Starting inch loss plan today


Full Member
Hi all,

Well as the title says Im starting rc inch loss plan today and am hoping to gain some much needed support from this forum however it does seem alot quieter on here than on some of the others. I have just over 4 & half stone to lose to get to my initial target so am in it for the long haul. My reason for finally deciding to lose weight, apart from the fact that I feel miserable, is that next year is my 30th and would love to go out with the OH to celebrate wearing a dress (something I wont wear at my current size) and actually feel confident in it! This may seem like a small target but it's been a long time since I've felt confident in anything so fingers crossed this will be the last time I say that this time I'm actually going to lose this weight:)

Good luck on your weight loss journeys and hope to hear from you,