Starting my slim and save journey 1st jan 2014 if the pack arrives by then...

Was luvly ended up having original ostmeal as pizza base n cheesy pasta as toppin with bit of cualiflower n mushrooms n onion on top of the pziza and then a handful of swede chips n also a choch pancake was lush witb tiny amount of egg white day 58 down x
Day 59: chilli, spag bol, cheesy pasta and mushroom pasta with swede chips, green pepper and mushrooms n bit of kale...:) xx
Hey hun think it went orite they sed they wil get back in touch with me sometime nx week so nw the waiting game has strted...also found out tht our campaign is abt to shut down last day 17th of this month n then on monday wil find out if they wil put me on another campaign or not so its waiting game frm bth ends so its stressfull n nerve wrecking to say the least....:( feel upset fat bloated etc...reli strugglin with the water intake te ridiculus dno y i actually like water so dno wts goin on there been doin simplicity past few days..fingers crossed for sunday mum goes ma hips r js as big as before and she doesnt believe tht i can nw fit into the odd one or two size ten jeans :( n size eight tops...even after gettin ma sis to sort of bk me up....reli pissed me off n upset me...been on this 59 days includin the days off tht iv had...its reli depressin as i am honestly tryin ma best n it is hard nuf nt bein able to eat mumz indian food rather then s n s style foods....its reli nt nyc wen u dnt av the sipport wen i mke the food in front of her and eat the stuff too so its nt as doe i have time to sneak jna damn take awya or wteva....;( hmm sori for the rant have been positive these past few days js tdai wit the job situation n dude situation has reli upset me....this dude e was proper into me few days ago...past two days ez been off witth me...js msged me sayin tht e will xplain evrything to me n tht lot has happened in the past two days no idea wt thho n no idea if ez even gna ring me bt this the last time im contactin him again im gna leave him to it upto to get in touch wit me bt i js wish e wudnt play mind games with me n if ez nt into me enmre or wteva then e shd js b straight up n tel me i told him too e seems too gd to b true first time mutal attraction seemed to be there so no idea think iv gt dude repellent on me or sumat lool....n for once e dint even seem like a rude boi wanabe like....??? oh i dnt kno life sux rite abt nw n dont seem to b shrinkin quick nuf at alll....sight tthts me done for tdai...sory guys xx luvya xx

Even tumble doesnt seem to like me much rite abt nw bt tht mite b coz iv js had him neutured so e doesnt let me tocuh him much lol no idea hpe e gets orite soo. Thrt neuring helsp them become more effectionate seems to have doen the opposite to him loool....nw tht is saying sumt i js dnt get wher i go rong....:s fml xx
Day 60: one bar
Two shakes
One soup

I am determines to have mostly a liquid day tdai tmo n sat fingers crossed...wil giv me a chance to try the soups finally lolz see hw tht goes n then have a lifestyle day on sunday hpefully aftwr weigh in day hehe xx
Aw hun! Firstly I think mother's have an inbuilt thing in them to say stuff like that, I don't think they mean it that way. Mine was exactly the same I it used to really upset me! It's like she knew exactly what to say to get under my skin but don't think she fully meant it to hurt me and I'm sure yours is the same!

As for the job, it could be the very best thing to ever happen to you. Take it from me I was made redundant last summer and honestly it's been a blessing in disguise, it's made me really think about what I wanna do with myself. You could end up meeting the man of your dreams in a new job :p
don't invest too much time in a guy that blows hot and cold, you're a gorgeous girl and he should be tripping over himself to make you feel special not making you feel unsure of things before they've even begun!

