Total Solution Starting on Monday 8 October!!

Oooo party! Many congrats to your little man. I remember my 5th birthday very well. I'm pretty chipper today. Spent yesterday sorting things out. OH ok but he said there was 2 foot of snow in Northumberland, came over his wellies. I've been using up my slim n save trial pack but I'm mega dizzy and loss has slowed so back to Exante tomorrow which I'm looking forward to because they taste nicer to me. You are doing amazingly and have so much control you'll be back into the swing in no time. Hope you had a great day and I'm sure he loved his cake. X
I've just looked up minecraft, what a lovely idea having a world to escape to.. I hadn't heard of it before.
Morning Diva, how ya diddlin?
Hi honey, been a bit of a mad morning! Huw wasn't too bad getting into school today, though he HAD to scoot....on ice and snow.....with me holding on!!! I then had a pupil and now have a mini coffee break before pick up at lunchtime! Hows you? He loves mine craft and creating his own landscapes etc (it can be quite addictive!) and he did love his cake. (OH took a slab into work for his colleagues, and my parents took a slab back for the cousins which left us just under half!!) I'm so glad you're feeling better - it helps with the plan doesn't it, if you're feeling crap then the desire to eat crap intensifies!! also glad theOH is ok, despite the snow!
I'm sticking with exante as it seems to be working and I generally like the food! (except the soups....) and if you're happy then stick with it - no dizzy spells and falling over please!
off to make a guilt free caramel coffee :)
ttfn hon XXX
Hope your day improves Diva. Guilt free caramel coffee? Do tell! I'm still 100% and have started a diary too so I can burble on without clogging up anyone's thread and see my progress. Snow snow snow means I've been stuck in for 2 days and I'm going potty. Broken right arm makes housework tricky and frustrating. I've watched far too much telly. Vets with my Labrador this afternoon. That's about it for me. Had yummy Exante porridge for breaky and a pint of coffee. Have fun hon! Careful on the slippy pavements.
Morning Diva, hope today is a good one. Sun is out!
hellooo! bought some caramel coffee, and some calorie/sugar free caramel dip stuff - et voila guilt free caramel coffee! (tried a bit of the dip in a vanilla shake and it tasted like butterscotch angel delight!)
Got a friend over today so looking forward to a good catch up :) Hope your arm is mending well - be careful with that housework! I'll pop on over and peek at your diary - always helpful to me to see others doing the same thing :) WI tomorrow morning tho feeling a bit pre totm-y so not sure whether there'll be any loss....
Have a goooood day ttfn XX
Hi diva, sounds yummy. Arm is mending but annoying. Housework? What housework :) place is a tip grrrr
good luck for WI. Fingers crossed for u. Off to work for me. X
well. Stayed the same this week but kinda figured I would! will measure later but with totm approaching that may not be such a good idea!!
Tried the pancake thing with no egg - just the porridge mix and water to the right works! at least gives you the feeling of having a treat when you are in fact just eating the sachet!
Huw has a party to go to today so he's quite excited!
happy sunday ttfn XX
Hi Diva, don't worry hon, it's your first sts, I think that's fantastic. It'll be water anyway, especially because of totm! Hard to believe its 16 weeks already and your loss so far is incredible! I've got to try the pancakes, how do you stop them sticking? Hope Huw had a great party and you had a bit of time to yourself?
Thankyou for your super support Angel :) I did sts over Christmas but kind of counted that as a loss cos I didn't put on! (skewed logic I know!) Going to be super strict this week and see if I can't get 1/2 stone off (totm should help if it hurries up!!!)
Huw had a great time - he does't socialise at school so it's wonderful to see him do so at parties :) They had a play bus - soft play, ball pool, slide etc all in the bus which comes to you! kids loved it.
I stop the pancakes sticking by spraying the pan with a little oil, wiping it off then making sure the heat is up enough. I also have a good non stick pan!
Coffee, porridge then drop off and teaching this morning. Ttfn all XXX
Now Diva you did let Huw get chance on the slides and ball pit didnt you, I have visions of you rampaging around like a kid again after your massive weight loss. Did the kids get a look in ? :) Thanks for the pancake tip, will def give a go.. Have fun ! Time for bed for me....
night night X
SSDD but its ok. all's good. X
SSDD? How is today going?
Same s**t different day! Been a bit of an up and down day. Not good for a diet!! Not been too bad so no damage limitation required :) needed a hug this afternoon! Trying a hot strawberry now and an early night. Hope your days been ok hon. X
Ah, good acronym. Hope you got the hug you needed, sending you a mental one to let you know everything will be alright. :bighug: how did you like the hot strawberry? I just had porridge with a hint of banana because hubby made his shake then my porridge. It was yummy. This 4.5lbs is proving stubborn though. Yesterday I slept mostly. Pooch was at the vets with his bad ear again. Today I'm left to my own devices but have to rest my arm because its bugging me.

Ay concerts in the pipeline?
Hi Diva, how's your day been?
Hi hon-been a busy day but better than yesterday thankyou :) and the hug was much appreciated x I do hope pooch is feeling better? Do rest your arm-it will be mended soon enough-make the most of resting (not cleaning kitchens!!). I can understand it getting frustrating but it won't be long.
I have a concert in April which I'm sorting out getting music for at the mo-in Warwick. Should be fun!
Sending hugs and calm vibes. X
Goooood morning Diva! Glad things are good for you. Concert in Warwick, it a gorgeous place. Hope it all goes swimmingly for you. It was lovely to see the clean kitchen floor this morning but the bathrooms can wait! My body must've been in overdrive because I lost another 1.5 pretty much overnight. :). Snow is gone, spring on the way! Strawberry then coffee for me. X