Squeezes diary week 1

Im still heeeeerrrreeeeee heehee :)
Ive just got back from town with hubby and as my jeans were fallibg down he bought me some new trendy trousery things they were well nice. The size 12's were too big (couldnt believe it i screamed in the cubicle i dont know what people must of though was goung on in there) and the size 10's were a bit too tight. So i umned and rrrrr'd for ages and just got the size 10 to spur me on and give me the one last push yay :)

Loz, ur be finished way before all of us ur singing ur way to that last stone! :)

Im cham pers on FB but u cant find me coz of security have just posted on another thread can u send me all ur log ons girlues pleeeeeease x
I'm the same as u, no one can find me ha ha!!! But I'm now on squeeze's and loz's if u end up adding them lol x
Ahhh thats cool katie yeah that shud work! Ok girls where are you? Give me ur log ons...NOW :)
sent you my fb name
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Lozzy ive added you chick x
iv added you all! :D wahoo!!

WOOOOOW LOZ ya skinny beast.. 5lbs thats AWESOME!!!! well done you :) im worried about the self control thing after too :( its scary really knowing that THIS is the EASY bit. im sure we will feel so great though that we wont f**k it up. iv never ever been slim so for me iam just hoping i will not want to jeapordise my life long dream!!
Thankyou lozzleberry, just one will be great so as i know if i like it then i can promise the pharmacist that ill buy them.. he doesnt get them in cuz noone likes them lol. Will be soo grateful hunny x

I aint been on here much :( iv missed everyone and feel a bit out of touch. gonna try to find more time to come on and see ma girlies :) LOVE YOU ALL!!! and am so excited by everyones progress. gonna go sniff around all your diaries now he he xx
Squeeze, dont worry too much about life after LT..... i have got in my head that i will allow myself 5lbs movement then im straight back on a diet. If slim fast wont work i will order some exante and get on it for a week and get it back off. I know that im going to struggle for the rest of my life with my weight, i simply cant eat what i want and not put weight on. So i will change my lifestyle of course but unless i live on salad leaves i will always find myself gaining weight so that 5lb is a saftey net and i know that exante/lt works and i can get it off..... treat it a bit like a detox every now and again wont do any harm at all :)
Thanks molly!!! really helpful :)
Yeh katie I know I need to chill about it, im just starting to fear the day that I have to be in control of my eating again. I have never been able to eat sensibly and just dont know how im going to restrain myself. But i am just gonna cross that bridge.. iv got another 3 months of this to work it all out in my head and get prepared for eating again. I think its just affecting me that the 3 people I know who have done lipotrim and lost loads of weight, have ALL put it back on. Its so scary!

Anyway I kinda realised that I havent really written a 'diary' on here for a while so thought I would just write some stuff.
So im on day 41 now. Cant quite believe 41 days have gone this quick and that iv stuck to it. Rather proud of myself. And its definately a way of life now. All the novelty has worn off and its just second nature. Although I have to admit I have struggled this past week to drink water BIG TIME and have not been drinking enough. Have a feeling thats going to really affect my loss but for some reason I just cant get enough in me. Must address the problem because its very naughty TUT. I guess I was able to drink more before cuz it made me feel full. But now I never feel hungry or like I want to put anything in my stomach so the water consumption has suffered :( tut at me
I am so chuffed that Iv made an awesome group of friends to share this journey with... not sure how I would be doing if I didnt have the girls by my side on here.
Last couple of days iv been feeling a little bit sorry for myself... feeling like its so unfair that I cant have a pasty or some cheesy chips lol. Really craving crap. I hate these days when the old habits fight inside your mind and beating the thoughts of yummy food is so hard. I dont want to eat it though... thats the weird thing! I think if someone put a big plate of greasy cheesy chips in front of me id chunder! But theyre in my head for some reason. And its a constant battle right now to tell the thoughts to F OFF! Iv smoked about 50 bloody cigs today ha ha.
I am also feeling quite demotivated and slobby. The only times my arse has left this couch is to get my shakes lol. Think i need some decent sleep so im going to bed very early tonight and hope that a decent rest sorts me out a bit.

Hope all of you lovely ladies, and david :p, are doing great and feeling all strong and positive. Couldnt do it without ya, and am so proud of you all for doing so well.
Hey squeeze, ive become a bit too complacent as writing a proper diary entry on here too.... i think we have just been having a good old gossip lately haha!!! And i know what you mean about making some awesome friends, its great and like you, i dont know where i would be without the amazing people on here!!