Day 60! Well done!x
Aw hun! Firstly I think mother's have an inbuilt thing in them to say stuff like that, I don't think they mean it that way. Mine was exactly the same I it used to really upset me! It's like she knew exactly what to say to get under my skin but don't think she fully meant it to hurt me and I'm sure yours is the same! As for the job, it could be the very best thing to ever happen to you. Take it from me I was made redundant last summer and honestly it's been a blessing in disguise, it's made me really think about what I wanna do with myself. You could end up meeting the man of your dreams in a new job :p don't invest too much time in a guy that blows hot and cold, you're a gorgeous girl and he should be tripping over himself to make you feel special not making you feel unsure of things before they've even begun! Day 60! Well done!x
Rite well w did xplain yday n e did say sori n wed his mother was in a n e over nite so wil it into account lol...this waitin game for jobs is piss take tho whdv been orite if i knew for defo lol....hmm i thrt mum wud b proud of me lol rite iv chnged me mind again gna av mild curry with mix of cauli rice n zero rice see hw tht comes out like with spinach and mushrooms n onions b pepper gna try n mke it to 100g of veg nt the full 200g....with a dollop of yogurt hw does one mke the zero rice ne nycer? Ne suggestions? Tried the noodles was do wna try n bulk out the curry pack cz wil b avin two shakes for dessert as a paste....puddin yum have had a choc n cononut bar so far heh n 50ml of water fosh thhts mothing inir lool do need to invest in a new water bottle i think coz the old one has been over used n tastes funi mw even after washinn it out with liquid lol xx js hpe e aint all talk n no action cz hate thhem kinda ppl i dnt mind wasting me time if its sumt we tried n dint wrk out bt wudnt wna waste time on sum one hu says wil try n then e dnt if tht mkes sense lol x
Js hope e aint alll talk n no action cz hate ppl like tht i dnt mind wasting time if sumat dint wrk out after trying bt dnt like wasting time if sum one says they wil do sumt n then they dnt do it if tht mkes sense lol x
My mother still drives me mad at 50 - they always say the wrong thing. I think there are a lot of us who are really proud of you though. I have to confess at the beginning I didn't think you would be here at day 60 battling away but you proved me wrong. You have a great deal of determination even with less than average losses you have kept plodding on and I'm now sure that you are going to finish the job.

And don't be messed around but maybe give him a second chance. If it's meant to be it will work out - used to annoy me when my mum said that but turns out she was right on that one!!
:clap: You're doing great!
My mother still drives me mad at 50 - they always say the wrong thing. I think there are a lot of us who are really proud of you though. I have to confess at the beginning I didn't think you would be here at day 60 battling away but you proved me wrong. You have a great deal of determination even with less than average losses you have kept plodding on and I'm now sure that you are going to finish the job. And don't be messed around but maybe give him a second chance. If it's meant to be it will work out - used to annoy me when my mum said that but turns out she was right on that one!! :clap: You're doing great!
Thanku clin aww lol no worries i wasnt sure maslef tht i wud last thing long lol so iv suprised meself lol n yh tru im tryin to think along wts ment to b wil b in regards to dudes n jobs hehe js tht it tkes me ages to trust guys these days espec after last ex. N after bein done over so mny times lol haha...been told iam too nyc lol im bankinnon these two jobs for nw n see what apens with both of them lolz...gna stay determined and optimstic regardless of what apens lol diet wise, jobwise and dude wise hehe....means alot wne u guys say ur proudof me hehe cz i dnt get ne of this at hme haha....i have also decided on ma nx day off nx friday in time for sat i will b havin a tuna wrap with turkey n salad in the wrap for lunch n a slice of bread for brekkie and um dno wt to av for din dins as yet lol bt see what apens lol xx lukin forwrd to nx sat n tri after n the final weekend of march hehe xx
Day 60 update ended up avin mild curry, spinach mushroom pepper slim rice n cauli rice with cottage pie nx to it with bit fo yogurt yum n a caramel shake was lush was upset abt the job offer bt ahit apens n life goes on
Hmmm i dno hope so...fingers crossed gooin to hear gd news on monday js need one person out of the five possibles ****in off lol as there is onli four positions going ???? ffs x
Day 61: two shakes ( double pancake) hopefully and then one mild curry if can find one lying round lol if not...then gna b cheesy pasta and either cottage pie or spag bol see what i can find lol gna av to place a order over this weekend sumtime lol to restock on the spag bols, spicy spag, bonafee porridge and porridges hehe n a few bars the thing is tho dnt wna order n then find tht jv lost the job lol decisions decision unels si wait til monday evening to order as by then will know wher i am standing..? Xx
Rite have had a **** day at wrk js wna av me fag n walk it hme and js eat in peace and js flex this weekend before D day on monday :( xx
:( bt soo was lookinf. Forward to seeing the tens and all the time weneva iv been on iv nva seen much of a diff on the scales after wards either :( urghh x