Squeezing in those superfrees...

These are all great ideas! Is there any advice from people's consultants about how to balance your fruit and veg intake? I don't go to groups and was just thinking that if you eat too much fruit surely thats a lot of sugar going in? Or does it not matter as long as you're sensible?

I often wonder this myself to be honest. I dont like veg that much but I must eat the equivalent of Asdas fruit aisle every day. Be interesting to hear others views
hollys nan said:
I often wonder this myself to be honest. I dont like veg that much but I must eat the equivalent of Asdas fruit aisle every day. Be interesting to hear others views

TBH it's more important to a eat a varied diet you ENJOY. I firmly believe your body reacts better to natural sugars and a bowl of fruit is ALWAYS going to be better than a bowl of icecream!!! So I'd say go ahead and enjoy your fruit!! But it always AMAZES me that SW allow bananas as a superfree and not peas. Most fruits are mainly water so not very calorific (bananas excepted!!) but (might be wrong) you'll get more nutrients, protein and fibre from veg so it's important to eat a balance of the two? A nutritionist once told me to make my plates as colourful as possible. So go for a variety of different coloured fruit and veg and not just the same old lettuce tomato cucumber or an apple everyday.
Thats where I fall down a bit. Cant mix veg and detest salad! My fruit is my saviour, in fact I dont know if I would ever have got to target had I not liked my fruit :)
These are all great ideas! Is there any advice from people's consultants about how to balance your fruit and veg intake? I don't go to groups and was just thinking that if you eat too much fruit surely thats a lot of sugar going in? Or does it not matter as long as you're sensible?

I absolutely agree, and wondered the same myself. My consultant says eat as much fruit and veg as you like, recommends mixing things up and always makes mention of 'ringing the changes' which from listening to others in the group seems to be the main component. When someone who goes along at 1lb per week for months then suddenly pulls a 3lbs loss out the bag, 9/10 times when Suzanne asks her what he/she's done differently, it's not something quirky or unusual (like the green tea challenge or upping exercise a mental amount- but I'm willing to try all the easy strange ones like lemon in hot water, worth a go I figure :)!!) but it'll be just trying new recipes or using fruit/veg that they don't usually have week in week out. I hear it so often in group 'well what on Earth have you done to earn THAT loss? Share your secret!!' 'Oh I tried the aubergine moussaka and vegetable lasagne recipes from the magazine and have tried spaghetti squash and had some lychees instead of my usual grapes' and the like...

I also notice that if someone's been consistently losing, and then it slows up or they have a maintain week and can't think of what they've done wrong, Suzanne often says one of the first things you can look at is reassessing the balance between the fruit and veg, so if you're eating lots and lots of fruit, it might be worth trying to have slightly less fruit but to balance it by upping the veg intake. Just as another kickstart to get the body going again and restore the losing pattern. I think that sounds sensible to me, hopefully it helps you too :D
Aston said:
I absolutely agree, and wondered the same myself. My consultant says eat as much fruit and veg as you like, recommends mixing things up and always makes mention of 'ringing the changes' which from listening to others in the group seems to be the main component. When someone who goes along at 1lb per week for months then suddenly pulls a 3lbs loss out the bag, 9/10 times when Suzanne asks her what he/she's done differently, it's not something quirky or unusual (like the green tea challenge or upping exercise a mental amount- but I'm willing to try all the easy strange ones like lemon in hot water, worth a go I figure :)!!) but it'll be just trying new recipes or using fruit/veg that they don't usually have week in week out. I hear it so often in group 'well what on Earth have you done to earn THAT loss? Share your secret!!' 'Oh I tried the aubergine moussaka and vegetable lasagne recipes from the magazine and have tried spaghetti squash and had some lychees instead of my usual grapes' and the like...

I also notice that if someone's been consistently losing, and then it slows up or they have a maintain week and can't think of what they've done wrong, Suzanne often says one of the first things you can look at is reassessing the balance between the fruit and veg, so if you're eating lots and lots of fruit, it might be worth trying to have slightly less fruit but to balance it by upping the veg intake. Just as another kickstart to get the body going again and restore the losing pattern. I think that sounds sensible to me, hopefully it helps you too :D

Your consultant sounds like a good one. She's giving all the right advice :)
Money-penny said:
I just divide my plate into thirds and bung some grilled veg onto the third... I always eat it first before I touch the other two thirds of my plate so that it fills me up before I get to the good stuff.

If I have leftovers and have eaten all my superfree then I will have the rest for lunch the next day, whether or not I have superfree depends on if I have time to make it (with my job sometimes I just have to grab from the fridge and go). I try not to panic about not getting the superfree though, just fit in fruit for snacks beforehand.

I don't have 1/3 superfree with my breakfast and I'm not that bothered or anal about it even if it's not strictly following the plan rules since breakfast tends to be when I fit my healthy extras in. Some other SWers will no doubt have a problem with this since I'm 'not doing it right' but this is a plan for life, and everyone is different - I'm doing it in a way that i know is sustainable for me. To get obsessive over it like a few people I have known is not something I regard as healthy, by all means everyone should do their best to get their third superfree in, but don't beat yourself (or others) up if you/they don't always manage it.

fab idea love the three thirds on the plate and eating the super free third first thanks will try that

I absolutely agree, and wondered the same myself. My consultant says eat as much fruit and veg as you like, recommends mixing things up and always makes mention of 'ringing the changes' which from listening to others in the group seems to be the main component. When someone who goes along at 1lb per week for months then suddenly pulls a 3lbs loss out the bag, 9/10 times when Suzanne asks her what he/she's done differently, it's not something quirky or unusual (like the green tea challenge or upping exercise a mental amount- but I'm willing to try all the easy strange ones like lemon in hot water, worth a go I figure :)!!) but it'll be just trying new recipes or using fruit/veg that they don't usually have week in week out. I hear it so often in group 'well what on Earth have you done to earn THAT loss? Share your secret!!' 'Oh I tried the aubergine moussaka and vegetable lasagne recipes from the magazine and have tried spaghetti squash and had some lychees instead of my usual grapes' and the like...

I also notice that if someone's been consistently losing, and then it slows up or they have a maintain week and can't think of what they've done wrong, Suzanne often says one of the first things you can look at is reassessing the balance between the fruit and veg, so if you're eating lots and lots of fruit, it might be worth trying to have slightly less fruit but to balance it by upping the veg intake. Just as another kickstart to get the body going again and restore the losing pattern. I think that sounds sensible to me, hopefully it helps you too :D

Thanks for that! Just dont think I could eat much veg though and I am at target and love love love my melons ha ha