Starting Dilemma


Full Member
Hi, I've decided to go on a VLCD again after a lot of thought - I lost 3 stone on Cambridge 6 years ago, kept the weight off for ages, but slowly it's crept back on & I've now put it all back on (and another half stone!) :rolleyes:

I said I'd never do a VLCD again, but I've spent the last two years going from diet to diet and losing and gaining the same half stone and have decided enough is enough. I feel the time is right to do a VLCD again and I'm raring to go and feel very positive I can lose this weight. I did it last time 100% without any cheats and the thought of being slim again by Christmas is very exciting. My dilemma is this, I'm ready to start (I've decided to give Save & Slim a go) but in 3 weeks time my daughter is 18, we've got a jam packed weekend with her including two meals out, her party and a day shopping in the Trafford Centre. Originally I thought there's no point starting now with all that coming up as once I start I really do want to stick to it as I'm concerned that if I have a diversion so early on in the diet it'll throw me off track & I won't get back on again! And there's no way I'll be dieting over that weekend, however now that I'm ready to start I just want to start, if you know what I mean and by the time her birthday comes around I could be the best part of a stone lighter and more likely to reach my goal by Christmas.

So not sure what to do? The beginning of September isn't far away but I can do a lot of damage in that time, especially once I get into last supper syndrome!! :D Would love to know your thoughts

Thanks x
Just start - and do it straight away. There will always be an event or special occasion. With SnS you can have a protein meal plus 3 packs on a day rather than the 4 pack a day option. That gives you lots of opportunity to eat out and stay on plan. You could have a small fillet steak (lowest calorie of all steaks) plus salad - or fresh fish with salad - or chicken with salad. I eat out a lot and there is no need to come off plan or out of ketosis.
Thanks for your reply - have just placed my order for the sample pack :)
I so understand you. I am the same. But maybe today. I agree with JanBow, there is always a reason so we have to learn ignoring them.
Had a fabulous weekend with my daughter last weekend, but I am so glad that I started the diet when I did, as I was 12lbs lighter for the birthday weekend and yes of course weight went back on but I've lost that during the week and am another pound down so only 1lb off my first stone.

If I hadn't started until after the birthday weekend I'd have been heavier to start and have less chance of reaching my goal before Christmas :)

I got straight back on track on Monday morning, which was hard but as I'd planned that weekend off I knew it was what I had to do.

So onwards & downwards!! x
Had a fabulous weekend with my daughter last weekend, but I am so glad that I started the diet when I did, as I was 12lbs lighter for the birthday weekend and yes of course weight went back on but I've lost that during the week and am another pound down so only 1lb off my first stone.

If I hadn't started until after the birthday weekend I'd have been heavier to start and have less chance of reaching my goal before Christmas :)

I got straight back on track on Monday morning, which was hard but as I'd planned that weekend off I knew it was what I had to do.

So onwards & downwards!! x
