Starting CD Today!

Hey hope you both feeling better. Don't worry about being off plan as long as you recovered and back on it is the important thing. When you unwell its hard to stay on cd as you require more than 3 sachets to recover sooner.

Well done for sticking to plan for 2 days and getting into ketosis.
bluegirl said:
I know some of those naturally skinny girls, and actually they do something different to me (and maybe you), they don't over eat! They might have a packet of sweets but then they would miss a meal, they have a takeaway but know when they are full. I don't do either of those things. That's how they are naturally skinny, they listen to their body. I listen to something else and if I knew hoe to re programme then I probably wouldn't need to be on this diet! Xx

I love that! It's the truth!!!
Hey there how you doing? Hw's ure daughter feeling hope she is better. How you been getting on? Hope you manages to stick to cd