, a husband, a business and a dream to study midwifery. My weight is holding me back from being the person I know I can be. I just need to dig them out!

Day 1 almost over - Bit of a sore head (lack of coca-cola!)

Im away on a course tomorrow/Saturday/Sunday with included lunch. Lunch is normally sandwiches and chips. Will skip the chips and take some fruit!

Onwards and downwards =]
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Busy busy weekend!

I think I did ok-ish. Im definately at the top end of my syns if not slightly above it! But thats my last training weekend done, and 2 birthdays out the way. Possibly the worst week to start a healthy eating plan!

Hopefully Im going to stick to minimum syns until Thursday. Im hoping I'll only need 2/3 a day then I can start fresh.

I have a BBQ on Saturday will measure my vodka beforehand and take a jacket potato with me as there will only be wedges, probably made with oil! I think Im slowly getting the hang of it now I can use the online bit fine, but I know I haven't eaten enough superfree so I really need to up that this week now Im back in control!
Busy helping plan my sisters BBQ on Saturday. All the talk of bbq ribs and burgers is making me hungry!

I've tried to go back and edit yesterday on my slimming world diary on their website and I've not saved the last few days, I thought it saved automatically. Grrrr!!!! Im having a big breakfast today as I definitely have been feeling hungry in the evenings, hopefull 3 decent size meals will keep the snack monster at bay.
Well...Gone over my syns (again) today. I've had 23.5 on a large glass of wine and a slice of chocolate birthday cake. Dreading weigh in. I've not been 1000% on plan, but I have been so so so much better than I would of done otherwise. I've not had any chocolate bars, just 2 slices of cake and a glass of wine, they rest has been food 'top ups'

I keep seeing people that loose loads, and I really don't think that will be me at all. Hopefully I'll loose something!
Im going to have a good day today!

Not sure what I fancy for breakfast, probably weetabix, milk and a banana. Have loads of fruit that needs eating up so will be snacking on fruit today. Lunch will be tuna salad, and dinner is sticky chicken with veg & noodles. Im gonna try and get away with just using 2 syns. I've worked out my syns for the week and I've used about 100, so under the weekly amount, but still more than I wanted to loose! I think it would be silly for me to think that I could get away without using ANY at all! Im hoping that as Im quite big I've been able to get away with it this week, I ideally would like to loose 5lbs this week. Plleeeeaaasseeeeee.
I had my good day yesterday :) and I lost 4.5lbs tonight. So pleased especially with all those syns over the weekend! Need to plan my week carefully as have already dipped deep into syns tonight. Meal planning going on right now!

Would like my half stone reward but to be honest I would just like to get through this week without screwing up too much!
BBQ yesterday wasn't too bad. Felt really unwell so didn't eat a lot, and only had 1 vodka. Went out for lunch today and had a burger and chips - not the wisest choice eh! Im hoping to pull it back now before Thursday. I won't see the same family now until September, so Im hoping I can get a decent chunk off so they will notice!

On the plus side I bought a dress for a wedding at the start of the month which was a size 22 and fitted, well last night it was visibly big for me! I feel less bloated etc, despite having a white roll, pasta and a jacket potato over the last few days. My plan is to stick to minimum syns until Thursday and hope for the best. Don't think I'll get 2.5 off but I'll be happy with sts!
I've worked out I have 15.5 weeks until the next family party, Im going to set myself a challenge to loose 23.5lbs for then which will make it a 2st loss. Works out at just over 1.5lbs a week. That should be doable for my size!

Contemplating making superspeed soup, will need to get the ingredients, and a big pan!

Not sure whats on the menu today. Need to go through the cupboards and see what I have left to eat before shopping on Wednesday!
Today has been a good day. Im feeling back in control, I haven't had a chocolate bar in 12 days. Only had two meals today, snacking on plums and tangerines tonight yum yum!
Heavily over syns! I don't know If I can get away with it for a second week in a row! Also not enough superfree Thursday/Sat/Sun

I had a plum and 3 tangerines last night! Defo had a sweet craving but I was good =]

Not sure what my plan is for today. Shopping day tomorrow so my cupboards are looking a bit bare! Baked bean lasagne tonight, I have broccoli and cauliflower that needs using, bit of an odd combo but I hate waste! Not sure about lunch, will dig something up!
Had another good day. Used 9 syns as I though creme fraiche was free! Eeeeekkk!! Only had 3 meals today, no snacking tonight

I did enjoy my baked bean lasagne though, will defo have it again. Would of been lovely with garlic bread but gotta make allowances somewhere!

Dinner tomorrow is pork steaks (no fat *sob*) with roast potatoes and veg. No lunch in, again! Need to be more organised!!
Weigh in tomorrow evening! Slightly nervous, I don't have childcare again to not able to stay to the meeting, slightly annoyed as I've not been able to stay to one yet. May look into going to one tonight just so I can stay!

Forgot I had left over baked bean lasagne for lunch, wouldn't normally have something to heavy but can't let it go to waste!

Just writing a shopping list out. My goal for next week is to make sure I'm getting my HEX whether it be through bread/crackerbread/cereal. I have had them the last few days but I am struggling with not wanting to use syns, and I've really gone of weetabix so I can have bread and cheese or something similar.
Hiya hun, I take my little boy and stay to group sometimes and there are always children of other members at mine, they just sit there and play on their ds's and things, ask your consultant they dont mind usually! x
I found a class this afternoon so popped along there. Only had the baby so wasn't too stressful!

Though I did loose 3LBS

Used some syns on chocolate last night! Was nice knowing it was still within my syns! I really fancy doritos and dip so will syn it up and may have some over the weekend.

Not feeling too good. Had my lunch today already, might have to get hubby to come home from work so I can get some sleep
Slightly lost it the past few days. Need to start afresh tomorrow. Coming on here tonight to give myself a kick up the backside!!
Absolutely shattered. Just submitted my last assignment for two months woohoo!!!

I keep forgetting to update both diaries so will just stick with the one, much easier! I tried the SW chicken brest pizza base tonight and it was lovely, though I made mine alot later because of studying I forgot to put the tomatoe purée on (not sure how I forgot that!)

Today has gone like this:

2 cereal bars HEXB
2 tangerine

small handful pasta
1tsp light mayo 2SYNS
fromage frais

SW chips
cheese HEXA

Snack a jacks 5.5 syns