You are doing really fantastic on this diet hunni and its great that you wouldnt even eat a plate of cheesey chips if they were put in front of you.. thats some good going!!! Who cares if they are on your mind... just adjust your thinking ever so slightly and think about the fact that the plate of cheesey chips in your head got you into this in the first place!!! They will soon sod off ha ha!!!
Get that water down you missey!!! Just do it this way..... every time you have a ciggerette have half a glass of water before hand and half after and you will soon get through 3 litres :) Ive found 3 liters so much more effective than 2 !!!!
Ive been making sure ive drunk 1 litre before my first shake, im 1.5 litres down and its only 11am!!! :)
Thanks sweet, yeh you are so right... i just need to be a bit stronger against the thoughts and remember how thise thoughts got me to a place where Im so miserable and fat! And I need to knuckle down with the water... im being so slack and i can tell its affecting my weight loss this week and my skins gone really dry. GRRR RIGHT!!!!... tomorrow 3 litres no less!

He he we definitely just seem to have a good old chin wag on here ha ha. Im gonna try to get back to writing diary entries now and again.
hey squeeze replied to ya on my diary re the re-feed scary thing.... tell you what im hungry tonite and if you put that plate of cheesy chips in front of me id bite your bluddy arm off for it??!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr!! i write in my diary every day coz it really shows me how much time is flyin on this coz nearly 40 days ago i was on day 1??? wtf????? mad stuff.... drink the water coz you know what last week i nearly drank as much water as week 1 and that was my 5lbs loss.... and if you're sittin on your de-motivated a.s.s then you might as well be drinkin water whilst you're at it woman!!!!!!!!!!!!! so here we are still at it and same here i would never have gotten this far without you all..... it just makes the whole thing seem normal (ish) when you know other people are goin thru the same things..... take care girlies xx
Soon before we can even blink we will ALL be on refeed and helping each other out thro maintenance. As long as we all stay friends and keep in touch i think we can help each other to stay slim once we get there! Awwww ur all so effing CUTE! Love ya girls xxxx
Aww big grin :D ur lovely chammybear :) and u lozenge he he :) yeah we will all get each other through for sure... Ul be there before us though Cham! That's if u stay 100% which I'm sure u will. Loz I know hun I know. I'm gonna get on the case drinking loads tomorrow cuz I'll feel like iv let myself down if I slack off with it! Big love to all you gorgeous lot xx
Get that water habit!! Sip at it throughout the day. The water will get rid if those food cravings too. I read somewhere that 80% of the time we feel hungry it is actually water our bodies are craving.
Get sipping!!!!
Thanks Molly :) I needed the kick up the arse from everyone. No more slacking... Gonna drink myself into oblivion from tomorrow lol :) 3 litres everyday without fail! X
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on here for a few days, my little one has been doing her ballet perfomance at a local theatre in the eves form 7pm-10pm and by the time we get back, and I get her to sleep, its been too late for me to come on here and check what you all up too.

I can't sleep tonight so thought I would see what your all up to?

Glad to hear your all doing well:)

Im just about hanging in, its been very hard these last 3 eves, as I haven't been able to have my last shake in the eve, so drinking water all eve instead but going to bed not feeling satisfied :( Roll on Sunday when ive got my eves back and I can have my hot choccie in the eve, it really feels me up!

Squeeze I know its hard getting the 3 litres down , but I find that is what makes the difference for me, keeps me full and feeling good :)

Blimey Cham nearly in a size size 10!!! that must feel awesome!!

Well done all you girls!! Nite nite all xx
hey girlies!!! squeeze hope you're drinkin that water woman??!! get it down the hatch girl!!! just back from my sis-in-law... now the story behind her is there is a year between us and ten years ago we both joined weightwatchers.... we both lost all our weight and i yo-yo to this and she never put a pound back on... she lost 7 stone!! she went from a size 26 and is now a size 10/12..... so was asking here for a few tips as to not how she lost it (coz i can do that bit) but how she kept it off ( coz i cant do that bit) and again she said what most say on here... she has cut out bread and eats Rivita for her lunch, she eats load of salad with everything with low fat coleslaw..... she has crisps and things at the weekend, but during the week she is good.... she eats chicken most days and steak when she goes out.... i asked her when do you eat cakes and biscuits etc??? she looked at me with a puzzled look and said 'you cant eat them Lorraine... thats what got you into this mess' and you know what shes right.... i need to retrain the brain that these items are luxury items... only to be had in moderation and not for me to be treating my fat face all week???? so feelin confident now about re-feed and the normal world... gonna pull back during the week, with light exercise and then at the weekend i can have the odd treat.... i need to stop associating food with treats and try to reeducate myself that treats can be in the form of other things and not just food... so there you go, my thoughts for the day... have a lovely evening x
I am ker nackered today i been running around like a headless chicken how u been hunny? ;-)