Starting LL in May

Ok so this morning I'm back on track have had a vanilla and chocolate shake this morning, then tonight will have two shakes, only just starting on my water though and I like to have 2 litres in the morning and two in the afternoon so I get my 4 before going home at the end of the day so anything I have after then is a bonus.

I've gone off the water flavourings at the moment, can only have them in sparkling water.

I'm hoping the wedding is going to be as fabulous as I imagine it, there's jsut going to be us, our parent's and my brother and his wife there then we're having a massive party the next weekend back home.

well done Helen for starting over again today. We can and will stay abstinent today!!!
I have been on track so far, even had my coffee without any milk!!! Had a lemon bar for breakfast and will try and leave as long a gap as possible until my next pack. am doing quite well on the water 1 1/2 litres so far.

I am telling myself to just get through today, feeling very positive at the moment. Kids back at school, which only leaves the little one with me, so back to normality and now tackling the house which has been a bit neglected the last 8 weeks.

I will try to post again later.

Hi Trish, so nice to hear from you and great you are back on track now! I too find compliments can be a great distraction and leave me with a weird feeling that maybe, just maybe I have done enough until I check my weight and look in the mirror and know that I have more to lose. But I suppose from other people's point of view we already are half the person we used to be regardless of whether there are still some fatty deposits....
On my 2nd litre of water for the day!

Need to get a new sodastream gas thing as love the sodawater with flavouring!!

How's is going for everyone else?

I am doing ok so far. Just having my second pack of the day (mhh, Thai soup) and a big glass of water, which once finished will bring my intake to 2.5 litres.
I still feel very positive, another success today was that I threw the cheese leftovers from my little one's lunch straight in the bin, and was not tempted (as have been before) to just put it in my mouth. Who knows, maybe after the last week I have turned a corner. I really just want to finsish this diet properly. I will keep you posted how the afternoon goes. Family will get soup (ready bought) and french bread for dinner, minimum cooking involved and should keep me on the straight an narrow.
Helen - I was just lurking and saw that you are getting married on the Empire State Building in February! Have you been to NYC before in winter?

We were there this Feb for Valentine's Day and I have never been so cold. The day we went up ESB half of it was closed of due to wind chill and snow/ice.

Don't want to burst your bubble - just make sure you are prepared and have a warm wedding dress planned!

Good idea about the shopping though. Macys and Bloomingdales are fabulous! I didn't get to Saks but that will happen next year as I've already decided we need a return visit. But not in February!
Thanks Sandra, we're getting married on the 55th floor or 52nd can't remember which, then getting a cab to somewhere ot eat, possibly the Tavern on the Green in Central Park or the Waldorf (where we're staying) My dress isn't warm but I'll have something over it, and probably trainers on rather than shoes! I've not been to NY before, but I go to the states a lot as my brother lives there - although up until a couple of weeks ago it was Florida so quite warm, but I've been to Chicago and round there in March and that was freezing!!

Anyway just checking in am just starting my 3rd litre of water!
Well done Helen ....
sorry, I didn't check in again yesterday, the business of life just took over but just wondered how you all managed yesterday and also to let you know that I managed to stay 100% yesterday:D:D (despite my son bringing home a massive 150g bar swiss chocolate from school, which looked absolutely yummy, but I somehow managed to ignore it) I had about 4.75 litres of water and lots of tea and coffe (without milk!!!!!) and 4 foodpacks.

At the moment munching on my first pack of the day (nutcrunch with a cup of Mariegold) and think like yesterday I will just focus on today.

I had a chat with my LLC last Wednesday about this feeling of being in a bottomless pit regarding how long I will have to continue doing this, and we agreed that I should aim for 1 more month, with the viewpoint of then reviewing my situation. I find this really helpful (maybe that's the reason why I can do this again all of a sudden), one month doesn't seem like such a long time, and a bit like the initial 100 days gives me a date to focus on. She set me a target weight of 10st 8, which means I would be a healthy BMI, but I have always focused more on clothes size, so my goal still is a size 12. I am a size 14/-16 at the moment, so could possibly achieve a size 12 at or close to the one month target (if I do LL properly that is and don't mess about)

I don't know whether any of you would find this approach helpful. For me, it has really helped me focus again. I still find it difficult but somehow have the extra willpower to just say no.

So far today: 1 litre of water and one foodpack
Excellent Julia, I like the idea of taking it a stage at a time with smaller goals and reviewing, for me my initial goal was to be 12 stone and I'm 12 lbs away from that so I think a month is totally doable to get rid of those 12lbs, and then I'll review it from there.

So far this morning a strawberry and vanilla pack mixed and on my first litre of water.

Hi Helen!
great to hear you're on track so far today again!! I just had my second shake (Thai soup) and so far had 2.75 litres of water. I am really trying to aim more for the 5 litres than 4 at the moment (that's one way of feeling full;)).

Yes, I agree, 12 lbs should be achievable in a month as long as you stay on track. One month doesn't really sound like a long time. I actually made myself a little countdown chart (feel like a little child coutnign down to its birthday:p) but the plan is to hang it up at home and give myself a star for each good day but also to cross out each day and see how many are left. Now whether I will really go into management after this month I don't know yet but just having the option and the goal of a month somehow makes me a lot more relaxed.
Keep on drinking!!!
The chart idea sounds really cool, I might start that I know our LLC does it when she goes on it.

