Starting LL in May

Morning trish im looking forward too my weigh in tonight, ive had quite a good week, not too much nibbling i dont think!I must admit its getting very hard for me now, i think its because im nearing the end of my ll journey.
Hi Eileen,

Good luck tonight - there's a lady in my group who only has 11lbs to lose and she had a hard few weeks but she said to herself to take it one week at a time and in a month she'll be rid of it.

As I have still 3 stone to lose (at least) it's as if I'm despairing I'll ever get there so it must be tempting when you get to that last stretch to think 'what the hell'! I'll be there one day so all the advice you can give me will be welcome.

Look at your goal and break it down into weekly chunks and see if that helps with the motivation?

I look at my final goal often when I'm tempted with 'oh sod it! is it worth it??' And usually I think yes it is worth it - for me!

Good luck tonight.

Trish x
well i lost 4.5 pounds so im pleased with that.Got the new flavered bars too, they are so yummy.Have you tried them?Good luck everyone for this week.
woohoo!! :D still not back on track but I lost 3lbs so that's cool!!

I stuck to it really well all week but ate at the weekend. But it worked so I think I may do that for abit, at the end of the day it works, for now!

1lb more and I've lost 4 stone!!

Well done Helen,
Whatever you're doing it's working. 3lbs off is great.

EILEEN - WOW!! 4.5 That's amazing!!!!! Now you know it's worth it, I presume?? It's inspiring me anyway. No need to sound nonchalant about it ...

My weighin's tomorrow so talk then.

Good luck to all

Trish x
Hi All!!
Great to hear from you! Well done Eileen and Helen for your losses:wow:
My weigh in is tonight. After a really tough week with good/mixed/and one bad day I would be pleased not to have put on, which would be the first time and would still upset me but I only have myself to blame.

I managed to stop myself from letting go completely and am focused again today.

It's weird though ,the closer management seems the more my inner child just kicks and screams rather than just get it over and done with...

Hope your weigh in goes well Trish!!
Well done Eileen and Helen on your losses, did you order the dress yet Helen?
My weight loss seem to have slowed down recently, managed 2.6 last week, and 1.8 this week. Well it's still in the right direction.
Good luck for today Julia, you should be due a good one this week Trish, fingers crossed for you both.
I ordered the dress earlier this week, I'm very excited by it all!!!

Got a US size 12 so a uk size 14. I lookes at the measurements online and if anything the US size is a bit more roomy than the UK size not much but still is a little bit more forgiving!!

I can do size 14 trousers up although don't want to risk doing anything but standing stil lin them, but I still think I'm very very close to being a 14 which I'm really happy aobut, just wish I could stop focusing on the bits of my body i don't like, like my upper arms and floppy tummy!!

Drumroll.... I lost 3 lbs this week and am just sooooooo happy. I am getting closer and closer to goal. I have to say that it is getting harder by the day and those voices in my head are working overtime but as long as I can control them for most of the time I will be ok.

so another week for me, taking it day by day.
Well done Julia, keeps you motivated doesn't it?
Can't wait to hear about the dress when it arrives, I so hope it's as wonderful for you as it looks, be sure to let us all know, Helen, won't you.?
My dress arrived yesterday and is amazing!! So much fuller than I thought which is cool coz I thought i'd have to buy an underskirt, it's got quite a bit of boning too, so I've got to meet with the corset woman and see if I even need one, altohugh it would be good to have one to make sure everything is up where it belongs!!

Going for a spray tan on Thursday and then found out after I booked it I won a comp to get 2 free was meant to be one for me and one for a friend but sod that!!! brown flab looks so much better than pasty!!

Hi everyone how you all doing? Im struggling with my last stone i keep nibbling.I think its because i feel ok with myself im buying lots of clothes & getting lots of good comments from people.I know if i stop now ill be dissapoited with myself so i must keep going.I went too get measured for a new bra yesterday i didnt know different makes & styles made so much difference.Each shop i went into i changed size!!!!!!!!I must have tryed on 50 pairs of boots its a great feeling when they zip up.I just love shopping.
Hi Eileen and all the May starters,
Sorry I've not been around I'm not sticking to things so don't feel I have too much to offer.
You've done so well, Eileen it would be a shame not to lose that last stone. I'll do the next stone with you if you like? I could do with a kick up the proverbial as I'm stuck and need to find the motivation to lose my last 3!!
Hope everyone's well??
Hi Trish its nice too hear from you. Yes lets help each other.Today ive done well no nibbling, im dreading teatime as im making a stir fry.Think ill go in the bath while they are eating.
Hi Eileen,
You are good! I find it really difficult to not nibble when I'm cooking and as I don't have kids I ask himself to cook what he wants and I go and have a soak like you.
So far so good today, though I have workmen in (new boiler) and had to say no to the choccy bics. I can't say I wasn't tempted.
Whenever I 'stray' - as I have been doing a lot recently, the only way for me to get back on track is to look at where I want to be and really imprint on my mind what that will mean in terms of new clothes etc etc.
You're so near now Eileen, maybe you could break it down into how long it would take - realistically - to lose it and mark it off on your calendar? Not sure but I'm glad I came and saw your comment - I know I'm not alone today.

Talk soon and good luck with the stir fry. Why not get someone else to serve it up?
Hi Trish im doing well so far today, its my weigh in soon.You did well too say no too the biscuits.
I think with me im finding it hard as im quite happy as i am, im in a 14 & feel healthy so i think the need i had at the begining isnt there anymore.