Starting Judddd tomorrow!

X Kelly X

Silver Member
Hi all
I poked my head in a few months ago saying I was starting this diet but I never fully got on board with it properly. This time I am doing it with a friend as I need to kick start my weight loss and having seen the horizon doc on tv I'm in the ugly frame of mind to try this again! I really think this could work for me and feeling really positive!
Tomorrow (sat) I will be doing and ID, Sunday will be DD and then I will figure out the rest of the week. I'm planning on doing 3 days dd at 500 cals, and 4 days at 1800-2000. Having seen some fabulous results from you girls and guys you have inspired me to try it again! I have lost 3st 5lbs since doing sw but it's getting so samey now If you know what I mean. So basically I'm asking If u would kindly take me back...
I'm starting this diet tomorrow too good luck :) x

I'm starting tomorrow too :) I'm starting on a DD as I've got a day of mooching and doing very little except some crafting and spending loads of time on the computer, maybe start C25K......

Good luck with tomorrow, I look forward to catching up with you all and seeing how our first day went :D

hannata said:
I know that face :eek: but I think I've taken a tour on every forum in minis at some point or another, this is my stop :D

Welcome to juddd :D

Who's face you talking bout hun? You may have seen me on sw boards. X
Hi everyone. I've been doing this for just over a week. I lost 3lb in my 1st week. I stuck to 500 cals on my dd and just ate what I wanted without counting (and believe me I didn't cut back at all... I ate lots!) on my up days.

Good luck for your 1st week and remember, if you get hungry on your down days, you can always comfort yourself with the thought that you can have whatever you want the next day!!
Hey guys I have started with a DD today fingers crossed for us all xxxx
Good luck Nicki xxxxx just read your diary chick..............................we can do this xxxx