I'm on my 3rd litre, I'd love to do over 4 a day, but when I get home I just don't drink! but I've got some fizzy water so that would be quite nice actually with some ice and fruits of the forest flavouring.

so far had 3 litres and 2 foodpacks, and one really nice iced americano which tasted suspiciously sweet. But even if it did contain sugar (I hope it was sweetener, as assume they would have to declare sugar for diabetics) my intention was right and it didn't trigger any other cravings. Am planning on going out for a drink with DH and kids later as weather is really nice, but for me that means a nice cold sparkling water of course ;)
good morning!
Just a quick pop in before the family demands breakfast.
I have been 100% again yesterday, drank 5 litres of water and feel good.

How did you do Helen??

Just started my first litre of the day, and will have my first pack in about an hour with a nice black cup of coffee.

also so far managed to stay off the scales, as would like to be able to go back to once weekly weigh ins. Ithink I got too obssessed with weighin myself.

have a good day everyone!
Hi Julia, Hi Helen,
You two are doing well aren't you?
I've been 100% abstinent since Tuesday and I know I've lost the 7lb I gained over the last 3 weeks.
However the urge to binge is still lurking and I have to try very hard to keep myself busy and occupied to take my mind off things ....
How are you doing Eileen?
Talk later ....

Well I bolloxed that one up! Had a dominos pizza last night, not sure why, and it was pretty gross, which at least was good for one reason, it showed me that I haven't been missing pizza for the last 20 weeks and don't particularly want one again, I have to keep the feeling I had all last night and this morning of icky sluggish heavy stomach feeling.:jelous:

So even though I messed up I'm trying to take something positive from it that'll carry me through.

I have no idea what made me come of it last night, I was feeling so positive about everything the last couple of days but can't dwell have to move on.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

hi guys im glad your doing ok.Me & oh went out last night it was our 7th wedding annivarsary we had a meal i had grilled steak no sauce veg & about 5 chips. I had 2 large glasses of wine.It was really nice. But you know what was even nicer. I wore a dress thats been hanging in my wardrobe for 9 years, i felt like a million dollors.Im back to ll 100% today.Ive been shopping this afternoon & bought a few things, its great too be going too the shops again & enjoying it.
Trish its nice too see you back.
Welcome to another week. How is everyone? Helen and Eileen I hope you are back on track and have put your slip up behind you. You are right, we can only take these situations and learn from them, rather than beating ourselves up and starting the downward spiral of feeling guilty and a failure.

Well done Trish for getting back on the wagon, hope you have a good weighin result this week because of it!

I managed to stay 100% over the weekend, although on Saturday I was feeling the urge to snack on something so much that I had to ask DH to watch everything that is in the kitchen to make sure nothing just miraculously disappears… And also my foul mood around family mealtimes from the early LL days seems to have returned (maybe that means I am truly back in the swing of things ;)).

Also I bought myself a new blender over the weekend, and boy does it blend well. Ice crush and the lot. I had one of the most fabulous strawberry milkshakes (really tasted like one from the shops…) and homemade iced coffees. So my tip if you are really getting bored with the packs and need to feel like your treating yourself, invest in a good blender. ( wish I had bought one ages ago now).

So far I have had 1.5 litres of water and 1 foodpack and looking forward to my treat this afternoon ….

Wow, it's quiet on the forum lately....
I hope you are all doing ok.

I, after having been flying all week, came crushing down last night with a big bang:(. After spending hours with my daughter trying to do her homework, enduring her ever increasing frustration at me and her noisy siblings and the rest of the world (which somehow always seems to be against her), ending in a shouting match between the both of us while I was trying to bring the other 2 to bed, husband calling from work saying he will be home late as work is really busy (he finally collapsed into bed at 6am this morning!!!!!!! including working half the night from home) which meant I couldn't go to the meeting at my son's school, I just "collapsed" and after fighting my inner demons for about half an hour gave in.

DANGER - Food Talk

Now while not a mega binge by a long mile, it was without a doubt the most I have ever had unofficially (holidays excluded). It started with just a bit of cheese, then the leftover tuna mayonnaise, then a bit more cheese, then the rest of the tuna (as no point leaving the rest). Then while bringing daughter to bed (we did reconcile in the end) sneaking one of the cheese strings I found in the fridge... It was really weird I literally knew what I was doing but more like a 3rd person observer. And I just wanted to carry on... Next some seeds which were in the cupboard, and yes, more cheese, and more seeds and more cheese (you get the picture...) I even for the first time craved some carbs but managed to stay clear of them. I had my last pack in an attempt to get myself back to normal, and it somewhat helped (still had a few more seeds though).

Now while obviously abosolutely annoyed about last night, I will take it and learn from it and today is another day. I think the combination of stress, frustration, anger at not being able to go out and the feeling of being left alone to deal with the dreadful homework situation made me feel like "I can't cope anymore, I need something to eat to keep me goign", and it is definitely something I recognise from my pre LL days. And then when the kids were finally in bed I just felt empty and lonely, and did what I used to do, yep, eat. It was quite interesting to observe myself actually. Now I have to work out some coping strategies, and if I can manage to implement them 80% of the time I will be ok. I will have to do some serious analysing (and probably a though record, use the tools we have been given;))

So hoping the damage hasn't been too bad, I have mixed feelings about Wednesdays weigh in...